| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // xbar_env_pkg__params generated by `topgen.py` tool |
| |
| <% |
| from collections import OrderedDict |
| |
| def is_device_a_xbar(dev_name): |
| for xbar in top["xbar"]: |
| if xbar["name"] == dev_name: |
| return 1 |
| return 0 |
| |
| # recursively find all non-xbar devices under this xbar |
| def get_xbar_edge_nodes(xbar_name): |
| edge_devices = [] |
| for xbar in top["xbar"]: |
| if xbar["name"] == xbar_name: |
| for host, devices in xbar["connections"].items(): |
| for dev_name in devices: |
| if is_device_a_xbar(dev_name): |
| edge_devices.extend(get_xbar_edge_nodes()) |
| else: |
| edge_devices.append(dev_name) |
| |
| return edge_devices |
| |
| # find device xbar and assign all its device nodes to it: "peri" -> "uart, gpio, ..." |
| xbar_device_dict = OrderedDict() |
| |
| for xbar in top["xbar"]: |
| for n in xbar["nodes"]: |
| if n["type"] == "device" and n["xbar"]: |
| xbar_device_dict[n["name"]] = get_xbar_edge_nodes(n["name"]) |
| |
| # create the mapping: host with the corresponding devices map |
| host_dev_map = OrderedDict() |
| for host, devices in top["xbar"][0]["connections"].items(): |
| dev_list = [] |
| for dev in devices: |
| if dev not in xbar_device_dict.keys(): |
| dev_list.append(dev) |
| else: |
| dev_list.extend(xbar_device_dict[dev]) |
| host_dev_map[host] = dev_list |
| |
| %>\ |
| |
| // List of Xbar device memory map |
| tl_device_t xbar_devices[$] = '{ |
| % for xbar in top["xbar"]: |
| % for device in xbar["nodes"]: |
| % if device["type"] == "device" and not device["xbar"]: |
| '{"${device["name"]}", '{ |
| % for addr in device["addr_range"]: |
| <% |
| start_addr = int(addr["base_addr"], 0) |
| end_addr = start_addr + int(addr["size_byte"], 0) - 1 |
| %>\ |
| '{32'h${"%08x" % start_addr}, 32'h${"%08x" % end_addr}}${"," if not loop.last else ""} |
| % endfor |
| }}${"," if not loop.last or xbar != top["xbar"][-1] else "};"} |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| |
| // List of Xbar hosts |
| tl_host_t xbar_hosts[$] = '{ |
| % for host in host_dev_map.keys(): |
| '{"${host}", ${loop.index}, '{ |
| <% |
| host_devices = host_dev_map[host]; |
| %>\ |
| % for device in host_devices: |
| % if loop.last: |
| "${device}"}} |
| % else: |
| "${device}", |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| % if loop.last: |
| }; |
| % else: |
| , |
| % endif |
| % endfor |