blob: c10eab7b41409f259b4b6b523b10cfb60079c721 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright lowRISC contributors. */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
* Standalone test for P-384 ECDSA signature verification
* Runs the P-384 ECDSA signature verification algorithm for message, nonce
* and private key contained in the .data section below.
* See comment at the end of the file for expected values of result.
.section .text.start
/* set dmem pointer to point to message */
la x2, msg
la x3, dptr_msg
sw x2, 0(x3)
/* set dmem pointer to point to signature */
la x2, sig_r
la x3, dptr_r
sw x2, 0(x3)
la x2, sig_s
la x3, dptr_s
sw x2, 0(x3)
/* set dmem pointer to point to public key */
la x2, pub_x
la x3, dptr_x
sw x2, 0(x3)
la x2, pub_y
la x3, dptr_y
sw x2, 0(x3)
/* set dmem pointer to point to signature verifcation result */
la x2, sig_xres
la x3, dptr_rnd
sw x2, 0(x3)
/* call ECDSA signature verification subroutine in P-384 lib */
jal x1, p384_verify
/* load signature to wregs for comparison with reference */
li x2, 0
la x3, sig_xres
bn.lid x2++, 0(x3)
bn.lid x2, 32(x3)
/* message */
.word 0x55555555
.word 0x55555555
.word 0x55555555
.word 0x55555555
.word 0x55555555
.word 0x55555555
.word 0x55555555
.word 0x55555555
.word 0x55555555
.word 0x55555555
.word 0x55555555
.word 0x55555555
.zero 16
/* signature R */
.word 0xb68c28d8
.word 0x2b23ce3a
.word 0x9a1a30fc
.word 0x56e186cf
.word 0x12d35b38
.word 0xc16c09de
.word 0x0235d77e
.word 0x49d29eef
.word 0xd3c43053
.word 0xb45990db
.word 0x7c0d8125
.word 0xb2fcf95c
.zero 16
/* signature S */
.word 0x24bc1bf9
.word 0x752042f5
.word 0x98144c27
.word 0x77e415a1
.word 0xa78101eb
.word 0x0016f9c3
.word 0x3e7f6895
.word 0x80eb391d
.word 0xf19a653d
.word 0xfa9554e0
.word 0xe34d88c1
.word 0x1a72ebdd
.zero 16
/* public key x-coordinate */
.word 0x4877f3d1
.word 0x7b829460
.word 0xb1cac609
.word 0x5869de54
.word 0xee0e2beb
.word 0x6c30f2d8
.word 0x47e80661
.word 0x394d8b70
.word 0xcf60d89e
.word 0x1a9ea916
.word 0xb439d701
.word 0xca230836
.zero 16
/* public key y-coordinate */
.word 0xc181f90f
.word 0xc31ef079
.word 0xbf3aff6e
.word 0xc7e55880
.word 0xec18818c
.word 0xcea028a9
.word 0x928c3e92
.word 0x82b63bf3
.word 0xd65e905d
.word 0x68eef2d1
.word 0x03afe2c2
.word 0xaaafcad2
.zero 16
/* signature verification result x_res */
.zero 64