blob: af7c6210e987239dfd40b9bf9a384378638ee34c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Testbench module for ${}.
// Intended to be used with a formal tool.
% if len(dut.pkgs) > 0:
module ${}_fpv
% for pkg in dut.pkgs:
import ${pkg};
% endfor
% if dut.params:
% else:
% endif
% else:
% if dut.params:
module ${}_fpv #(
% else:
module ${}_fpv (
% endif
% endif
% if dut.params:
% for k, param in enumerate(dut.params):
<% comma = "" if (k == len(dut.params)-1) else "," %> ${} ${param.datatype} ${} =${param.value}${comma}
% endfor
) (
% endif
% for k, port in enumerate(dut.ports):
<% comma = "" if (k == len(dut.ports)-1) else "," %> ${port.direction} ${port.datatype} ${}${comma}
% endfor
<% params = dut.get_param_style("parameter") %>
% if params:
${} #(
% for k, param in enumerate(params):
<% comma = "" if (k == len(params)-1) else "," %> .${}(${})${comma}
% endfor
) dut (
% else:
${} dut (
% for k, port in enumerate(dut.ports):
<% comma = "" if (k == len(dut.ports)-1) else "," %> .${}${comma}
% endfor
endmodule : ${}_fpv