blob: 8940cec4ed214c93ac3d62d88bb223a6df2bee71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// USBDPI -- act as a simple host for usbuart device
// Bits in LOG_LEVEL sets what is output on socket
// 0x01 -- monitor_usb (packet level)
// 0x02 -- more verbose monitor
// 0x08 -- bit level
module usbdpi #(
parameter string NAME = "usb0",
parameter LOG_LEVEL = 1
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
input logic clk_48MHz_i,
output logic dp_p2d,
input logic dp_d2p,
input logic dp_en_d2p,
output logic dn_p2d,
input logic dn_d2p,
input logic dn_en_d2p,
output logic d_p2d,
input logic d_d2p,
input logic d_en_d2p,
input logic se0_d2p,
input logic rx_enable_d2p,
input logic tx_use_d_se0_d2p,
output logic sense_p2d,
input logic pullupdp_d2p,
input logic pullupdn_d2p
import "DPI-C" function
chandle usbdpi_create(input string name, input int loglevel);
import "DPI-C" function
void usbdpi_device_to_host(input chandle ctx, input bit [10:0] d2p);
import "DPI-C" function
void usbdpi_close(input chandle ctx);
import "DPI-C" function
byte usbdpi_host_to_device(input chandle ctx, input bit [10:0] d2p);
chandle ctx;
initial begin
ctx = usbdpi_create(NAME, LOG_LEVEL);
sense_p2d = 1'b0;
final begin
logic [10:0] d2p;
logic [10:0] d2p_r;
logic unused_dummy;
logic unused_clk = clk_i;
logic unused_rst = rst_ni;
logic dp_int, dn_int, d_last;
logic flip_detect, pullup_detect, rx_enable;
// Detect a request to flip pins by the DN resistor being applied
assign flip_detect = pullupdn_d2p;
assign pullup_detect = pullupdp_d2p || pullupdn_d2p;
assign rx_enable = rx_enable_d2p;
assign d2p = {dp_d2p, dp_en_d2p, dn_d2p, dn_en_d2p, d_d2p, d_en_d2p, se0_d2p, tx_use_d_se0_d2p,
pullupdp_d2p, pullupdn_d2p, rx_enable};
always_ff @(posedge clk_48MHz_i) begin
if (!sense_p2d || pullup_detect) begin
automatic byte p2d = usbdpi_host_to_device(ctx, d2p);
d_last <= d_p2d;
dp_int <= p2d[2];
dn_int <= p2d[1];
sense_p2d <= p2d[0];
unused_dummy <= |p2d[7:4];
d2p_r <= d2p;
if (d2p_r != d2p) begin
usbdpi_device_to_host(ctx, d2p);
end else begin // if (pullup_detect)
d_last <= 0;
dp_int <= 0;
dn_int <= 0;
always_comb begin : proc_data
d_p2d = d_last;
if (rx_enable) begin
// Differential receiver is enabled.
// If host is driving, update d_p2d only if there is a valid differential
// value.
if (d_en_d2p) begin
d_p2d = d_d2p;
end else if (dp_int && !dn_int) begin
d_p2d = 1'b1;
end else if (!dp_int && dn_int) begin
d_p2d = 1'b0;
if (dp_en_d2p) begin
if (tx_use_d_se0_d2p) begin
dp_p2d = se0_d2p ? 1'b0 : flip_detect ^ d_d2p;
end else begin
dp_p2d = dp_d2p;
end else begin
dp_p2d = dp_int;
if (dn_en_d2p) begin
if (tx_use_d_se0_d2p) begin
dn_p2d = se0_d2p ? 1'b0 : flip_detect ^ ~d_d2p;
end else begin
dn_p2d = dn_d2p;
end else begin
dn_p2d = dn_int;