blob: 7ccf824d9b622492205d27ff8112aafcea931b21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SHA3 padding logic
`include ""
module sha3pad
import sha3_pkg::*;
parameter bit EnMasking = 0,
localparam int Share = (EnMasking) ? 2 : 1
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// Message interface (FIFO)
input msg_valid_i,
input [MsgWidth-1:0] msg_data_i [Share],
input [MsgStrbW-1:0] msg_strb_i, // one strobe for shares
output logic msg_ready_o,
// N, S: Used in cSHAKE mode only
input [NSRegisterSize*8-1:0] ns_data_i, // See sha3_pkg for details
// output to keccak_round: message path
output logic keccak_valid_o,
output logic [KeccakMsgAddrW-1:0] keccak_addr_o,
output logic [MsgWidth-1:0] keccak_data_o [Share],
input logic keccak_ready_i,
// keccak_round control and status
// `run` initiates the keccak_round to process full keccak_f (24rounds).
// `complete` is an input from keccak round showing the current keccak_f is
// completed.
output logic keccak_run_o,
input keccak_complete_i,
// configurations
input sha3_mode_e mode_i,
// strength_i is used in bytepad operation. bytepad() is used in cSHAKE only.
// SHA3, SHAKE doesn't have encode_N,S
input keccak_strength_e strength_i,
// control signal
// start_i is a pulse signal triggers the padding logic (and the rest of SHA)
// to accept the incoming messages. This signal is used in the pad module,
// to initiate the prefix transmitting to keccak_round
input start_i,
// process_i is a pulse signal triggers the pad logic to stop receiving the
// message from MSG_FIFO and pad the trailing bits specified in the SHA3
// standard. Look at `funcpad` signal for the values.
input process_i,
// done_i is a pulse signal to make the pad logic to clear internal variables
// and to move back to the Idle state for next hashing process.
// done_i may not needed if sw controls the keccak_round directly.
input done_i,
// Indication of the Keccak Sponge Absorbing is complete, it is time for SW to
// control the Keccak-round if it needs more digest, or complete by asserting
// `done_i`
output logic absorbed_o,
// Life cycle
input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_escalate_en_i,
// Indication that there was a fault in the sparse encoding
output logic sparse_fsm_error_o,
// Indication that there was a fault in the counter
output logic msg_count_error_o
// Definitions //
// Padding States
// Encoding generated with:
// $ ./util/design/ -d 3 -m 10 -n 7 \
// -s 1116691466 --language=sv
// Hamming distance histogram:
// 0: --
// 1: --
// 2: --
// 3: |||||||||||||||||||| (42.22%)
// 4: |||||||||||||||||| (40.00%)
// 5: ||||| (11.11%)
// 6: || (4.44%)
// 7: | (2.22%)
// Minimum Hamming distance: 3
// Maximum Hamming distance: 7
// Minimum Hamming weight: 2
// Maximum Hamming weight: 5
localparam int StateWidthPad = 7;
typedef enum logic [StateWidthPad-1:0] {
StPadIdle = 7'b1000010,
// Sending a block of prefix, if cSHAKE mode is turned on. For the rest
// (SHA3, SHAKE), sending prefix is not needed. FSM moves from Idle to
// Message directly in that case.
// As prim_slicer is instantiated, zerofill after the actual prefix is done
// by the module.
StPrefix = 7'b0111100,
StPrefixWait =7'b1001100,
// Sending Message. In this state, it directly forwards the incoming data
// to Keccak round module. If `process_i` is asserted, then the rest of the
// messages will be discarded until new `start_i` is asserted.
// The incoming data can be partial write. Padding logic counts the number
// of bytes received and pause if a block size is transferred.
StMessage = 7'b0100101,
StMessageWait = 7'b0001111,
// After sending the messages, then `process_i` is set, the FSM pads at the
// end of the message based on `mode_i`. If this is the last byte of the
// block, then it pads [7] to 1 to complete `pad10*1()` function.
StPad = 7'b1111010,
StPadRun = 7'b0011001,
// If the padding isn't the end of the block byte (which will be rare case),
// FSM moves to another zerofill state. In contrast to StZerofill, this state
StPad01 = 7'b1101001,
// Flushing the internal packers in front of the Keccak data output port.
StPadFlush = 7'b1010111,
StTerminalError = 7'b0110011
} pad_st_e;
typedef enum logic [2:0] {
MuxNone = 3'b 000,
MuxFifo = 3'b 001,
MuxPrefix = 3'b 010,
MuxFuncPad = 3'b 011,
MuxZeroEnd = 3'b 100
} mux_sel_e;
// Configurations //
logic [KeccakCountW-1:0] block_addr_limit;
// Block size based on the address.
// This is used for bytepad() and also pad10*1()
// assign block_addr_limit = KeccakRate[strength_i];
// but below is easier to understand
always_comb begin
unique case (strength_i)
L128: block_addr_limit = KeccakCountW'(KeccakRate[L128]);
L224: block_addr_limit = KeccakCountW'(KeccakRate[L224]);
L256: block_addr_limit = KeccakCountW'(KeccakRate[L256]);
L384: block_addr_limit = KeccakCountW'(KeccakRate[L384]);
L512: block_addr_limit = KeccakCountW'(KeccakRate[L512]);
default: block_addr_limit = '0;
// Control Signals //
// `sel_mux` selects the output data among the incoming or internally generated data.
// MuxFifo: data from external (msg_data_i)
// MuxPrefix: bytepad(encode_string(N)||encode_string(S), )
// MuxFuncPad: function_pad with end of message
// MuxZeroEnd: all 0
mux_sel_e sel_mux;
// `sent_message` indicates the number of entries sent to keccak round per
// block. The value shall be enough to cover Maximum entry of the Keccak
// storage as defined in sha3_pkg, `$clog2(KeccakEntries+1)`. Logically,
// it is not needed to have more than KeccakEntries but for safety in case of
// SHA3 context switch resuming the SHA3 from the middle of sponge
// construction. If needed, the software should be able to write whole 1600
// bits. The `sent_message` is used to check sent_blocksize.
logic [KeccakCountW-1:0] sent_message;
logic inc_sentmsg, clr_sentmsg;
// This primitive is used to place a hardened counter
prim_count #(
.OutSelDnCnt(1'b0), // 0 selects up count
) u_sentmsg_count (
assign inc_sentmsg = keccak_valid_o & keccak_ready_i ;
// Prefix index to slice the `prefix` n-bits into multiple of 64bit.
logic [KeccakMsgAddrW-1:0] prefix_index;
assign prefix_index = (sent_message < block_addr_limit) ? sent_message : '0;
// fsm_keccak_valid is an output signal from FSM which to send data generated
// inside the pad logic to keccak_round
logic fsm_keccak_valid;
// hold_msg to prevent message from being forwarded into keccak_round and
// acked. Mainly the usage is to hold the message and initiates the
// keccak_round for current block.
logic hold_msg;
// latch the partial write. Latched data is used for funcpad_merged
logic en_msgbuf;
logic clr_msgbuf;
// State Machine //
// Inputs
// FSM moves to StPrefix only when cSHAKE is enabled
logic mode_eq_cshake;
assign mode_eq_cshake = (mode_i == CShake) ? 1'b 1 : 1'b 0;
// `sent_blocksize` indicates the pad logic pushed block size data into
// keccak round logic.
logic sent_blocksize;
assign sent_blocksize = (sent_message == block_addr_limit) ? 1'b 1 : 1'b 0;
// `keccak_ack` indicates the request is accepted in keccak_round
logic keccak_ack;
assign keccak_ack = keccak_valid_o & keccak_ready_i ;
// msg_partial indicates the incoming message is partial write or not.
// This is used to check if the incoming message need to be latched inside or
// not. If no partial message is at the end, msg_buf doesn't have to latch
// msg_data_i. It is assumed that the partial message is permitted only at
// the end of the message. So if (msg_valid_i && msg_partial && msg_ready_o),
// there will be no msg_valid_i till process_latched.
// Shall be used with msg_valid_i together.
logic msg_partial;
assign msg_partial = (&msg_strb_i != 1'b 1);
// `process_latched` latches the `process_i` input before it is seen in the
// FSM. `process_i` may follow `start_i` too fast so that the FSM may not
// see it fast enought in case of cSHAKE mode. cSHAKE needs to process the
// prefix prior to see the process indicator.
logic process_latched;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
process_latched <= 1'b 0;
end else if (process_i) begin
process_latched <= 1'b 1;
end else if (done_i) begin
process_latched <= 1'b0;
// State Register ===========================================================
pad_st_e st, st_d;
`PRIM_FLOP_SPARSE_FSM(u_state_regs, st_d, st, pad_st_e, StPadIdle)
// `end_of_block` indicates current beat is end of the block
// It shall set when the address reaches to the end of the block. End address
// is set by the strength_i, which is `block_addr_limit`.
logic end_of_block;
assign end_of_block = ((sent_message + 1'b1) == block_addr_limit) ? 1'b 1 : 1'b 0;
// Next logic and output logic ==============================================
logic absorbed_d;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) absorbed_o <= 1'b 0;
else absorbed_o <= absorbed_d;
always_comb begin
st_d = StPadIdle;
// FSM output : default values
keccak_run_o = 1'b 0;
sel_mux = MuxNone;
fsm_keccak_valid = 1'b 0;
hold_msg = 1'b 0;
clr_sentmsg = 1'b 0;
en_msgbuf = 1'b 0;
clr_msgbuf = 1'b 0;
absorbed_d = 1'b 0;
sparse_fsm_error_o = 1'b 0;
unique case (st)
// In Idle state, the FSM checks if the software (or upper FSM) initiates
// the hash process. If `start_i` is asserted (assume it is pulse), FSM
// starts to push the data into the keccak round logic. Depending on the
// hashing mode, FSM may push additional prefex in front of the actual
// message. It means, the message could be back-pressured until the first
// prefix is processed.
StPadIdle: begin
if (start_i) begin
// If cSHAKE, move to Prefix state
if (mode_eq_cshake) begin
st_d = StPrefix;
end else begin
st_d = StMessage;
end else begin
st_d = StPadIdle;
// At Prefix state, FSM pushes
// `bytepad(encode_string(N)||encode_string(S), 168or136)`. The software
// already prepared `encode_string(N) || encode_string(S)` in the regs.
// So, the FSM adds 2Byte in front of ns_data_i, which is an encoded
// block size (see `encoded_bytepad` below)
// After pushing the prefix, it initiates the hash process and move to
// Message state.
StPrefix: begin
sel_mux = MuxPrefix;
if (sent_blocksize) begin
st_d = StPrefixWait;
keccak_run_o = 1'b 1;
fsm_keccak_valid = 1'b 0;
clr_sentmsg = 1'b 1;
end else begin
st_d = StPrefix;
fsm_keccak_valid = 1'b 1;
StPrefixWait: begin
sel_mux = MuxPrefix;
if (keccak_complete_i) begin
st_d = StMessage;
end else begin
st_d = StPrefixWait;
// Message state pushes the incoming message into keccak round logic.
// It forwards the message while counting the data and if it reaches
// the block size, it triggers the keccak round to run. If `process` is
// set, it moves to Pad state.
StMessage: begin
sel_mux = MuxFifo;
if (msg_valid_i && msg_partial) begin
st_d = StMessage;
en_msgbuf = 1'b 1;
end else if (sent_blocksize) begin
// Check block completion first even process is set.
st_d = StMessageWait;
keccak_run_o = 1'b 1;
clr_sentmsg = 1'b 1;
hold_msg = 1'b 1;
end else if (process_latched) begin
st_d = StPad;
end else begin
st_d = StMessage;
StMessageWait: begin
hold_msg = 1'b 1;
if (keccak_complete_i) begin
st_d = StMessage;
end else begin
st_d = StMessageWait;
// Pad state just pushes the ending suffix. Depending on the mode, the
// padding value is unique. SHA3 adds 2'b10, SHAKE adds 4'b1111, and
// cSHAKE adds 2'b 00. Refer `function_pad`. The signal has one more bit
// defined to accomodate first 1 bit of `pad10*1()` function.
StPad: begin
sel_mux = MuxFuncPad;
fsm_keccak_valid = 1'b 1;
if (keccak_ack && end_of_block) begin
// If padding is the last block, don't have to move to StPad01, just
// run Keccak and complete
st_d = StPadRun;
// always clear the latched msgbuf
clr_msgbuf = 1'b 1;
clr_sentmsg = 1'b 1;
end else if (keccak_ack) begin
st_d = StPad01;
clr_msgbuf = 1'b 1;
end else begin
st_d = StPad;
StPadRun: begin
st_d = StPadFlush;
keccak_run_o = 1'b 1;
clr_sentmsg = 1'b 1;
// Pad01 pushes the end bit of pad10*1() function. As keccak accepts byte
// size only, StPad always pushes partial (5bits). So at this state, it
// pushes rest of 3bits. If the data pushed in StPad is the last byte of
// the block, then Pad01 pushes to the same byte, if not, it first
// zero-fill the block then pad 1 to the end.
StPad01: begin
sel_mux = MuxZeroEnd;
// There's no chance StPad01 can be a start of the block. So can be
// discard that the sent_blocksize is set at the beginning.
if (sent_blocksize) begin
st_d = StPadFlush;
fsm_keccak_valid = 1'b 0;
keccak_run_o = 1'b 1;
clr_sentmsg = 1'b 1;
end else begin
st_d = StPad01;
fsm_keccak_valid = 1'b 1;
StPadFlush: begin
// Wait completion from keccak_round or wait SW indicator.
clr_sentmsg = 1'b 1;
clr_msgbuf = 1'b 1;
if (keccak_complete_i) begin
st_d = StPadIdle;
absorbed_d = 1'b 1;
end else begin
st_d = StPadFlush;
StTerminalError: begin
// this state is terminal
st_d = st;
sparse_fsm_error_o = 1'b 1;
default: begin
// this state is terminal
st_d = StTerminalError;
sparse_fsm_error_o = 1'b 1;
// Unconditionally jump into the terminal error state
// if the life cycle controller triggers an escalation.
if (lc_escalate_en_i != lc_ctrl_pkg::Off) begin
st_d = StTerminalError;
// Datapath //
// `encode_bytepad` represents the first two bytes of bytepad()
// It depends on the block size. We can reuse KeccakRate
// 10000000 || 00010101 // 168
// 10000000 || 00010001 // 136
logic [15:0] encode_bytepad;
assign encode_bytepad = encode_bytepad_len(strength_i);
// Prefix size ==============================================================
// Prefix represents bytepad(encode_string(N) || encode_string(S), 168 or 136)
// encode_string(N) || encode_string(S) is prepared by the software and given
// through `ns_data_i`. The first part of bytepad is determined by the
// `strength_i` and stored into `encode_bytepad`.
// It is assumed that the prefix always smaller than the block size.
logic [PrefixSize*8-1:0] prefix;
assign prefix = {ns_data_i, encode_bytepad};
logic [MsgWidth-1:0] prefix_sliced;
logic [MsgWidth-1:0] prefix_data [Share];
prim_slicer #(
.InW (PrefixSize*8),
) u_prefix_slicer (
.sel_i (prefix_index),
.data_i (prefix),
.data_o (prefix_sliced)
if (EnMasking) begin : gen_prefix_masked
// If Masking is enabled, prefix is two share.
assign prefix_data[0] = '0;
assign prefix_data[1] = prefix_sliced;
end else begin : gen_prefix_unmasked
// If Unmasked, only one share exists.
assign prefix_data[0] = prefix_sliced;
// ==========================================================================
// function_pad is the unique value padded at the end of the message based on
// the function among SHA3, SHAKE, cSHAKE. The standard mentioned that SHA3
// pads `01` , SHAKE pads `1111`, and cSHAKE pads `00`.
// Then pad10*1() function follows. It adds `1` first then fill 0 until it
// reaches the block size -1, then adds `1`.
// It means always `1` is followed by the function pad.
logic [4:0] funcpad;
logic [MsgWidth-1:0] funcpad_data [Share];
always_comb begin
unique case (mode_i)
Sha3: funcpad = 5'b 00110;
Shake: funcpad = 5'b 11111;
CShake: funcpad = 5'b 00100;
default: begin
// Just create non-padding but pad10*1 only
funcpad = 5'b 00001;
// ==========================================================================
// `zero_with_endbit` contains all zero unless the message is for the last
// MsgWidth beat in the block. If it is the end of the block, the last bit
// will be set to complete pad10*1() functionality.
logic [MsgWidth-1:0] zero_with_endbit [Share];
if (EnMasking) begin : gen_zeroend_masked
assign zero_with_endbit[0] = '0;
assign zero_with_endbit[1][MsgWidth-1] = end_of_block;
assign zero_with_endbit[1][MsgWidth-2:0] = '0;
end else begin : gen_zeroend_unmasked
assign zero_with_endbit[0][MsgWidth-1] = end_of_block;
assign zero_with_endbit[0][MsgWidth-2:0] = '0;
// ==========================================================================
// Data mux for output data
assign keccak_addr_o = (sent_message < block_addr_limit) ? sent_message : '0;
always_comb begin
unique case (sel_mux)
MuxFifo: keccak_data_o = msg_data_i;
MuxPrefix: keccak_data_o = prefix_data;
MuxFuncPad: keccak_data_o = funcpad_data;
MuxZeroEnd: keccak_data_o = zero_with_endbit;
// MuxNone
default: keccak_data_o = '{default:'0};
always_comb begin
unique case (sel_mux)
MuxFifo: keccak_valid_o = msg_valid_i & ~hold_msg & ~en_msgbuf;
MuxPrefix: keccak_valid_o = fsm_keccak_valid;
MuxFuncPad: keccak_valid_o = fsm_keccak_valid;
MuxZeroEnd: keccak_valid_o = fsm_keccak_valid;
// MuxNone
default: keccak_valid_o = 1'b 0;
always_comb begin
unique case (sel_mux)
MuxFifo: msg_ready_o = en_msgbuf | (keccak_ready_i & ~hold_msg);
MuxPrefix: msg_ready_o = 1'b 0;
MuxFuncPad: msg_ready_o = 1'b 0;
MuxZeroEnd: msg_ready_o = 1'b 0;
// MuxNone
default: msg_ready_o = 1'b 0;
// prim_packer : packing to 64bit to update keccak storage
// two prim_packer in this module are used to pack the data received from
// upper layer (KMAC core) and also the 5bit padding bits.
// It is assumed that the message from upper layer could be partial at the
// end of the message. Then the 2 or 4bit padding is required. It can be
// handled by some custom logic or could be done by prim_packer.
// If packer is used, the MSG_FIFO doesn't have to have another prim_packer
// in front of the FIFO. This logic can handle the partial writes from the
// software.
// If a custom logic is implemented here, prim_packer is necessary in front
// of the FIFO, as this logic only appends at the end of the message when
// `process_i` is asserted. Also, in this case, even prim_packer is not
// needed, still 64bit registers to latch the partial write is required.
// If not, the logic has to delay the acceptance of the incoming write
// accesses. It may trigger the back-pressuring in some case which may result
// that the software(or upper layer) may not set process_i.
// For custom logic, it could be implemented by the 8 mux selection.
// for instance: (subject to be changed)
// unique case (sent_byte[2:0]) // generated from msg_strb_i
// 3'b 000: funcpad_merged = {end_of_block, 63'(function_pad) };
// 3'b 001: funcpad_merged = {end_of_block, 55'(function_pad), msg_data_i[ 7:0]};
// 3'b 010: funcpad_merged = {end_of_block, 47'(function_pad), msg_data_i[15:0]};
// 3'b 011: funcpad_merged = {end_of_block, 39'(function_pad), msg_data_i[23:0]};
// 3'b 100: funcpad_merged = {end_of_block, 31'(function_pad), msg_data_i[31:0]};
// 3'b 101: funcpad_merged = {end_of_block, 23'(function_pad), msg_data_i[39:0]};
// 3'b 110: funcpad_merged = {end_of_block, 15'(function_pad), msg_data_i[47:0]};
// 3'b 111: funcpad_merged = {end_of_block, 7'(function_pad), msg_data_i[55:0]};
// default: funcpad_merged = '0;
// endcase
// internal buffer to store partial write. It doesn't have to store last byte as it
// stores only when partial write.
logic [MsgWidth-8-1:0] msg_buf [Share];
logic [MsgStrbW-1-1:0] msg_strb;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
msg_buf <= '{default:'0};
msg_strb <= '0;
end else if (en_msgbuf) begin
for (int i = 0 ; i < Share ; i++) begin
msg_buf[i] <= msg_data_i[i][0+:(MsgWidth-8)];
msg_strb <= msg_strb_i[0+:(MsgStrbW-1)];
end else if (clr_msgbuf) begin
msg_buf <= '{default:'0};
msg_strb <= '0;
if (EnMasking) begin : gen_funcpad_data_masked
always_comb begin
unique case (msg_strb)
7'b 000_0000: begin
funcpad_data[0] = '0;
funcpad_data[1] = {end_of_block, 63'(funcpad) };
7'b 000_0001: begin
funcpad_data[0] = {56'h0, msg_buf[0][ 7:0]};
funcpad_data[1] = {end_of_block, 55'(funcpad), msg_buf[1][ 7:0]};
7'b 000_0011: begin
funcpad_data[0] = {48'h0, msg_buf[0][15:0]};
funcpad_data[1] = {end_of_block, 47'(funcpad), msg_buf[1][15:0]};
7'b 000_0111: begin
funcpad_data[0] = {40'h0, msg_buf[0][23:0]};
funcpad_data[1] = {end_of_block, 39'(funcpad), msg_buf[1][23:0]};
7'b 000_1111: begin
funcpad_data[0] = {32'h0, msg_buf[0][31:0]};
funcpad_data[1] = {end_of_block, 31'(funcpad), msg_buf[1][31:0]};
7'b 001_1111: begin
funcpad_data[0] = {24'h0, msg_buf[0][39:0]};
funcpad_data[1] = {end_of_block, 23'(funcpad), msg_buf[1][39:0]};
7'b 011_1111: begin
funcpad_data[0] = {16'h0, msg_buf[0][47:0]};
funcpad_data[1] = {end_of_block, 15'(funcpad), msg_buf[1][47:0]};
7'b 111_1111: begin
funcpad_data[0] = { 8'h0, msg_buf[0][55:0]};
funcpad_data[1] = {end_of_block, 7'(funcpad), msg_buf[1][55:0]};
default: funcpad_data = '{default:'0};
end else begin : gen_funcpad_data_unmasked
always_comb begin
unique case (msg_strb)
7'b 000_0000: funcpad_data[0] = {end_of_block, 63'(funcpad) };
7'b 000_0001: funcpad_data[0] = {end_of_block, 55'(funcpad), msg_buf[0][ 7:0]};
7'b 000_0011: funcpad_data[0] = {end_of_block, 47'(funcpad), msg_buf[0][15:0]};
7'b 000_0111: funcpad_data[0] = {end_of_block, 39'(funcpad), msg_buf[0][23:0]};
7'b 000_1111: funcpad_data[0] = {end_of_block, 31'(funcpad), msg_buf[0][31:0]};
7'b 001_1111: funcpad_data[0] = {end_of_block, 23'(funcpad), msg_buf[0][39:0]};
7'b 011_1111: funcpad_data[0] = {end_of_block, 15'(funcpad), msg_buf[0][47:0]};
7'b 111_1111: funcpad_data[0] = {end_of_block, 7'(funcpad), msg_buf[0][55:0]};
default: funcpad_data = '{default:'0};
// Assertions //
// Prefix size is smaller than the smallest Keccak Block Size, which is 72 bytes.
`ASSERT_INIT(PrefixLessThanBlock_A, PrefixSize/8 < KeccakRate[4])
// Some part of datapath in sha3pad assumes Data width as 64bit.
// If data width need to be changed, funcpad_data part should be changed too.
// Also, The blocksize shall be divided by MsgWidth, which means, MsgWidth
// can be {16, 32, 64} even funcpad_data mux is fully flexible.
`ASSERT_INIT(MsgWidthidth_A, MsgWidth == 64)
// Assume pulse signals: start, process, done
`ASSUME(StartPulse_A, start_i |=> !start_i)
`ASSUME(ProcessPulse_A, process_i |=> !process_i)
`ASSUME(DonePulse_A, done_i |=> !done_i)
// ASSERT output pulse signals: absorbed_o, keccak_run_o
`ASSERT(AbsorbedPulse_A, absorbed_o |=> !absorbed_o)
`ASSERT(KeccakRunPulse_A, keccak_run_o |=> !keccak_run_o)
// start_i, done_i, process_i cannot set high at the same time
`ASSUME(StartProcessDoneMutex_a, $onehot0({start_i, process_i, done_i}))
// Sequence, start_i --> process_i --> absorbed_o --> done_i
//`ASSUME(Sequence_a, start_i ##[1:$] process_i ##[1:$] ##[1:$] absorbed_o ##[1:$] done_i)
// Process only asserts after start and all message are fed.
// These valid signals are qualifier of FPV to trigger the control signal
// It is a little bit hard to specify these criteria in SVA property so creating
// qualifiers in RTL form is easier.
logic start_valid, process_valid, absorb_valid, done_valid;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
start_valid <= 1'b 1;
end else if (start_i) begin
start_valid <= 1'b 0;
end else if (done_i) begin
start_valid <= 1'b 1;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
process_valid <= 1'b 0;
end else if (start_i) begin
process_valid <= 1'b 1;
end else if (process_i) begin
process_valid <= 1'b 0;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
done_valid <= 1'b 0;
end else if (absorbed_o) begin
done_valid <= 1'b 1;
end else if (done_i) begin
done_valid <= 1'b 0;
// Message can be fed in between start_i and process_i.
`ASSUME(MessageCondition_M, msg_valid_i && msg_ready_o |-> process_valid && !process_i)
`ASSUME(ProcessCondition_M, process_i |-> process_valid)
`ASSUME(StartCondition_M, start_i |-> start_valid)
`ASSUME(DoneCondition_M, done_i |-> done_valid)
// Assume mode_i and strength_i are stable during the operation
// This will be guarded at the kmac top level
$changed(mode_i) |-> start_valid)
$changed(strength_i) |-> start_valid)
`endif // SYNTHESIS
// If not full block is written, the pad shall send message to keccak_round
// If it is end of the message, the state moves to StPad and send the request
$rose(process_latched) && (!end_of_block && !sent_blocksize )
&& !(st inside {StPrefixWait, StMessageWait}) |-> ##[1:5] keccak_valid_o,
clk_i, !rst_ni || lc_escalate_en_i != lc_ctrl_pkg::Off)
// If `process_i` is asserted, eventually sha3pad trigger run signal
`ASSERT(ProcessToRun_A, process_i |-> strong(##[2:$] keccak_run_o),
clk_i, !rst_ni || lc_escalate_en_i != lc_ctrl_pkg::Off)
// If process_i asserted, completion shall be asserted shall be asserted
//`ASSERT(ProcessToAbsorbed_A, process_i |=> strong(##[24*Share:$] absorbed_o))
// Assumption of input mode_i and strength_i
// SHA3 variants: SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512
// SHAKE, cSHAKE variants: SHAKE128, SHAKE256, cSHAKE128, cSHAKE256
start_i |->
(mode_i == Sha3 && (strength_i inside {L224, L256, L384, L512})) ||
((mode_i == Shake || mode_i == CShake) && (strength_i inside {L128, L256})),
clk_i, !rst_ni)
// Keccak control interface
// Keccak run triggered -> completion should come
keccak_run_o |-> strong(##[24*Share:$] keccak_complete_i),
clk_i, !rst_ni || lc_escalate_en_i != lc_ctrl_pkg::Off)
// No partial write is allowed for Message FIFO interface
keccak_valid_o && (sel_mux == MuxFifo) |-> (&msg_strb_i) == 1'b1,
clk_i, !rst_ni)
// When transaction is stored into msg_buf, it shall be partial write.
en_msgbuf |-> msg_valid_i && (msg_strb_i[MsgStrbW-1] == 1'b0),
clk_i, !rst_ni)
// if partial write comes and is acked, then no more msg_valid_i until
// next message
msg_valid_i && msg_ready_o && msg_partial |=>
!msg_valid_i ##[1:$] $stable(msg_valid_i) ##1 process_latched,
clk_i, !rst_ni)
// At the first clock in StPad01 state, sent_blocksize shall not be set
(st == StPad && st_d == StPad01) |-> !end_of_block,
clk_i, !rst_ni)
// When data sent to the keccak_round, the address should be in the range
keccak_valid_o |-> keccak_addr_o < KeccakRate[strength_i],
clk_i, !rst_ni)
// NS data shall be stable during the operation.
// $stable(ns_data_i) throughout(start_i ##[1:$] process_i ##[1:$] absorbed_o),
// clk_i, !rst_ni)
// Functional Coverage
`COVER(StMessageFeed_C, st == StMessage)
`COVER(StPad_C, st == StPad01 && sent_blocksize)
`COVER(StPadSendMsg_C, st == StPad01 && keccak_ack)
`COVER(StComplete_C, st == StPadFlush)