blob: 7ab1754732ed2c3b69f8ee0fd22fe1f22aa35e34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Core Implemenation module for Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Host IP.
module spi_host_fsm
import spi_host_cmd_pkg::*;
parameter int NumCS = 1
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input en_i,
input command_t command_i,
input command_valid_i,
output logic command_ready_o,
output logic sck_o,
output logic [NumCS-1:0] csb_o,
output logic [3:0] sd_en_o,
output logic last_read_o,
output logic last_write_o,
output logic wr_en_o,
input sr_wr_ready_i,
output logic rd_en_o,
input sr_rd_ready_i,
output logic sample_en_o,
output logic shift_en_o,
output logic [1:0] speed_o,
output logic full_cyc_o,
output logic rx_stall_o,
output logic tx_stall_o,
output logic active_o,
input sw_rst_i
logic is_idle;
logic [15:0] clkdiv, clkdiv_q;
logic [15:0] clk_cntr_q, clk_cntr_d;
logic clk_cntr_en;
logic [1:0] speed_cpha0, speed_cpha1;
logic [CSW-1:0] csid;
logic [CSW-1:0] csid_q;
logic [3:0] csnidle, csntrail, csnlead;
logic [3:0] csnidle_q, csntrail_q, csnlead_q;
logic full_cyc, cpha, cpol;
logic full_cyc_q, cpha_q, cpol_q;
// Unlike the configopts fields, the segment fields can change in back-to-backsegment operation.
// (If a change in only the configopts fields is detected, the FSM transitions to idle instead).
// For that reason, when using the segment fields in back-to-back operations, we have to bear
// in mind context and determine whether it is appropriate to use the value for the previous
// segment or the following segment.
// For instance, the cmd_rd_en signal is sometimes used to push segment byte into the shift
// register, and so in that case it is important to use cmd_rd_en_q in that sense. The same
// signal is consulted to load the bit counter at the /beginning/ of each byte or dummy cycle,
// and so in this context it is appropriate to use cmd_rd_en_d (which refers to the value from
// the immediately following segment).
logic [1:0] cmd_speed_d, cmd_speed_q;
logic cmd_wr_en_d, cmd_wr_en_q;
logic cmd_rd_en_d, cmd_rd_en_q;
logic [8:0] cmd_len_d, cmd_len_q;
logic csaat;
logic csaat_q;
logic [2:0] bit_cntr_d, bit_cntr_q;
logic [8:0] byte_cntr_cpha0_d, byte_cntr_cpha1_d, byte_cntr_cpha0_q, byte_cntr_cpha1_q;
logic [8:0] byte_cntr_early, byte_cntr_late;
logic [3:0] wait_cntr_d, wait_cntr_q;
logic last_bit, last_byte;
logic state_changing;
logic byte_starting, byte_starting_cpha0, byte_starting_cpha0_q, byte_starting_cpha1;
logic bit_shifting, bit_shifting_cpha0, bit_shifting_cpha0_q, bit_shifting_cpha1;
logic byte_ending, byte_ending_cpha0, byte_ending_cpha0_q, byte_ending_cpha1;
logic sample_en_d, sample_en_q, sample_en_q2;
logic config_changed;
logic fsm_en;
// new_command: signals a new segment input
// new_command_cpha1: delayed copy for updating the byte_cntr (do not use the delayed copy for
// updating the FSM state)
logic new_command, new_command_cpha1;
logic csb_single_d;
logic [NumCS-1:0] csb_q;
logic sck_d, sck_q;
logic wr_en_internal, rd_en_internal, sample_en_internal, shift_en_internal;
logic stall;
assign stall = rx_stall_o | tx_stall_o;
// suppress output pulses if stalled.
assign wr_en_o = wr_en_internal & ~stall;
assign rd_en_o = rd_en_internal & ~stall;
assign sample_en_o = sample_en_internal & ~stall;
assign shift_en_o = shift_en_internal & ~stall;
typedef enum logic [2:0] {
} spi_host_st_e;
spi_host_st_e state_q, state_d;
logic command_ready_int;
assign command_ready_o = command_ready_int & ~stall;
assign new_command = command_valid_i && command_ready_int;
assign config_changed = (command_i.configopts.cpol != cpol_q) ||
(command_i.configopts.cpha != cpha_q) ||
(command_i.configopts.full_cyc != full_cyc_q) ||
(command_i.configopts.csnidle != csnidle_q) ||
(command_i.configopts.csntrail != csntrail_q) ||
(command_i.configopts.csnlead != csnlead_q) ||
(command_i.configopts.clkdiv != clkdiv_q);
always_comb begin
csid = new_command ? command_i.csid : csid_q;
cpol = new_command ? command_i.configopts.cpol : cpol_q;
cpha = new_command ? command_i.configopts.cpha : cpha_q;
full_cyc = new_command ? command_i.configopts.full_cyc : full_cyc_q;
csnidle = new_command ? command_i.configopts.csnidle : csnidle_q;
csnlead = new_command ? command_i.configopts.csnlead : csnlead_q;
csntrail = new_command ? command_i.configopts.csntrail : csntrail_q;
clkdiv = new_command ? command_i.configopts.clkdiv : clkdiv_q;
csaat = new_command ? command_i.segment.csaat : csaat_q;
cmd_len_d = new_command ? command_i.segment.len : cmd_len_q;
cmd_wr_en_d = new_command ? command_i.segment.cmd_wr_en : cmd_wr_en_q;
cmd_rd_en_d = new_command ? command_i.segment.cmd_rd_en : cmd_rd_en_q;
cmd_speed_d = new_command ? command_i.segment.speed : cmd_speed_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
csid_q <= {CSW{1'b0}};
cpol_q <= 1'b0;
cpha_q <= 1'b0;
full_cyc_q <= 1'b0;
csnidle_q <= 4'h0;
csnlead_q <= 4'h0;
csntrail_q <= 4'h0;
clkdiv_q <= 16'h0;
csaat_q <= 1'b0;
cmd_rd_en_q <= 1'b0;
cmd_wr_en_q <= 1'b0;
cmd_speed_q <= 2'b00;
cmd_len_q <= 9'h0;
end else begin
csid_q <= (new_command && !stall) ? csid : csid_q;
cpol_q <= (new_command && !stall) ? cpol : cpol_q;
cpha_q <= (new_command && !stall) ? cpha : cpha_q;
full_cyc_q <= (new_command && !stall) ? full_cyc : full_cyc_q;
csnidle_q <= (new_command && !stall) ? csnidle : csnidle_q;
csnlead_q <= (new_command && !stall) ? csnlead : csnlead_q;
csntrail_q <= (new_command && !stall) ? csntrail : csntrail_q;
clkdiv_q <= (new_command && !stall) ? clkdiv : clkdiv_q;
csaat_q <= (new_command && !stall) ? csaat : csaat_q;
cmd_wr_en_q <= (new_command && !stall) ? cmd_wr_en_d : cmd_wr_en_q;
cmd_rd_en_q <= (new_command && !stall) ? cmd_rd_en_d : cmd_rd_en_q;
cmd_speed_q <= (new_command && !stall) ? cmd_speed_d : cmd_speed_q;
cmd_len_q <= (new_command && !stall) ? cmd_len_d : cmd_len_q;
assign is_idle = (state_q == Idle) || (state_q == IdleCSBActive);
assign active_o = ~is_idle;
assign clk_cntr_d = sw_rst_i ? 16'h0 :
!clk_cntr_en ? clk_cntr_q :
is_idle ? 16'h0 :
new_command ? clkdiv :
(clk_cntr_q == 16'h0) ? clkdiv :
clk_cntr_q - 1;
assign tx_stall_o = wr_en_internal & ~sr_wr_ready_i;
assign rx_stall_o = rd_en_internal & ~sr_rd_ready_i;
assign clk_cntr_en = en_i;
assign fsm_en = (clk_cntr_en && clk_cntr_q == 0);
spi_host_st_e next_state_after_idle;
always_comb begin
if (command_valid_i) begin
if (config_changed) begin
next_state_after_idle = CSBSwitch;
end else begin
next_state_after_idle = WaitLead;
end else begin
next_state_after_idle = Idle;
spi_host_st_e next_state_after_idle_csb_active;
logic command_ready_idle_csb_active;
always_comb begin
if (command_valid_i) begin
if (command_i.csid != csid_q) begin
// Do not acknowledge the command now, as it will trigger
// an update of the internal command and configuration registers.
// *Silently* transition to WaitTrail. The command
// will be acknowledged later, at the end of the WaitIdle state.
next_state_after_idle_csb_active = WaitTrail;
// Explicitly *suppress* command_ready
command_ready_idle_csb_active = 1'b0;
end else begin
next_state_after_idle_csb_active = InternalClkLow;
command_ready_idle_csb_active = 1'b1;
end else begin
next_state_after_idle_csb_active = IdleCSBActive;
command_ready_idle_csb_active = 1'b1;
// FSM main body: Controls state transitions and command_ready_o signaling
always_comb begin
state_d = state_q;
command_ready_int = 1'b0;
if (sw_rst_i) begin
state_d = Idle;
end else if (fsm_en) begin
unique case (state_q)
Idle: begin
// Initial state, wait for commands.
command_ready_int = 1'b1;
state_d = next_state_after_idle;
WaitLead: begin
// Transaction lead: CSB is low, waiting to start sck pulses.
if (wait_cntr_q == 4'h0) begin
state_d = InternalClkHigh;
InternalClkLow: begin
// One of two active clock states. sck is low when CPOL=0.
state_d = InternalClkHigh;
InternalClkHigh: begin
// One of two active clock states. sck is low when CPOL=0.
// Typically often the last state in a command, and so the next state depends on CSAAT,
// and of CSAAT is asserted, the details of the subsequent command.
if (!last_bit || !last_byte) begin
state_d = InternalClkLow;
// Check value of csaat for the previously submitted segment
end else if (!csaat_q) begin
state_d = WaitTrail;
end else begin
state_d = next_state_after_idle_csb_active;
command_ready_int = command_ready_idle_csb_active;
WaitTrail: begin
// Prepare to enter CSB high idle state by waiting csntrail cycles.
if (wait_cntr_q == 4'h0) begin
state_d = WaitIdle;
WaitIdle: begin
// Once CSB is high, wait for the designated number of cycles before accepting commands.
if (wait_cntr_q == 4'h0) begin
// ready to accept new command
command_ready_int = 1'b1;
state_d = next_state_after_idle;
CSBSwitch: begin
// Insert extra idle cycles when swtiching between CSID, this allows time to switch CPHA,
// CPOL and clkdiv settings, as well as guarantee that the idle delay requirements have
// been observed for the new device.
if (wait_cntr_q == 4'h0) begin
state_d = WaitLead;
end else begin
state_d = CSBSwitch;
IdleCSBActive: begin
// Wait for new commands, but with CSB held active low.
state_d = next_state_after_idle_csb_active;
command_ready_int = command_ready_idle_csb_active;
default: begin
command_ready_int = 1'b0;
state_d = Idle;
// All register updates freeze when a stall is detected.
// The definition of the stall signal looks ahead to determine whether a conflict is looming.
// Thus stall depends on state_d. Making state_d depend on stall
// would create a circular logic loop, and lint errors. Therefore stall is applied here, not
// in the previous always_comb block;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
state_q <= Idle;
clk_cntr_q <= 16'h0;
end else begin
state_q <= stall ? state_q : state_d;
clk_cntr_q <= stall ? clk_cntr_q : clk_cntr_d;
logic segment_rd_en, segment_rd_en_cpha0, segment_rd_en_cpha1;
assign state_changing = (state_q != state_d);
assign byte_starting_cpha0 = ~sw_rst_i & state_changing &
((state_d == WaitLead) |
(state_d == InternalClkLow & bit_cntr_q==0));
assign bit_shifting_cpha0 = ~sw_rst_i & state_changing &
(state_d == InternalClkLow & bit_cntr_q != 0);
assign byte_ending_cpha0 = ~sw_rst_i & state_changing &
(state_q == InternalClkHigh & bit_cntr_q == 0);
assign speed_cpha0 = cmd_speed_q;
assign segment_rd_en_cpha0 = cmd_rd_en_q;
// We can calculate byte transitions for CHPA=1 by noting
// that in this implmentation, the sck edges have a 1-1
// correspondence with FSM transitions.
// New bytes are loaded exactly one state transition behind the time
// when they would be loaded if CPHA=0
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
byte_starting_cpha0_q <= 1'b0;
byte_ending_cpha0_q <= 1'b0;
bit_shifting_cpha0_q <= 1'b0;
speed_cpha1 <= Standard;
segment_rd_en_cpha1 <= 1'b0;
new_command_cpha1 <= 1'b0;
end else if (state_changing && !stall) begin
byte_ending_cpha0_q <= byte_ending_cpha0;
byte_starting_cpha0_q <= byte_starting_cpha0;
bit_shifting_cpha0_q <= bit_shifting_cpha0;
speed_cpha1 <= speed_cpha0;
segment_rd_en_cpha1 <= segment_rd_en_cpha0;
new_command_cpha1 <= new_command;
// The <XYZ>_cpha0_q pulse registers queue up a delayed <XYZ> pulse for use
// in CPHA=1 mode. Here we also have to ensure that the resulting
// pulse is only one cycle long.
assign byte_starting_cpha1 = byte_starting_cpha0_q & state_changing;
assign byte_ending_cpha1 = byte_ending_cpha0_q & state_changing;
assign bit_shifting_cpha1 = bit_shifting_cpha0_q & state_changing;
assign byte_starting = (cpha == 1'b0) ? byte_starting_cpha0 :
assign byte_ending = (cpha == 1'b0) ? byte_ending_cpha0 :
assign bit_shifting = (cpha == 1'b0) ? bit_shifting_cpha0 :
assign speed_o = (cpha == 1'b0) ? speed_cpha0:
assign segment_rd_en = (cpha == 1'b0) ? segment_rd_en_cpha0:
assign byte_cntr_early = (cpha == 1'b0) ? byte_cntr_cpha0_d :
assign byte_cntr_late = (cpha == 1'b0) ? byte_cntr_cpha0_q :
logic [2:0] shift_size;
logic [2:0] start_bit;
always_comb begin
if (!cmd_rd_en_d && !cmd_wr_en_d) begin
// direction == 0, means to send out
// a fixed number of pulses, NOT bytes.
// thus "last_bit" is always asserted,
// and the number of pulses is counted
// by byte_cntr_d.
shift_size = 0;
start_bit = 3'h0;
end else begin
unique case (cmd_speed_d)
Standard: begin
shift_size = 3'h1;
start_bit = 3'h7;
Dual: begin
shift_size = 3'h2;
start_bit = 3'h6;
Quad: begin
shift_size = 3'h4;
start_bit = 3'h4;
default: begin
// Invalid_speed;
shift_size = 3'h1;
start_bit = 3'h1;
assign bit_cntr_d = sw_rst_i ? 3'h0 :
!fsm_en ? bit_cntr_q :
byte_starting ? start_bit :
bit_shifting ? bit_cntr_q - shift_size :
assign last_bit = (bit_cntr_q == 3'h0);
// The variable last_byte is only used for updating the FSM state.
// For CPHA=1 operation, either byte_cntr_cpha0_q or byte_cntr_cpha1_q
// can drive the FSM properly. However, we explicitly choose
// byte_cntr_cpha0_q to avoid a combinational logic loop.
assign last_byte = (byte_cntr_cpha0_q == 9'h0);
// Note: when updating the byte_cntr in CPHA=0 mode with a new command value, the length must
// be pulled in directly from the command bus, cmd_len_d;
assign byte_cntr_cpha0_d = sw_rst_i ? 9'h0 :
!fsm_en ? byte_cntr_cpha0_q :
new_command ? cmd_len_d :
byte_ending_cpha0 ? byte_cntr_cpha0_q - 1 :
// Note: when updating the byte_cntr in CPHA=1 mode with a new command value, the length must
// be pulled in with a single state delay (using new_command_cpha1) and must use the
// registered value, cmd_len_q;
assign byte_cntr_cpha1_d = sw_rst_i ? 9'h0 :
!fsm_en ? byte_cntr_cpha1_q :
new_command_cpha1 ? cmd_len_q :
byte_ending_cpha1 ? byte_cntr_cpha1_q - 1 :
always_comb begin
if(sw_rst_i) begin
wait_cntr_d = 4'b0;
end else if (!fsm_en) begin
wait_cntr_d = wait_cntr_q;
end else if (state_changing) begin
unique case (state_d)
WaitLead: begin
wait_cntr_d = csnlead;
WaitTrail: begin
wait_cntr_d = csntrail;
WaitIdle: begin
wait_cntr_d = csnidle;
CSBSwitch: begin
wait_cntr_d = csnidle;
default: begin
// Hold wait cntr to zero
// for states that don't use it
wait_cntr_d = 4'b0;
end else if (wait_cntr_q == 0) begin
wait_cntr_d = 4'h0;
end else begin
wait_cntr_d = wait_cntr_q - 1;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
bit_cntr_q <= 3'h0;
byte_cntr_cpha0_q <= 9'h0;
byte_cntr_cpha1_q <= 9'h0;
wait_cntr_q <= 4'h0;
end else begin
bit_cntr_q <= stall ? bit_cntr_q : bit_cntr_d;
byte_cntr_cpha0_q <= stall ? byte_cntr_cpha0_q : byte_cntr_cpha0_d;
byte_cntr_cpha1_q <= stall ? byte_cntr_cpha1_q : byte_cntr_cpha1_d;
wait_cntr_q <= stall ? wait_cntr_q : wait_cntr_d;
assign wr_en_internal = byte_starting & cmd_wr_en_d;
assign shift_en_internal = bit_shifting;
assign rd_en_internal = byte_ending & segment_rd_en;
assign sample_en_d = byte_starting | shift_en_o;
assign full_cyc_o = full_cyc;
assign last_read_o = (byte_cntr_late == 'h0) & rd_en_o & sr_rd_ready_i;
assign last_write_o = (byte_cntr_early == 'h0) & wr_en_o & sr_wr_ready_i;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
sample_en_q <= 1'b0;
sample_en_q2 <= 1'b0;
end else begin
sample_en_q <= (fsm_en && !stall) ? sample_en_d : sample_en_q;
sample_en_q2 <= (fsm_en && !stall) ? sample_en_q : sample_en_q2;
assign sample_en_internal = full_cyc_o ? sample_en_q2 : sample_en_q;
always_comb begin
unique case (state_d)
WaitLead, InternalClkLow, InternalClkHigh, IdleCSBActive, WaitTrail:
csb_single_d = 1'b0;
csb_single_d = 1'b1;
assign sck_d = cpol ? (state_d != InternalClkHigh) :
(state_d == InternalClkHigh);
assign sck_o = sck_q;
prim_flop_en u_sck_flop (
for (genvar ii = 0; ii < NumCS; ii = ii + 1) begin : gen_csb_gen
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
csb_q[ii] <= 1'b1;
end else begin
csb_q[ii] <= (csid != ii) ? 1'b1 :
!stall ? csb_single_d :
end : gen_csb_gen
assign csb_o = csb_q;
always_comb begin
if (&csb_o) begin
sd_en_o[3:0] = 4'h0;
end else begin
unique case (speed_o)
Standard: begin
sd_en_o[0] = 1'b1;
sd_en_o[1] = 1'b0;
sd_en_o[3:2] = 2'b00;
Dual: begin
sd_en_o[1:0] = {2{cmd_wr_en_q}};
sd_en_o[3:2] = 2'b00;
Quad: begin
sd_en_o[3:0] = {4{cmd_wr_en_q}};
default: begin
// invalid speed
sd_en_o[3:0] = 4'h0;
// Assertions confirming valid user input.
cmd_speed_d == Standard || !(cmd_rd_en_d && cmd_wr_en_d),
clk_i, rst_ni)
`ASSERT(ValidSpeed_A, cmd_speed_d != RsvdSpd, clk_i, rst_ni)
`ASSERT(ValidCSID_A, csid < NumCS, clk_i, rst_ni)