blob: e20f1f63f554eac1b0887f97c35d0c655b939413 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import topgen.lib as lib
def camelcase(str):
"""Turns a string from 'snake_case' to 'CamelCase'."""
return "".join([part.capitalize() for part in str.split("_")])
def get_dio_pin_enum_literal(sig, start_idx):
"""Returns the DIO pin enum literal with value assignment"""
if "width" in sig and sig["width"] > 1:
return_str = ""
for i in range(int(sig["width"])):
if i > 0:
return_str += "\n "
return_str += camelcase("top_{}_dio_pin_{}_{} = {},".format(
top["name"], sig["name"], i, start_idx + i))
return return_str
return camelcase("top_{}_dio_pin_{} = {},".format(
top["name"], sig["name"], start_idx))
package top_${top["name"]}_pkg;
% for name, region in helper.modules():
* Peripheral base address for ${name} in top ${top["name"]}.
parameter int unsigned ${region.base_addr_name().as_c_define()} = 32'h${region.base_addr[2:]};
* Peripheral size in bytes for ${name} in top ${top["name"]}.
parameter int unsigned ${region.size_bytes_name().as_c_define()} = 32'h${region.size_bytes[2:]};
% endfor
% for name, region in helper.memories():
* Memory base address for ${name} in top ${top["name"]}.
parameter int unsigned ${region.base_addr_name().as_c_define()} = 32'h${region.base_addr[2:]};
* Memory size for ${name} in top ${top["name"]}.
parameter int unsigned ${region.size_bytes_name().as_c_define()} = 32'h${region.size_bytes[2:]};
% endfor
// Enumeration for DIO pins.
typedef enum {
<% pin_cnt = 0 %>\
% for sig in reversed(top["pinmux"]["dio"]):
${get_dio_pin_enum_literal(sig, pin_cnt)}
<% pin_cnt += int(sig["width"]) if "width" in sig else 1 %>\
% endfor
${camelcase("top_{}_dio_pin_count".format(top["name"]))} = ${pin_cnt}
} top_${top["name"]}_dio_pin_e;
// TODO: Enumeration for PLIC Interrupt source peripheral.
// TODO: Enumeration for PLIC Interrupt Ids.