| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| ${gencmd} |
| <% |
| import topgen.lib as lib |
| %>\ |
| package top_${top["name"]}_pkg; |
| % for (inst_name, if_name), region in helper.devices(): |
| <% |
| if_desc = inst_name if if_name is None else '{} device on {}'.format(if_name, inst_name) |
| hex_base_addr = "32'h{:X}".format(region.base_addr) |
| hex_size_bytes = "32'h{:X}".format(region.size_bytes) |
| %>\ |
| /** |
| * Peripheral base address for ${if_desc} in top ${top["name"]}. |
| */ |
| parameter int unsigned ${region.base_addr_name().as_c_define()} = ${hex_base_addr}; |
| |
| /** |
| * Peripheral size in bytes for ${if_desc} in top ${top["name"]}. |
| */ |
| parameter int unsigned ${region.size_bytes_name().as_c_define()} = ${hex_size_bytes}; |
| |
| % endfor |
| % for name, region in helper.memories(): |
| <% |
| hex_base_addr = "32'h{:x}".format(region.base_addr) |
| hex_size_bytes = "32'h{:x}".format(region.size_bytes) |
| %>\ |
| /** |
| * Memory base address for ${name} in top ${top["name"]}. |
| */ |
| parameter int unsigned ${region.base_addr_name().as_c_define()} = ${hex_base_addr}; |
| |
| /** |
| * Memory size for ${name} in top ${top["name"]}. |
| */ |
| parameter int unsigned ${region.size_bytes_name().as_c_define()} = ${hex_size_bytes}; |
| |
| % endfor |
| |
| // Enumeration of IO power domains. |
| // Only used in ASIC target. |
| typedef enum logic [${len(top["pinout"]["banks"]).bit_length()-1}:0] { |
| % for bank in top["pinout"]["banks"]: |
| ${lib.Name(['io', 'bank', bank]).as_camel_case()} = ${loop.index}, |
| % endfor |
| IoBankCount = ${len(top["pinout"]["banks"])} |
| } pwr_dom_e; |
| |
| // Enumeration for MIO signals on the top-level. |
| typedef enum { |
| % for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]: |
| % if sig['type'] in ['inout', 'input'] and sig['connection'] == 'muxed': |
| ${lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'mio_in')} = ${sig['glob_idx']}, |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| <% total = top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['muxed']['inouts'] + \ |
| top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['muxed']['inputs'] %>\ |
| ${lib.Name.from_snake_case("mio_in_count").as_camel_case()} = ${total} |
| } mio_in_e; |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| % for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]: |
| % if sig['type'] in ['inout', 'output'] and sig['connection'] == 'muxed': |
| ${lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'mio_out')} = ${sig['glob_idx']}, |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| <% total = top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['muxed']['inouts'] + \ |
| top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['muxed']['outputs'] %>\ |
| ${lib.Name.from_snake_case("mio_out_count").as_camel_case()} = ${total} |
| } mio_out_e; |
| |
| // Enumeration for DIO signals, used on both the top and chip-levels. |
| typedef enum { |
| % for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]: |
| % if sig['connection'] != 'muxed': |
| ${lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'dio')} = ${sig['glob_idx']}, |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| <% total = top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['dedicated']['inouts'] + \ |
| top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['dedicated']['inputs'] + \ |
| top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['dedicated']['outputs'] %>\ |
| ${lib.Name.from_snake_case("dio_count").as_camel_case()} = ${total} |
| } dio_e; |
| |
| // Raw MIO/DIO input array indices on chip-level. |
| // TODO: Does not account for target specific stubbed/added pads. |
| // Need to make a target-specific package for those. |
| typedef enum { |
| % for pad in top["pinout"]["pads"]: |
| % if pad["connection"] == "muxed": |
| ${lib.Name.from_snake_case("mio_pad_" + pad["name"]).as_camel_case()} = ${pad["idx"]}, |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| ${lib.Name.from_snake_case("mio_pad_count").as_camel_case()} |
| } mio_pad_e; |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| % for pad in top["pinout"]["pads"]: |
| % if pad["connection"] != "muxed": |
| ${lib.Name.from_snake_case("dio_pad_" + pad["name"]).as_camel_case()} = ${pad["idx"]}, |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| ${lib.Name.from_snake_case("dio_pad_count").as_camel_case()} |
| } dio_pad_e; |
| |
| // TODO: Enumeration for PLIC Interrupt source peripheral. |
| // TODO: Enumeration for PLIC Interrupt Ids. |
| |
| endpackage |