blob: f00d845f3f181cd5f50721268eb420f22e50fce1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright lowRISC contributors. */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
/* 384-bit multiply example. Loads two 384-bit words from DMem (they are 512-bit
aligned with the top 128 bits filled with 0) into w1, w0 and w3, w2 (upper
128-bits in higher register number). Multiplies usings BN.MULQACC with the
result placed into w6, w5, w4 (higher register numbers are higher bits). */
.section .text.start
/* Load operands into WDRs */
li x2, 0
la x3, operand1
bn.lid x2++, 0(x3)
bn.lid x2, 32(x3)
li x2, 2
la x3, operand2
bn.lid x2++, 0(x3)
bn.lid x2, 32(x3)
/* Perform the multiply, limbs are 64-bit. Each instance of `mulqacc` will
operate on two limbs as a 64-bit multiply produces a 128-bit result. */
/* limbs 0 & 1 */
bn.mulqacc.Z w0.0, w2.0, 0
/* limbs 1 & 2 */
bn.mulqacc w0.0, w2.1, 64 w4.L, w0.1, w2.0, 64
/* limbs 2 & 3 */
bn.mulqacc w0.0, w2.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w0.1, w2.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w0.2, w2.0, 0
/* limbs 3 & 4 */
bn.mulqacc w0.0, w2.3, 64
bn.mulqacc w0.1, w2.2, 64
bn.mulqacc w0.2, w2.1, 64 w4.U, w0.3, w2.0, 64
/* limbs 4 & 5 */
bn.mulqacc w0.0, w3.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w0.1, w2.3, 0
bn.mulqacc w0.2, w2.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w0.3, w2.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w1.0, w2.0, 0
/* limbs 5 & 6 */
bn.mulqacc w0.0, w3.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w0.1, w3.0, 64
bn.mulqacc w0.2, w2.3, 64
bn.mulqacc w0.3, w2.2, 64
bn.mulqacc w1.0, w2.1, 64 w5.L, w1.1, w2.0, 64
/* limbs 6 & 7 */
bn.mulqacc w0.1, w3.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w0.2, w3.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w0.3, w2.3, 0
bn.mulqacc w1.0, w2.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w1.1, w2.1, 0
/* limbs 7 & 8 */
bn.mulqacc w0.2, w3.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w0.3, w3.0, 64
bn.mulqacc w1.0, w2.3, 64 w5.U, w1.1, w2.2, 64
/* limbs 8 & 9 */
bn.mulqacc w0.3, w3.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w1.0, w3.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w1.1, w2.3, 0
/* limbs 9 & 10 */
bn.mulqacc w1.0, w3.1, 64 w6.L, w1.1, w3.0, 64
/* limbs 10 & 11 */ w6.U, w1.1, w3.1, 0
.section .data
/* 384-bit integer
c0cd8ace94e3f125 d81268464fb3d215
e24f29866623b503 c85985f8978d55f9
046d4d30998ce236 ee39922af4dbeb77
(.quad below is in reverse order with zero padding) */
.quad 0xee39922af4dbeb77
.quad 0x046d4d30998ce236
.quad 0xc85985f8978d55f9
.quad 0xe24f29866623b503
.quad 0xd81268464fb3d215
.quad 0xc0cd8ace94e3f125
.quad 0x0
.quad 0x0
/* 384-bit integer
ae136ecc5716e8fe b65912b2b0fbc581
92cb9b695f0bfde3 0aba0b31d86c1918
babbd37fe428bf65 3d6d6b978170b74a
(.quad below is in reverse order with zero padding) */
.quad 0x3d6d6b978170b74a
.quad 0xbabbd37fe428bf65
.quad 0x0aba0b31d86c1918
.quad 0x92cb9b695f0bfde3
.quad 0xb65912b2b0fbc581
.quad 0xae136ecc5716e8fe
.quad 0x0
.quad 0x0
/* Expected result is
w6 =
831a570bed8e76bb 735861e7a8e39c4c
56f945cface6d78d 2f108731983b998d
w5 =
ccd29b3148fbe3ae 40187a515f2524c2
70b911a08ae0e4ac d6a0c633bad59cab
w4 =
c02f9f7c1521e937 31d623426dbfa830
c4df807f413b6763 921c8782f7f42166 */