blob: 13fcaf3f48365316e0cf29dcd3e3c35907c56874 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "sw/device/lib/arch/device.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/macros.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_keymgr.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_otbn.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/hart.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/log.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/print.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/keymgr_testutils.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/otbn_testutils.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_framework/check.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_framework/ottf_main.h"
#include "hw/top_earlgrey/sw/autogen/top_earlgrey.h"
#include "otbn_regs.h" // Generated.
/* Set up pointers to symbols in the OTBN application. */
OTBN_DECLARE_SYMBOL_ADDR(x25519_sideload, enc_u);
OTBN_DECLARE_SYMBOL_ADDR(x25519_sideload, enc_result);
static const otbn_app_t kOtbnAppX25519 = OTBN_APP_T_INIT(x25519_sideload);
static const otbn_addr_t kOtbnVarEncU =
OTBN_ADDR_T_INIT(x25519_sideload, enc_u);
static const otbn_addr_t kOtbnVarEncResult =
OTBN_ADDR_T_INIT(x25519_sideload, enc_result);
* Encoded Montgomery u-coordinate for testing.
* This value (9) is actually the u-coordinate of the Curve25519 base point, so
* the X25519 function will effectively compute the public key. This is the
* first step in key exchange (see RFC 7748, section 6.1).
static const uint32_t kEncodedU[8] = {
0x9, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
static const dif_otbn_err_bits_t kOtbnInvalidKeyErr =
static const dif_otbn_err_bits_t kErrBitsOk = 0x0;
* Runs the OTBN X25519 application.
* The X25519 app and sideloaded key should already be loaded into OTBN before
* this routine is called. Causes CHECK-fail if the OTBN error code is not as
* expected.
* @param otbn OTBN context object
* @param[out] result Resulting Montgomery u-coordinate.
* @param expect_err_bits Error code expected from OTBN ERR register.
* an unexpected error.
static void run_x25519_app(dif_otbn_t *otbn, uint32_t *result,
dif_otbn_err_bits_t expect_err_bits) {
// Copy the input argument (Montgomery u-coordinate).
otbn_testutils_write_data(otbn, sizeof(kEncodedU), &kEncodedU, kOtbnVarEncU);
// Run the OTBN program and wait for it to complete.
LOG_INFO("Starting OTBN program...");
otbn_testutils_wait_for_done(otbn, expect_err_bits);
// Copy the result (also a 256-bit Montgomery u-coordinate).
otbn_testutils_read_data(otbn, 32, kOtbnVarEncResult, result);
* Run an OTBN program using a sideloaded key.
* This routine does not check the correctness of results, merely sideloads the
* key from keymgr to OTBN and then runs the X25519 program.
static void test_otbn_with_sideloaded_key(dif_keymgr_t *keymgr,
dif_otbn_t *otbn) {
// Generate the sideloaded key.
// TODO(weicai): also check in SV sequence that the key is correct.
dif_keymgr_versioned_key_params_t sideload_params = kKeyVersionedParams;
sideload_params.dest = kDifKeymgrVersionedKeyDestOtbn;
keymgr_testutils_generate_versioned_key(keymgr, sideload_params);
LOG_INFO("Keymgr generated HW output for OTBN.");
// Load the X25519 application.
otbn_testutils_load_app(otbn, kOtbnAppX25519);
// Run the OTBN app and retrieve the result.
uint32_t result[8];
run_x25519_app(otbn, result, kErrBitsOk);
// Clear the sideload key and check that OTBN errors with the correct error
// code (`KEY_INVALID` bit 5 = 1).
dif_keymgr_sideload_clear_set_enabled(keymgr, kDifToggleEnabled));
LOG_INFO("Clearing the Keymgr generated sideload keys.");
uint32_t at_clear_salt_result[8];
run_x25519_app(otbn, at_clear_salt_result, kOtbnInvalidKeyErr);
// Disable sideload key clearing.
dif_keymgr_sideload_clear_set_enabled(keymgr, kDifToggleDisabled));
LOG_INFO("Disable clearing the Keymgr generated sideload keys.");
// Clear the ERR bits register
mmio_region_write32(otbn->base_addr, OTBN_ERR_BITS_REG_OFFSET, 0x0);
keymgr, sideload_params); // Regenerate the sideload key.
LOG_INFO("Keymgr generated HW output for OTBN.");
uint32_t post_clear_salt_result[8];
run_x25519_app(otbn, post_clear_salt_result, kErrBitsOk);
CHECK_ARRAYS_EQ(result, post_clear_salt_result, ARRAYSIZE(result));
// Change the salt to generate a different key.
sideload_params.salt[0] = ~sideload_params.salt[0];
keymgr_testutils_generate_versioned_key(keymgr, sideload_params);
LOG_INFO("Keymgr generated HW output for OTBN.");
uint32_t modified_salt_result[8];
run_x25519_app(otbn, modified_salt_result, kErrBitsOk);
// Check that the result with the new key is different from the first
// result.
CHECK_ARRAYS_NE(result, modified_salt_result, ARRAYSIZE(result));
// Change the salt back to generate the first key again.
sideload_params.salt[0] = ~sideload_params.salt[0];
keymgr_testutils_generate_versioned_key(keymgr, sideload_params);
LOG_INFO("Keymgr generated HW output for OTBN.");
uint32_t same_key_result[8];
run_x25519_app(otbn, same_key_result, kErrBitsOk);
// Check that the result generated using the same key matches the first
// result.
CHECK_ARRAYS_EQ(result, same_key_result, ARRAYSIZE(result));
bool test_main(void) {
// Initialize keymgr and advance to CreatorRootKey state.
dif_keymgr_t keymgr;
dif_kmac_t kmac;
keymgr_testutils_startup(&keymgr, &kmac);
// Advance to OwnerIntermediateKey state.
keymgr_testutils_advance_state(&keymgr, &kOwnerIntParams);
keymgr_testutils_check_state(&keymgr, kDifKeymgrStateOwnerIntermediateKey);
LOG_INFO("Keymgr entered OwnerIntKey State");
// Initialize OTBN.
dif_otbn_t otbn;
dif_otbn_init(mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_OTBN_BASE_ADDR), &otbn));
// Test OTBN sideloading.
test_otbn_with_sideloaded_key(&keymgr, &otbn);
return true;