blob: c49da2f5aa52f1786429aaf1fc61453e1278f38b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "sw/host/spiflash/spi_interface.h"
namespace opentitan {
namespace spiflash {
// Forward declaration used to hide MPSSE context.
struct MpsseHandle;
* Implements SPI interface for an OpenTitan design connected via FTDI.
* FTDI provides an USB interface called Multi-Protocol Synchronous Serial
* Engine (MPSSE) which gives access to SPI, I2C and JTAG. This class uses
* MPSSE to communicate with the SPI device IP in OpenTitan.
* This class is not thread safe.
class FtdiSpiInterface : public SpiInterface {
/** FTDI SPI configuration options. */
struct Options {
/** USB device vendor ID. */
int32_t device_vendor_id = 0;
/** USB device product ID. */
int32_t device_product_id = 0;
/** USB device serial number. */
std::string device_serial_number;
/** Time to wait between attempts to check the hash in microseconds. */
int32_t hash_read_delay_us = 10000;
/** Time to wait between reading the hash over SPI and checking it in
* microseconds. */
int32_t hash_check_delay_us = 10000;
/** Time before giving up on looking for the correct hash in
* microseconds. */
int32_t hash_read_timeout_us = 400000;
/** FTDI Configuration. This can be made configurable later on if needed.
* Frequency in Hz. Default value is 1MHz. */
int32_t spi_frequency = 1000000;
explicit FtdiSpiInterface(Options options);
~FtdiSpiInterface() override;
bool Init() final;
bool TransmitFrame(const uint8_t *tx, size_t size) final;
bool CheckHash(const uint8_t *tx, size_t size) final;
Options options_;
std::unique_ptr<MpsseHandle> spi_;
} // namespace spiflash
} // namespace opentitan