blob: 158bf609c4e9c169606f1eb872ed051f53e4e4db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sw/device/silicon_creator/rom/sigverify_keys.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "sw/device/lib/base/bitfield.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/hardened.h"
#include "sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/drivers/otp.h"
#include "sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/drivers/rnd.h"
#include "sw/device/silicon_creator/lib/sigverify/sigverify.h"
#include "sw/device/silicon_creator/rom/keys/test_key_0_rsa_3072_exp_f4.h"
#include "sw/device/silicon_creator/rom/sigverify_keys_ptrs.h"
#include "otp_ctrl_regs.h"
* Public keys for signature verification.
* Please see sw/device/silicon_creator/rom/keys/ for more
* details.
const sigverify_rom_key_t kSigVerifyRsaKeys[kSigVerifyNumRsaKeys] = {
[0] =
.key = TEST_KEY_0_RSA_3072_EXP_F4,
.key_type = kSigverifyKeyTypeProd,
"CREATOR_SW_CFG_KEY_IS_VALID OTP item must be at least "
"`kSigVerifyNumRsaKeys` bytes.");
* Checks the validity of a key in OTP.
* Validity of each public key is encoded using a byte-sized
* `hardened_byte_bool_t` in the `CREATOR_SW_CFG_KEY_IS_VALID` OTP item.
* @param key_index Index of the key to check.
* @return Whether the key is valid or not.
static rom_error_t key_is_valid_in_otp(size_t key_index) {
const uint32_t addr =
(key_index / kSigverifyNumEntriesPerOtpWord) * sizeof(uint32_t);
const bitfield_field32_t field = {
.mask = UINT8_MAX,
.index = (key_index % kSigverifyNumEntriesPerOtpWord) * 8,
hardened_byte_bool_t is_valid =
bitfield_field32_read(otp_read32(addr), field);
if (launder32(is_valid) == kHardenedByteBoolTrue) {
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(is_valid, kHardenedByteBoolTrue);
return kErrorOk;
return kErrorSigverifyBadKey;
* Determines whether a key is valid in the RMA life cycle state.
* Only test and production keys that are not invalidated in OTP are valid in
* the RMA life cycle state.
* @param key_type Type of the key.
* @param key_index Index of the key.
* @return The result of the operation.
static rom_error_t key_is_valid_in_lc_state_rma(sigverify_key_type_t key_type,
size_t key_index) {
switch (launder32(key_type)) {
case kSigverifyKeyTypeTest:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(key_type, kSigverifyKeyTypeTest);
return key_is_valid_in_otp(key_index);
case kSigverifyKeyTypeProd:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(key_type, kSigverifyKeyTypeProd);
return key_is_valid_in_otp(key_index);
case kSigverifyKeyTypeDev:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(key_type, kSigverifyKeyTypeDev);
return kErrorSigverifyBadKey;
* Determines whether a key is valid in the DEV life cycle state.
* Only production and development keys that are not invalidated in OTP are
* valid in the DEV life cycle state.
* @param key_type Type of the key.
* @param key_index Index of the key.
* @return The result of the operation.
static rom_error_t key_is_valid_in_lc_state_dev(sigverify_key_type_t key_type,
size_t key_index) {
switch (launder32(key_type)) {
case kSigverifyKeyTypeTest:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(key_type, kSigverifyKeyTypeTest);
return kErrorSigverifyBadKey;
case kSigverifyKeyTypeProd:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(key_type, kSigverifyKeyTypeProd);
return key_is_valid_in_otp(key_index);
case kSigverifyKeyTypeDev:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(key_type, kSigverifyKeyTypeDev);
return key_is_valid_in_otp(key_index);
* Determines whether a key is valid in PROD and PROD_END life cycle states.
* Only production keys that are not invalidated in OTP are valid in PROD and
* PROD_END life cycle states.
* @param key_type Type of the key.
* @param key_index Index of the key.
* @return The result of the operation.
static rom_error_t key_is_valid_in_lc_state_prod(sigverify_key_type_t key_type,
size_t key_index) {
switch (launder32(key_type)) {
case kSigverifyKeyTypeTest:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(key_type, kSigverifyKeyTypeTest);
return kErrorSigverifyBadKey;
case kSigverifyKeyTypeProd:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(key_type, kSigverifyKeyTypeProd);
return key_is_valid_in_otp(key_index);
case kSigverifyKeyTypeDev:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(key_type, kSigverifyKeyTypeDev);
return kErrorSigverifyBadKey;
* Determines whether a key is valid in TEST_UNLOCKED_* life cycle states.
* Only test and production keys are valid in TEST_UNLOCKED_* states. We don't
* read from OTP since it may not be programmed yet.
* @param key_type Type of the key.
* @return The result of the operation.
static rom_error_t key_is_valid_in_lc_state_test(
sigverify_key_type_t key_type) {
switch (launder32(key_type)) {
case kSigverifyKeyTypeTest:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(key_type, kSigverifyKeyTypeTest);
return kErrorOk;
case kSigverifyKeyTypeProd:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(key_type, kSigverifyKeyTypeProd);
return kErrorOk;
case kSigverifyKeyTypeDev:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(key_type, kSigverifyKeyTypeDev);
return kErrorSigverifyBadKey;
* Determines whether a given key is valid in the given life cycle state.
* @param key_type Type of the key.
* @param lc_state Life cycle state of the device.
* @param key_index Index of the key.
* @return The result of the operation.
static rom_error_t key_is_valid(sigverify_key_type_t key_type,
lifecycle_state_t lc_state, size_t key_index) {
switch (launder32(lc_state)) {
case kLcStateTest:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(lc_state, kLcStateTest);
return key_is_valid_in_lc_state_test(key_type);
case kLcStateProd:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(lc_state, kLcStateProd);
return key_is_valid_in_lc_state_prod(key_type, key_index);
case kLcStateProdEnd:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(lc_state, kLcStateProdEnd);
return key_is_valid_in_lc_state_prod(key_type, key_index);
case kLcStateDev:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(lc_state, kLcStateDev);
return key_is_valid_in_lc_state_dev(key_type, key_index);
case kLcStateRma:
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(lc_state, kLcStateRma);
return key_is_valid_in_lc_state_rma(key_type, key_index);
rom_error_t sigverify_rsa_key_get(uint32_t key_id, lifecycle_state_t lc_state,
const sigverify_rsa_key_t **key) {
const sigverify_rom_key_t *keys = sigverify_rsa_keys_ptr_get();
size_t num_keys = sigverify_num_rsa_keys_get();
size_t step = sigverify_rsa_keys_step_get();
size_t cand_key_index = UINT32_MAX;
// Random start index that is less than `num_keys`.
size_t i = ((uint64_t)rnd_uint32() * (uint64_t)num_keys) >> 32;
size_t iter_cnt = 0;
for (; launder32(iter_cnt) < num_keys; ++iter_cnt) {
const sigverify_rom_key_t *k = &keys[i];
size_t k_id = sigverify_rsa_key_id_get(&k->key.n);
if (launder32(k_id) == key_id) {
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(k_id, key_id);
rom_error_t error = key_is_valid(k->key_type, lc_state, i);
if (launder32(error) == kErrorOk) {
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(error, kErrorOk);
cand_key_index = i;
i += step;
if (launder32(i) >= num_keys) {
i -= num_keys;
HARDENED_CHECK_LT(i, num_keys);
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(iter_cnt, num_keys);
if (launder32(cand_key_index) < num_keys) {
HARDENED_CHECK_LT(cand_key_index, num_keys);
rom_error_t error =
key_is_valid(keys[cand_key_index].key_type, lc_state, cand_key_index);
HARDENED_CHECK_EQ(error, kErrorOk);
*key = &keys[cand_key_index].key;
return error;
return kErrorSigverifyBadKey;