blob: c9bb7dad66cc64f98da51664dd9ed3f406a5dbe6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import List
from serialize.parse_helpers import check_keys, check_str, check_int
class LSUDesc:
'''Represents the "lsu" field for an instruction in the YAML ISA.
This has a type (mem-load, mem-store, csr or wsr), a list of operands whose
values are summed to get the address or index that's loaded and possibly a
'bytes' value: the number of addresses touched by the operation.
TYPES = ['mem-load', 'mem-store', 'csr', 'wsr-load', 'wsr-store']
def __init__(self,
lsu_type: str,
target: List[str],
idx_width: int) -> None:
assert lsu_type in LSUDesc.TYPES
self.lsu_type = lsu_type = target
# idx_width is the number of addresses/indices touched by the
# operation. For a memory, this is measured in bytes. For a csr/wsr
# operation, this is always 1 (one register).
self.idx_width = idx_width
def from_yaml(yml: object, what: str) -> 'LSUDesc':
yd = check_keys(yml, what, ['type', 'target'], ['bytes'])
type_what = 'type field for ' + what
lsu_type = check_str(yd['type'], type_what)
if lsu_type not in LSUDesc.TYPES:
raise ValueError('{} is {!r}, but should be one '
'of the following: {}.'
.format(type_what, lsu_type,
', '.join(repr(t)
for t in LSUDesc.TYPES)))
target = yd['target']
if isinstance(target, str):
target_parts = [target]
target_parts = []
if not isinstance(target, list):
raise ValueError('target field for {} should be a string or a '
'list of strings, but actually has type {}.'
.format(what, type(target).__name__))
for idx, part in enumerate(target):
elt_what = ('element {} of the target list for {}'
.format(idx, what))
target_parts.append(check_str(part, elt_what))
if lsu_type.startswith('mem-'):
if 'bytes' not in yd:
raise ValueError('{} defines a memory operation, so requires '
'a bytes field (how many bytes does this touch?)'
idx_width = check_int(yd['bytes'], 'bytes field for ' + what)
if 'bytes' in yd:
raise ValueError("{} isn't a memory operation, so cannot have "
"a bytes field."
idx_width = 1
return LSUDesc(lsu_type, target_parts, idx_width)