blob: 48f05514e0bc1daefdcd4abbb73bb5acd0f42687 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// The overall clock manager
`include ""
clks_attr = cfg['clocks']
srcs = clks_attr['srcs']
module clkmgr import clkmgr_pkg::*; (
// Primary module control clocks and resets
// This drives the register interface
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// System clocks and resets
// These are the source clocks for the system
% for src in srcs:
input clk_${src['name']}_i,
% if src['aon'] == 'no':
input rst_${src['name']}_ni,
% endif
% endfor
// Resets for derived clocks
// clocks are derived locally
% for src in div_srcs:
input rst_${src['name']}_ni,
% endfor
// Bus Interface
input tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_i,
output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_o,
// pwrmgr interface
input pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_clk_req_t pwr_i,
output pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_clk_rsp_t pwr_o,
// dft interface
input clk_dft_t dft_i,
// idle hints
input [${len(hint_clks)-1}:0] idle_i,
// clock output interface
% for intf in export_clks:
output clkmgr_${intf}_out_t clocks_${intf}_o,
% endfor
output clkmgr_out_t clocks_o
// Register Interface
clkmgr_reg_pkg::clkmgr_reg2hw_t reg2hw;
clkmgr_reg_pkg::clkmgr_hw2reg_t hw2reg;
clkmgr_reg_top u_reg (
// Divided clocks
% for src in div_srcs:
logic clk_${src['name']}_i;
% endfor
% for src in div_srcs:
prim_clock_div #(
) u_${src['name']}_div (
% endfor
// Feed through clocks
// Feed through clocks do not actually need to be in clkmgr, as they are
// completely untouched. The only reason they are here is for easier
// bundling management purposes through clocks_o
% for k,v in ft_clks.items():
assign clocks_o.${k} = clk_${v}_i;
% endfor
// Root gating
logic wait_enable;
logic wait_disable;
logic en_status_d;
logic dis_status_d;
logic [1:0] en_status_q;
logic [1:0] dis_status_q;
logic clk_status;
% for src in rg_srcs:
logic clk_${src}_root;
logic clk_${src}_en;
% endfor
% for src in rg_srcs:
prim_clock_gating_sync u_${src}_cg (
% endfor
// an async AND of all the synchronized enables
// return feedback to pwrmgr only when all clocks are enabled
assign wait_enable =
% for src in rg_srcs:
% if loop.last:
% else:
clk_${src}_en &
% endif
% endfor
// an async OR of all the synchronized enables
// return feedback to pwrmgr only when all clocks are disabled
assign wait_disable =
% for src in rg_srcs:
% if loop.last:
% else:
clk_${src}_en |
% endif
% endfor
// Sync clkmgr domain for feedback to pwrmgr.
// Since the signal is combo / converged on the other side, de-bounce
// the signal prior to output
prim_flop_2sync #(
) u_roots_en_status_sync (
prim_flop_2sync #(
) u_roots_or_sync (
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
en_status_q <= '0;
dis_status_q <= '0;
clk_status <= '0;
end else begin
en_status_q <= {en_status_q[0], en_status_d};
dis_status_q <= {dis_status_q[0], dis_status_d};
if (&en_status_q) begin
clk_status <= 1'b1;
end else if (|dis_status_q == '0) begin
clk_status <= 1'b0;
assign pwr_o.clk_status = clk_status;
// Clocks with only root gate
% for k,v in rg_clks.items():
assign clocks_o.${k} = clk_${v}_root;
% endfor
// Software direct control group
% for k in sw_clks:
logic ${k}_sw_en;
% endfor
% for k,v in sw_clks.items():
prim_flop_2sync #(
) u_${k}_sw_en_sync (
prim_clock_gating u_${k}_cg (
.en_i(${k}_sw_en & clk_${v}_en),
% endfor
// Software hint group
// The idle hint feedback is assumed to be synchronous to the
// clock target
% for k in hint_clks:
logic ${k}_hint;
logic ${k}_en;
% endfor
% for k,v in hint_clks.items():
assign ${k}_en = ${k}_hint | ~idle_i[${v["name"].capitalize()}];
prim_flop_2sync #(
) u_${k}_hint_sync (
prim_clock_gating u_${k}_cg (
.en_i(${k}_en & clk_${v["src"]}_en),
% endfor
// state readback
% for k,v in hint_clks.items():
assign hw2reg.clk_hints_status.${k} = 1'b1;
assign hw2reg.clk_hints_status.${k}_val.d = ${k}_en;
% endfor
// Exported clocks
% for intf, eps in export_clks.items():
% for ep, clks in eps.items():
% for clk in clks:
assign clocks_${intf}_o.clk_${intf}_${ep}_${clk} = clocks_o.clk_${clk};
% endfor
% endfor
% endfor
// Assertions
endmodule // clkmgr