blob: 85109ba8d7c2a2e0349a6a82f96f3da8434a9abf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Interface: clk_rst_if
// Generic clock and reset interface for clock events in various utilities
// It also generates o_clk and o_rst_n signals for driving clk and rst_n in the tb. The advantage is
// clk and rst_n can be completely controlled in course of the simulation.
// This interface provides methods to set freq/period, wait for clk/rst_n, apply rst_n among other
// things. See individual method descriptions below.
// inout clk
// inout rst_n
interface clk_rst_if #(
parameter string IfName = "main"
) (
inout clk,
inout rst_n
// include macros and import pkgs
`include "dv_macros.svh"
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
import uvm_pkg::*;
import common_ifs_pkg::*;
// Enables clock to be generated and driven by this interface.
bit drive_clk;
// The internal output clock value.
logic o_clk;
// Enables the rst_n to be generated and driven by this interface.
bit drive_rst_n;
// The internal output reset value.
logic o_rst_n;
// Applies clock gating.
bit clk_gate = 1'b0;
// The nominal (chosen) frequency (as period in ps) of the driven clock (50MHz by default).
int clk_period_ps = 20_000;
// The variation of clock period (mimics uncalibrated clocks), to scale the nominal frequency
// down. If set to non-zero value, the clock frequency is scaled randomly on every edge.
int clk_freq_scaling_pc = 0;
// The percentage chance of freq scaled down randomly on each edge.
int clk_freq_scaling_chance_pc = 50;
// Clock frequency is scaled down. This enables the frequency to be randomly scaled up as well.
// Note: If set, the randomness of the clock frequency being scaled up or down may result in a
// bigger frequency distribution than the intended clk_freq_scaling_pc setting. For example, 50MHz
// with 10% scaling may result in pulses that are < 45MHz and > 55MHz wide as well.
bit clk_freq_scale_up = 1'b0;
// The computed clock frequency in MHz.
real clk_freq_mhz = 50;
// The duty cycle of the clock period as percentage. If jitter and scaling is applied, then the
// duty cycle will not be maintained.
int duty_cycle = 50;
// Maximum jitter applied to each period of the clock - this is expected to be about 20% or less
// than the clock period.
// The jitter is divided to two values - plus-jitter and minus-jitter.
// Plus jitter is the possible time can be added to the clock period, while the minus jittter is
// the possible time can be subtracted from the clock period.
// _________
// _____:_| : : |_:_______
// The actual jitter value is picked randomly within the window
// {[-max_minus_jitter_ps:max_plus_jitter_ps]}
// and is added to the time to next edge.
int max_plus_jitter_ps = 1000;
int max_minus_jitter_ps = 1000;
// The percentage chance of jitter occurring on each edge. If 0 (default value), then jitter is
// disabled altogether. If 100, jitter is computed and applied at every edge.
int jitter_chance_pc = 0;
// Internal signal indicating the clock half periods need to be recomputed.
bit recompute = 1'b1;
// Internal signal indicating the amount of time for which the clock stays high / lo in the next
// cycle.
int clk_hi_ps;
int clk_lo_ps;
real clk_hi_modified_ps;
real clk_lo_modified_ps;
// If true, this is the only clock in the system; there is no need to add initial jitter.
bit sole_clock = 1'b0;
// use IfName as a part of msgs to indicate which clk_rst_vif instance
string msg_id = $sformatf("[%m(clk_rst_if):%s]", IfName);
clocking cb @(posedge clk);
clocking cbn @(negedge clk);
// Wait for 'n' clocks based of postive clock edge
task automatic wait_clks(int num_clks);
repeat (num_clks) @cb;
// Wait for 'n' clocks based of negative clock edge
task automatic wait_n_clks(int num_clks);
repeat (num_clks) @cbn;
// Wait for 'num_clks' clocks based on the positive clock edge or reset, whichever comes first.
task automatic wait_clks_or_rst(int num_clks);
wait_for_reset(.wait_negedge(1'b1), .wait_posedge(1'b0));
// wait for rst_n to assert and then deassert
task automatic wait_for_reset(bit wait_negedge = 1'b1, bit wait_posedge = 1'b1);
if (wait_negedge && ($isunknown(rst_n) || rst_n === 1'b1)) @(negedge rst_n);
if (wait_posedge && (rst_n === 1'b0)) @(posedge rst_n);
// set the clk frequency in khz
function automatic void set_freq_khz(int freq_khz);
clk_freq_mhz = $itor(freq_khz) / 1000;
clk_period_ps = 1000_000 / clk_freq_mhz;
recompute = 1'b1;
// set the clk frequency in mhz
function automatic void set_freq_mhz(int freq_mhz);
set_freq_khz(freq_mhz * 1000);
// Set the clk frequency scaling, chance in percentage and scaling up.
// freq_scaling_pc is a positive integer that determines by what amount (as percentage of the
// nominal frequency) is the frequency scaled (jittered) down.
// freq_scaling_chance_pc is a percentage number between 0 and 100 that determines how often is
// the scaling randomly recomputed and applied.
// freq_scale_up is a bit that enables the random scaling up of the frequency as well.
function automatic void set_freq_scaling(int freq_scaling_pc, int freq_scaling_chance_pc = 50,
bit freq_scale_up = 1'b0);
`DV_CHECK_FATAL(freq_scaling_pc >= 0, , msg_id)
`DV_CHECK_FATAL(freq_scaling_chance_pc inside {[0:100]}, , msg_id)
clk_freq_scaling_pc = freq_scaling_pc;
clk_freq_scaling_chance_pc = freq_scaling_chance_pc;
clk_freq_scale_up = freq_scale_up;
// Enables the clock and reset to be driven.
function automatic void set_active(bit drive_clk_val = 1'b1, bit drive_rst_n_val = 1'b1);
drive_clk = drive_clk_val;
drive_rst_n = drive_rst_n_val;
// set the clk period in ps
function automatic void set_period_ps(int period_ps);
clk_period_ps = period_ps;
clk_freq_mhz = 1000_000 / clk_period_ps;
recompute = 1'b1;
// set the duty cycle (1-99)
function automatic void set_duty_cycle(int duty);
`DV_CHECK_FATAL(duty inside {[1:99]}, , msg_id)
duty_cycle = duty;
recompute = 1'b1;
// set maximum jitter in ps, separating the plus jitter and the minus jitter.
// In default the plus and minus jitters are the same.
function automatic void set_max_jitter_ps(int plus_jitter_ps,
int minus_jitter_ps = plus_jitter_ps);
max_plus_jitter_ps = plus_jitter_ps;
max_minus_jitter_ps = minus_jitter_ps;
// set jitter chance in percentage (0 - 100)
// 0 - dont add any jitter; 100 - add jitter on every clock edge
function automatic void set_jitter_chance_pc(int jitter_chance);
`DV_CHECK_FATAL(jitter_chance inside {[0:100]}, , msg_id)
jitter_chance_pc = jitter_chance;
// Set whether this is the only clock in the system. If true, various bits of timing randomisation
// are disabled. If there's no other clock to (de)synchronise with, this should not weaken the
// test at all.
function automatic void set_sole_clock(bit is_sole = 1'b1);
sole_clock = is_sole;
// start / ungate the clk
task automatic start_clk(bit wait_for_posedge = 1'b0);
clk_gate = 1'b0;
if (wait_for_posedge) wait_clks(1);
// stop / gate the clk
function automatic void stop_clk();
clk_gate = 1'b1;
// Scales the clock frequency up and down on every edge.
function automatic void apply_freq_scaling();
real scaling;
real mult = $urandom_range(0, int'(clk_freq_scale_up)) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
if ($urandom_range(1, 100) <= clk_freq_scaling_chance_pc) begin
scaling = 1.0 + mult * real'($urandom_range(0, clk_freq_scaling_pc)) / 100;
clk_hi_modified_ps = clk_hi_ps * scaling;
scaling = 1.0 + mult * real'($urandom_range(0, clk_freq_scaling_pc)) / 100;
clk_lo_modified_ps = clk_lo_ps * scaling;
// Applies jitter to clk_hi and clk_lo half periods based on jitter_chance_pc.
function automatic void apply_jitter();
int jitter;
int plus_jitter;
int minus_jitter;
if ($urandom_range(1, 100) <= jitter_chance_pc) begin
plus_jitter = $urandom_range(0, max_plus_jitter_ps/2);
minus_jitter = $urandom_range(0, max_minus_jitter_ps/2);
jitter = ($urandom_range(0, 1) ? plus_jitter : (-1 * minus_jitter));
clk_hi_modified_ps = clk_hi_ps + jitter;
if ($urandom_range(1, 100) <= jitter_chance_pc) begin
plus_jitter = $urandom_range(0, max_plus_jitter_ps/2);
minus_jitter = $urandom_range(0, max_minus_jitter_ps/2);
jitter = ($urandom_range(0, 1) ? plus_jitter : (-1 * minus_jitter));
clk_lo_modified_ps = clk_lo_ps + jitter;
// can be used to override clk/rst pins, e.g. at the beginning of the simulation
task automatic drive_rst_pin(logic val = 1'b0);
o_rst_n = val;
// apply reset with specified scheme
// Note: for power on reset, please ensure pre_reset_dly_clks is set to 0
task automatic apply_reset(int pre_reset_dly_clks = 0,
int reset_width_clks = $urandom_range(50, 100),
int post_reset_dly_clks = 0,
rst_scheme_e rst_n_scheme = RstAssertAsyncDeassertSync);
int dly_ps;
dly_ps = $urandom_range(0, clk_period_ps);
case (rst_n_scheme)
RstAssertSyncDeassertSync: begin
o_rst_n <= 1'b0;
o_rst_n <= 1'b1;
RstAssertAsyncDeassertSync: begin
#(dly_ps * 1ps);
o_rst_n <= 1'b0;
o_rst_n <= 1'b1;
RstAssertAsyncDeassertASync: begin
#(dly_ps * 1ps);
o_rst_n <= 1'b0;
dly_ps = $urandom_range(0, clk_period_ps);
#(dly_ps * 1ps);
o_rst_n <= 1'b1;
default: begin
`dv_fatal($sformatf("rst_n_scheme %0d not supported", rst_n_scheme), msg_id)
// clk gen
initial begin
// start driving clk only after the first por reset assertion. The fork/join means that we'll
// wait a whole number of clock periods, which means it's possible for the clock to synchronise
// with the "expected" timestamps.
bit done;
// Wait a short time after reset before starting to drive the clock.
o_clk = 1'b0;
done = 1'b1;
while (!done) #(clk_period_ps * 1ps);
// If there might be multiple clocks in the system, wait another (randomised) short time to
// desynchronise.
if (!sole_clock) #($urandom_range(0, clk_period_ps) * 1ps);
forever begin
if (recompute) begin
clk_hi_ps = clk_period_ps * duty_cycle / 100;
clk_lo_ps = clk_period_ps - clk_hi_ps;
clk_hi_modified_ps = clk_hi_ps;
clk_lo_modified_ps = clk_lo_ps;
recompute = 1'b0;
if (clk_freq_scaling_pc && clk_freq_scaling_chance_pc) apply_freq_scaling();
if (jitter_chance_pc) apply_jitter();
#(clk_lo_modified_ps * 1ps);
if (!clk_gate) o_clk = 1'b1;
#(clk_hi_modified_ps * 1ps);
o_clk = 1'b0;
assign clk = drive_clk ? o_clk : 1'bz;
assign rst_n = drive_rst_n ? o_rst_n : 1'bz;