blob: 5edc7911fe99d8c61ca04d4270cf1fcc89e91efe [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Generate SystemVerilog designs from IpBlock object"""
import logging as log
import os
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
from mako import exceptions # type: ignore
from mako.template import Template # type: ignore
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from reggen.ip_block import IpBlock
from reggen.lib import check_int
from reggen.multi_register import MultiRegister
from reggen.reg_base import RegBase
from reggen.register import Register
def escape_name(name: str) -> str:
return name.lower().replace(' ', '_')
def make_box_quote(msg: str, indent: str = ' ') -> str:
hr = indent + ('/' * (len(msg) + 6))
middle = indent + '// ' + msg + ' //'
return '\n'.join([hr, middle, hr])
def _get_awparam_name(iface_name: Optional[str]) -> str:
return (iface_name or 'Iface').capitalize() + 'Aw'
def get_addr_widths(block: IpBlock) -> Dict[Optional[str], Tuple[str, int]]:
'''Return the address widths for the device interfaces
Returns a dictionary keyed by interface name whose values are pairs:
(paramname, width) where paramname is IfaceAw for an unnamed interface and
FooAw for an interface called foo. This is constructed in the same order as
If there is a single device interface and that interface is unnamed, use
the more general parameter name "BlockAw".
assert block.reg_blocks
if len(block.reg_blocks) == 1 and None in block.reg_blocks:
return {None: ('BlockAw', block.reg_blocks[None].get_addr_width())}
return {name: (_get_awparam_name(name), rb.get_addr_width())
for name, rb in block.reg_blocks.items()}
def get_type_name_pfx(block: IpBlock, iface_name: Optional[str]) -> str:
return + ('' if iface_name is None
else '_{}'.format(iface_name.lower()))
def get_r0(reg: RegBase) -> Register:
'''Get a Register representing an entry in the RegBase'''
if isinstance(reg, Register):
return reg
assert isinstance(reg, MultiRegister)
return reg.reg
def get_iface_tx_type(block: IpBlock,
iface_name: Optional[str],
hw2reg: bool) -> str:
x2x = 'hw2reg' if hw2reg else 'reg2hw'
pfx = get_type_name_pfx(block, iface_name)
return '_'.join([pfx, x2x, 't'])
def get_reg_tx_type(block: IpBlock, reg: RegBase, hw2reg: bool) -> str:
'''Get the name of the hw2reg or reg2hw type for reg'''
if isinstance(reg, Register):
r0 = reg
type_suff = 'reg_t'
assert isinstance(reg, MultiRegister)
r0 = reg.reg
type_suff = 'mreg_t'
x2x = 'hw2reg' if hw2reg else 'reg2hw'
return '_'.join([,
def gen_rtl(block: IpBlock, outdir: str) -> int:
# Read Register templates
reg_top_tpl = Template(
filename=resource_filename('reggen', ''))
reg_pkg_tpl = Template(
filename=resource_filename('reggen', ''))
# In case the generated package contains alias definitions, we add
# the alias implementation identifier to the package name so that it
# becomes unique.
alias_impl = "_" + block.alias_impl if block.alias_impl else ""
# Generate <block>
# This defines the various types used to interface between the *_reg_top
# module(s) and the block itself.
reg_pkg_path = os.path.join(outdir, + alias_impl +
with open(reg_pkg_path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as fout:
except: # noqa F722 for template Exception handling
return 1
# Generate the register block implementation(s). For a device interface
# with no name we generate the register module "<block>_reg_top"
# (writing to <block> In any other case, we also need the
# interface name, giving <block>_<ifname>_reg_top.
lblock =
for if_name, rb in block.reg_blocks.items():
if if_name is None:
mod_base = lblock
mod_base = lblock + '_' + if_name.lower()
mod_name = mod_base + alias_impl + '_reg_top'
reg_top_path = os.path.join(outdir, mod_name + '.sv')
with open(reg_top_path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as fout:
except: # noqa F722 for template Exception handling
return 1
return 0
def render_param(dst_type: str, value: str) -> str:
'''Render a parameter value as used for the destination type
The value is itself a string but we have already checked that if dst_type
happens to be "int" or "int unsigned" then it can be parsed as an integer.
If dst_type is "int unsigned" and the value is larger than 2^31 then
explicitly generate a 32-bit hex value. This allows 32-bit literals whose
top bits are set (which can't be written as bare integers in SystemVerilog
without warnings, because those are interpreted as ints).
if dst_type == 'int unsigned':
# This shouldn't fail because we've already checked it in
# _parse_parameter in
int_val = check_int(value, "integer parameter")
if int_val >= (1 << 31):
return "32'h{:08x}".format(int_val)
return value