blob: f399f2b6c2f0bd0953886ca091b3a61025d1d49d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdint.h>
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_uart.h"
* @file
* @brief Side-channel analysis support library.
* Trigger sources.
* The trigger signal for a peripheral is based on its clkmgr_aon_idle signal.
* These values must match the values in
typedef enum sca_trigger_source {
* Use AES for capture trigger.
* The trigger signal will go high 40 cycles after `dif_aes_trigger()` is
* called and remain high until the operation is complete.
* Use HMAC for capture trigger.
* Use KMAC for capture trigger.
* Use OTBN (IO_DIV4 clock) for capture trigger.
* Use OTBN for capture trigger.
} sca_trigger_source_t;
* Peripherals.
* Constants below are bitmasks that can be used to specify a set of
* peripherals.
* See also: `sca_peripherals_t`.
typedef enum sca_peripheral {
* EDN.
kScaPeripheralEdn = 1 << 0,
kScaPeripheralCsrng = 1 << 1,
* Entropy source.
kScaPeripheralEntropy = 1 << 2,
* AES.
kScaPeripheralAes = 1 << 3,
kScaPeripheralHmac = 1 << 4,
kScaPeripheralKmac = 1 << 5,
kScaPeripheralOtbn = 1 << 6,
* Peripherals using the IO_DIV4_PERI clock (UART, GPIO, I2C, SPI Dev, ...)
kScaPeripheralIoDiv4 = 1 << 7,
* Peripherals using the IO_DIV2_PERI clock (SPI Host 1)
kScaPeripheralIoDiv2 = 1 << 8,
* USB.
kScaPeripheralUsb = 1 << 9,
* Peripherals using the IO_PERI clock (SPI Host 0)
kScaPeripheralIo = 1 << 10,
} sca_peripheral_t;
* A set of peripherals.
* This type is used for specifying which peripherals should be enabled when
* calling `sca_init()`. Remaining peripherals will be disabled to reduce noise
* during SCA.
* See also: `sca_peripheral_t`, `sca_init()`.
typedef uint32_t sca_peripherals_t;
* Initializes the peripherals (pinmux, uart, gpio, and timer) used by SCA code.
* @param trigger Peripheral to use for the trigger signal.
* @param enable Set of peripherals to enable. Remaining peripherals will
* be disabled to reduce noise during SCA.
void sca_init(sca_trigger_source_t trigger, sca_peripherals_t enable);
* Returns a handle to the intialized UART device.
* @return Handle to the initialized UART device.
const dif_uart_t *sca_get_uart(void);
* Sets capture trigger high.
* The actual trigger signal used for capture is a combination (logical AND) of:
* - the trigger gate enabled here, and
* - the busy signal of the peripheral of interest.
void sca_set_trigger_high(void);
* Sets capture trigger low.
void sca_set_trigger_low(void);
* Functions called by `sca_call_and_sleep()` must conform to this prototype.
typedef void (*sca_callee)(void);
* Calls the given function and puts Ibex to sleep.
* This function can be used to minimize noise while capturing power traces for
* side-channel attacks, in which case `callee` would trigger the operation of
* interest, typically a crypto operation, on the target device.
* @param callee Function to call before putting Ibex to sleep.
* @param sleep_cycles Number of cycles to sleep.
void sca_call_and_sleep(sca_callee callee, uint32_t sleep_cycles);
* seed PRNG for masking key.
void seed_lfsr(uint32_t seed);
* step PRNG for masking key.
uint32_t next_lfsr(void);