blob: 52819ebd3699b28b921c513104d81ff1c5dce098 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import argparse
import math
import sys
from typing import List, Optional
# Size of OTBN wide data registers.
WDR_SIZE = 256
# Size of bn.mulqacc multiplier.
# Limbs per WDR.
# Assert that limb size divides data register size.
assert (WDR_SIZE % LIMB_SIZE == 0)
class Line:
'''Represents a single line of a bn.mulqacc block.'''
def __init__(self, modifiers: List[str], dst: Optional[str], lhs: str,
rhs: str, shift: int):
self.modifiers = modifiers
self.dst = dst
self.lhs = lhs
self.rhs = rhs
self.shift = shift
def insn_string(self) -> str:
'''Return the string representing the instruction.
Includes 2 spaces after the instruction, which is the minimum required
# The empty string produces a leading '.' if modifiers exist.
modifiers_str = '.'.join([''] + self.modifiers)
return f'bn.mulqacc{modifiers_str} '
def dst_string(self) -> str:
'''Return the string representing the writeback destination.
Includes a comma and one space of required padding, if self.dst exists.
return (self.dst + ', ') if self.dst is not None else ''
def min_lhs_align(self) -> int:
'''Returns the minimum column at which the left operand can appear.'''
return len(self.insn_string()) + len(self.dst_string())
def pretty(self, lhs_align: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
'''Stringify the line.
If `lhs_align` is provided, adds padding to align the left-hand operand
at that index.
insn = self.insn_string()
dst_str = self.dst_string()
if lhs_align is not None and lhs_align < len(insn) + len(dst_str):
raise ValueError(
f'Cannot align left-hand operand to the index {lhs_align}; '
f'need {len(insn) + len(dst_str)} characters for '
f'{insn + dst_str}')
if lhs_align is None:
padding = ''
padding = ' ' * (lhs_align - len(insn) - len(dst_str))
return f'{insn}{padding}{dst_str}{self.lhs}, {self.rhs}, {self.shift}'
def make_operand(regs: List[str], limb_index: int) -> str:
'''Get the string representing the requested limb of the bignum.
Assumes LIMB_SIZE-bit limbs and WDR_SIZE-bit registers.
reg = regs[limb_index // LIMBS_PER_WDR]
index = limb_index % LIMBS_PER_WDR
return f'{reg}.{index}'
def make_half_word_writeback(regs: List[str], limb_index: int) -> str:
'''Get the string representing for the half-word of the result where the
given limb starts.'''
reg = regs[limb_index // LIMBS_PER_WDR]
index = limb_index % LIMBS_PER_WDR
if index < LIMBS_PER_WDR / 2:
return f'{reg}.L'
return f'{reg}.U'
def mask(n: int) -> int:
'''Return an n-bit mask.'''
return (1 << n) - 1
def make_block(lhs_bits: int, lhs_regs: List[str], rhs_bits: int,
rhs_regs: List[str], result_regs: List[str]) -> List[Line]:
'''Print out the bn.mulqacc block for the bignum product.
Requires that:
- The `lhs_regs` list has enough registers to store `lhs_bits` bits
- The `rhs_regs` list has enough registers to store `rhs_bits` bits
- The `result_regs` list has enough registers to store the result
Returns the result as a list, each representing a single line of assembly.
# Determine the number of limbs for bn.mulqacc.
lhs_nlimbs = math.ceil(lhs_bits / LIMB_SIZE)
rhs_nlimbs = math.ceil(rhs_bits / LIMB_SIZE)
# Determine the position of the most significant partial product. Note that
# this product is up to 128 bits, so the actual number of 64-bit limbs in
# the result is likely 1 higher than this number.
# Determine the number of "terms" (partial products with the same weight)
# in the result. For example, if the LHS and RHS each have 2 limbs, the
# result (a0b0 + (a0b1 + a1b0) << 64 + a1b1 << 128) has 3 terms.
result_nterms = lhs_nlimbs + rhs_nlimbs - 1
# Determine the number of full-size words in the result.
result_nwords = math.ceil((lhs_bits + rhs_bits) / WDR_SIZE)
# Create the main body of the loop, with half-word writebacks at every 128
# bits of the result. Track the bounds of the accumulator.
lines = []
for i in range(result_nterms):
# Determine if this is the final word of the result, in which case
# we'll use a whole-word writeback instead of half-words.
is_final_word = (i // LIMBS_PER_WDR) == result_nwords - 1
if is_final_word:
shift_bits = (i % 4) * 64
shift_bits = (i % 2) * 64
# Gather the partial products for this limb of the result.
partial_products = []
for j in range(i + 1):
if j < lhs_nlimbs and (i - j) < rhs_nlimbs:
partial_products.append((j, i - j))
# Sanity check.
if len(partial_products) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(f'No partial products for limb {i}!')
for lhs_idx, rhs_idx in partial_products:
Line([], None, make_operand(lhs_regs, lhs_idx),
make_operand(rhs_regs, rhs_idx), shift_bits))
# Every second limb (except for the final word), write back a half-word
# of the result as part of the last instruction.
if not is_final_word and i % 2 == 1:
lines[-1].dst = make_half_word_writeback(result_regs, i)
# It's possible that the last result term crosses a word boundary, so we
# never will have hit the "final word" condition. If so, we need to add an
# instruction that just writes back the accumulator to the final word
# without modifying it. We assume here that w31 = 0.
if not is_final_word:
lines.append(Line([], None, 'w31.0', 'w31.0', 0))
# Write back the final word of the result by adding a `.wo` modifier to the
# last instruction.
lines[-1].dst = result_regs[result_nwords - 1]
# Ensure that the first instruction zeroes the accumulator.
return lines
def format_block(lines: List[Line]) -> List[str]:
'''Format the lines so that the left-hand operands are all aligned.'''
align = max([line.min_lhs_align() for line in lines])
return [line.pretty(align) for line in lines]
def is_wdr(reg_name: str) -> bool:
if not reg_name.startswith('w'):
return False
if len(reg_name) < 1:
return False
reg_num = reg_name[1:]
if not reg_num.isnumeric():
return False
reg_idx = int(reg_num)
return (0 <= reg_idx) and (reg_idx <= 31)
def check_regs(regs: List[str], bits: int) -> None:
'''Checks that register names are valid and there are enough registers to
store the given number of bits.'''
for reg_name in regs:
if not is_wdr(reg_name):
raise ValueError(f'{reg_name} is not a valid wide data register.')
if len(regs) * WDR_SIZE < bits:
raise ValueError(
f'Register list {regs} does not have enough space to store a '
f'{bits}-bit number.')
def main() -> int:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=(
'Print out a bn.mulqacc block for the given bignum product.'))
help='Number of bits in the left-hand operand.')
help='Registers for left-hand operand (little-endian order).')
help='Number of bits in the right-hand operand.')
help='Registers for the right-hand operand (little-endian order).')
help=('Registers in which to store the result. Must not overlap with '
'operand registers.'))
args = parser.parse_args()
check_regs(args.lhs_regs, args.lhs_bits)
check_regs(args.rhs_regs, args.rhs_bits)
check_regs(args.result_regs, args.lhs_bits + args.rhs_bits)
# Check that result registers don't overlap with operand registers.
for reg in args.result_regs:
if reg in args.lhs_regs or reg in args.rhs_regs:
raise ValueError(
f'Result register {reg} also appears in one of the operands.')
# Check that neither operand is 0 bits.
if args.lhs_bits == 0 or args.rhs_bits == 0:
raise ValueError('Both operands must have at least 1 bit.')
block = make_block(args.lhs_bits, args.lhs_regs, args.rhs_bits,
args.rhs_regs, args.result_regs)
for line in format_block(block):
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":