blob: bdff99541c598fce14c88a3b050511ec1e27b3ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sw/device/tests/crypto/aes_gcm_testutils.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/macros.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/crypto/drivers/aes.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/crypto/impl/aes_gcm/aes_gcm.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/ibex.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/log.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_framework/check.h"
* Start a cycle-count timing profile.
static uint64_t profile_start() { return ibex_mcycle_read(); }
* End a cycle-count timing profile.
* Call `profile_start()` first.
static uint32_t profile_end(uint64_t t_start) {
uint64_t t_end = ibex_mcycle_read();
uint64_t cycles = t_end - t_start;
CHECK(cycles <= UINT32_MAX);
return (uint32_t)cycles;
uint32_t call_aes_gcm_encrypt(aes_gcm_test_t test) {
uint8_t actual_ciphertext[test.plaintext_len];
uint8_t actual_tag[kAesGcmTagNumBytes];
// Construct AES key. Construct key shares by setting first share to full key
// and second share to 0. (Note: this is not a secure construction! But it
// makes debugging tests easier because there is only one thing to print.)
const uint32_t share1[8] = {0};
const aes_key_t test_key = {
.mode = kAesCipherModeCtr,
.sideload = kHardenedBoolFalse,
.key_len = test.key_len,
.key_shares = {test.key, share1},
// Call encrypt() with a cycle count timing profile.
uint64_t t_start = profile_start();
status_t err = aes_gcm_encrypt(
test_key, test.iv_len, test.iv, test.plaintext_len, test.plaintext,
test.aad_len, test.aad, actual_ciphertext, actual_tag);
uint32_t cycles = profile_end(t_start);
LOG_INFO("aes_gcm_encrypt took %d cycles", cycles);
// Check for errors and that the tag and plaintext match expected values.
CHECK_ARRAYS_EQ(actual_tag, test.tag, sizeof(test.tag));
if (test.plaintext_len > 0) {
int cmp = memcmp(actual_ciphertext, test.ciphertext, test.plaintext_len);
CHECK(cmp == 0, "AES-GCM encryption output does not match ciphertext");
return cycles;
uint32_t call_aes_gcm_decrypt(aes_gcm_test_t test, bool tag_valid) {
hardened_bool_t success;
uint8_t actual_plaintext[test.plaintext_len];
// Construct AES key. Construct key shares by setting first share to full key
// and second share to 0. (Note: this is not a secure construction! But it
// makes debugging tests easier because there is only one thing to print.)
const uint32_t share1[8] = {0};
const aes_key_t test_key = {
.mode = kAesCipherModeCtr,
.sideload = kHardenedBoolFalse,
.key_len = test.key_len,
.key_shares = {test.key, share1},
// Call decrypt() with a cycle count timing profile.
uint64_t t_start = profile_start();
status_t err = aes_gcm_decrypt(
test_key, test.iv_len, test.iv, test.plaintext_len, test.ciphertext,
test.aad_len, test.aad, test.tag, actual_plaintext, &success);
uint32_t cycles = profile_end(t_start);
LOG_INFO("aes_gcm_decrypt took %d cycles", cycles);
// Check the results.
if (tag_valid) {
CHECK(success == kHardenedBoolTrue,
"AES-GCM decryption failed on valid input");
if (test.plaintext_len > 0) {
int cmp = memcmp(actual_plaintext, test.plaintext, test.plaintext_len);
CHECK(cmp == 0, "AES-GCM decryption output does not match plaintext");
} else {
CHECK(success == kHardenedBoolFalse,
"AES-GCM decryption passed an invalid tag");
return cycles;