blob: b26bcd8c556b8e9353e8adcc4b1fbd5b07823f1b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence
import libcst as cst
from libcst._nodes.internal import CodegenState, visit_required
def make_aref(name: str, idx: cst.BaseExpression) -> cst.Subscript:
sub_elt = cst.SubscriptElement(slice=cst.Index(value=idx))
return cst.Subscript(value=cst.Name(name), slice=[sub_elt])
class NBAssignTarget(cst.AssignTarget):
'''The target of a (delayed) state update'''
def _codegen_impl(self, state: CodegenState) -> None:
with state.record_syntactic_position(self):
# U+21D0 is "Leftwards Double Arrow" (a nice unicode rendering of
# SystemVerilog's "<=" which doesn't collide with less-than-or-equal.
class NBAssign(cst.BaseSmallStatement):
'''An assignment statement that models a (delayed) state update'''
def __init__(self, target: NBAssignTarget, value: cst.BaseExpression):
super().__init__() = target
self.value = value
def _visit_and_replace_children(self,
visitor: cst.CSTVisitorT) -> "NBAssign":
target = visit_required(self, "target",, visitor)
value = visit_required(self, "value", self.value, visitor)
return NBAssign(target=target, value=value)
def _codegen_impl(self,
state: CodegenState,
default_semicolon: bool = False) -> None:
with state.record_syntactic_position(self):
def make(lhs: cst.BaseAssignTargetExpression,
rhs: cst.BaseExpression) -> 'NBAssign':
return NBAssign(target=NBAssignTarget(target=lhs),
class ImplTransformer(cst.CSTTransformer):
'''An AST visitor used to extract documentation from the ISS'''
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.impls = {} # type: Dict[str, Sequence[cst.BaseStatement]]
self.cur_class = None # type: Optional[str]
def visit_ClassDef(self, node: cst.ClassDef) -> Optional[bool]:
assert self.cur_class is None
self.cur_class =
return None
def leave_ClassDef(self,
orig: cst.ClassDef,
updated: cst.ClassDef) -> cst.BaseStatement:
self.cur_class = None
return updated
def leave_Attribute(self,
orig: cst.Attribute,
updated: cst.Attribute) -> cst.BaseExpression:
if isinstance(updated.value, cst.Name):
stem = updated.value.value
# Strip out "self." references. In the ISS code, a field in the
# instruction appears as self.field_name. In the documentation, we
# can treat all the instruction fields as being in scope.
if stem == 'self':
return updated.attr
# Replace state.dmem with DMEM. This is an object in the ISS code,
# so you see things like state.dmem.load_u32(...). We keep the
# "object-orientated" style (so DMEM.load_u32(...)) because we need
# to distinguish between 32-bit and 256-bit loads.
if stem == 'state' and updated.attr.value == 'dmem':
return cst.Name(value='DMEM')
if isinstance(updated.value, cst.Attribute):
# This attribute looks like A.B.C where B, C are names and A may be
# a further attribute or it might be a name.
attr_a = updated.value.value
attr_b = updated.value.attr.value
attr_c = updated.attr.value
if isinstance(attr_a, cst.Name):
stem = attr_a.value
# Replace state.csrs.flags with FLAGs: the flag groups are
# stored in the CSRs in the ISS and the implementation, but
# logically exist somewhat separately, so we want named
# reads/writes from them to look different.
if (stem, attr_b, attr_c) == ('state', 'csrs', 'flags'):
return cst.Name(value='FLAGs')
return updated
def leave_FunctionDef(self,
orig: cst.FunctionDef,
updated: cst.FunctionDef) -> cst.BaseStatement:
if ((self.cur_class is None or != 'execute' or
self.cur_class in self.impls)):
return updated
# The body of a function definition is always an IndentedBlock. Strip
# that out to get at the statements inside.
assert isinstance(updated.body, cst.IndentedBlock)
self.impls[self.cur_class] = updated.body.body
return updated
def match_get_reg(call: cst.BaseExpression) -> Optional[cst.Subscript]:
'''Extract a RegRef from state.gprs.get_reg(foo)
Returns None if this isn't a match.
if not isinstance(call, cst.Call):
return None
# We expect a single argument (which we take as the index)
if len(call.args) != 1:
return None
getreg_idx = call.args[0].value
# All we need to do still is check that call.func is an
# attribute representing state.gprs.get_reg or state.wdrs.get_reg.
if ((not isinstance(call.func, cst.Attribute) or
call.func.attr.value != 'get_reg')):
return None
state_dot_reg = call.func.value
if not isinstance(state_dot_reg, cst.Attribute):
return None
# Finally, state_dot_reg should be either state.gprs or state.wdrs
if not (isinstance(state_dot_reg.value, cst.Name) and
state_dot_reg.value.value == 'state'):
return None
regfile_name = state_dot_reg.attr.value
if regfile_name == 'gprs':
regfile_uname = 'GPRs'
elif regfile_name == 'wdrs':
regfile_uname = 'WDRs'
return None
return make_aref(regfile_uname, getreg_idx)
def _spot_reg_read(node: cst.Call) -> Optional[cst.BaseExpression]:
# Detect
# state.gprs.get_reg(FOO).read_unsigned()
# state.gprs.get_reg(FOO).read_signed()
# and replace with the expressions
# from_2s_complement(GPRs[FOO])
# respectively.
# In either case, we expect node.func to be some long attribute
# (representing state.gprs.get_reg(FOO).read_X). For unsigned or
# signed, we can check that it is indeed an Attribute and that
# node.args is empty (neither function takes arguments).
if node.args or not isinstance(node.func, cst.Attribute):
return None
# Now, check whether we're calling one of the functions we're
# interested in.
if node.func.attr.value == 'read_signed':
signed = True
elif node.func.attr.value == 'read_unsigned':
signed = False
return None
# Check that node.func.value really does represent something of the
# form "state.gprs.get_reg(FOO)".
ret = ImplTransformer.match_get_reg(node.func.value)
if ret is None:
return None
if signed:
# If this is a call to read_signed, we want to wrap the returned
# value in a call to a fake sign decode function.
return cst.Call(func=cst.Name('from_2s_complement'),
return ret
def _spot_csr_read(node: cst.Call) -> Optional[cst.BaseExpression]:
# Detect
# state.read_csr(FOO)
# and replace it with the expression
# Check we have exactly one argument
if len(node.args) != 1:
return None
# Check this is state.read_csr
if not (isinstance(node.func, cst.Attribute) and
isinstance(node.func.value, cst.Name) and
node.func.value.value == 'state' and
node.func.attr.value == 'read_csr'):
return None
return make_aref('CSRs', node.args[0].value)
def _spot_wsr_read_idx(node: cst.Call) -> Optional[cst.BaseExpression]:
# Detect
# state.wsrs.read_at_idx(FOO)
# and replace it with the expression
# Check we have exactly one argument
if len(node.args) != 1:
return None
# Check this is state.wsrs.read_at_idx
if not (isinstance(node.func, cst.Attribute) and
isinstance(node.func.value, cst.Attribute) and
isinstance(node.func.value.value, cst.Name) and
node.func.value.value.value == 'state' and
node.func.value.attr.value == 'wsrs' and
node.func.attr.value == 'read_at_idx'):
return None
return make_aref('WSRs', node.args[0].value)
def _spot_wsr_read_name(node: cst.Call) -> Optional[cst.BaseExpression]:
# Detect
# state.wsrs.FOO.read_unsigned()
# and replace it with the expression
# Check we have no arguments
if len(node.args) != 0:
return None
# Check this is A.B.C.D for names A, B, C, D.
if not (isinstance(node.func, cst.Attribute) and
isinstance(node.func.value, cst.Attribute) and
isinstance(node.func.value.value, cst.Attribute) and
isinstance(node.func.value.value.value, cst.Name)):
return None
a_name = node.func.value.value.value
b_name = node.func.value.value.attr
c_name = node.func.value.attr
d_name = node.func.attr
if not (a_name.value == 'state' and
b_name.value == 'wsrs' and
d_name.value == 'read_unsigned'):
return None
return c_name
def leave_Call(self,
orig: cst.Call,
updated: cst.Call) -> cst.BaseExpression:
# Handle:
# state.gprs.get_reg(FOO).read_unsigned()
# state.gprs.get_reg(FOO).read_signed()
reg_read = ImplTransformer._spot_reg_read(updated)
if reg_read is not None:
return reg_read
csr_read = ImplTransformer._spot_csr_read(updated)
if csr_read is not None:
return csr_read
wsr_read_idx = ImplTransformer._spot_wsr_read_idx(updated)
if wsr_read_idx is not None:
return wsr_read_idx
wsr_read_name = ImplTransformer._spot_wsr_read_name(updated)
if wsr_read_name is not None:
return wsr_read_name
return updated
def _spot_reg_write(node: cst.Expr) -> Optional[NBAssign]:
# Spot
# state.gprs.get_reg(foo).write_unsigned(bar)
# state.gprs.get_reg(foo).write_signed(bar)
# and turn them into
# GPRs[FOO] = bar
# GPRs[FOO] = to_2s_complement(bar)
if not isinstance(node.value, cst.Call):
return None
call = node.value
if len(call.args) != 1 or not isinstance(call.func, cst.Attribute):
return None
value = call.args[0].value
if call.func.attr.value == 'write_unsigned':
rhs = value
elif call.func.attr.value == 'write_signed':
rhs = cst.Call(func=cst.Name('to_2s_complement'),
return None
# We expect call.func.value to be match state.gprs.get_reg(foo).
# Extract the array reference if we can.
reg_ref = ImplTransformer.match_get_reg(call.func.value)
if reg_ref is None:
return None
return NBAssign.make(reg_ref, rhs)
def _spot_csr_write(node: cst.Expr) -> Optional[NBAssign]:
# Spot
# state.write_csr(csr, new_val)
# and turn it into
# CSRs[csr] = new_val
if not isinstance(node.value, cst.Call):
return None
call = node.value
if len(call.args) != 2 or not isinstance(call.func, cst.Attribute):
return None
if not (isinstance(call.func.value, cst.Name) and
call.func.value.value == 'state' and
call.func.attr.value == 'write_csr'):
return None
idx = call.args[0].value
rhs = call.args[1].value
return NBAssign.make(make_aref('CSRs', idx), rhs)
def _spot_wsr_write_idx(node: cst.Expr) -> Optional[NBAssign]:
# Spot
# state.wsrs.write_at_idx(wsr, new_val)
# and turn it into
# WSRs[wsr] = new_val
if not isinstance(node.value, cst.Call):
return None
call = node.value
if len(call.args) != 2 or not isinstance(call.func, cst.Attribute):
return None
func = call.func
if not (isinstance(func.value, cst.Attribute) and
isinstance(func.value.value, cst.Name) and
func.value.value.value == 'state' and
func.value.attr.value == 'wsrs' and
func.attr.value == 'write_at_idx'):
return None
idx = call.args[0].value
rhs = call.args[1].value
return NBAssign.make(make_aref('WSRs', idx), rhs)
def _spot_wsr_write_name(node: cst.Expr) -> Optional[NBAssign]:
# Spot
# state.wsrs.FOO.write_unsigned(new_val)
# and turn it into
# FOO = new_val
if not isinstance(node.value, cst.Call):
return None
call = node.value
if len(call.args) != 1 or not isinstance(call.func, cst.Attribute):
return None
# Check this is A.B.C.D for names A, B, C, D.
if not (isinstance(call.func, cst.Attribute) and
isinstance(call.func.value, cst.Attribute) and
isinstance(call.func.value.value, cst.Attribute) and
isinstance(call.func.value.value.value, cst.Name)):
return None
a_name = call.func.value.value.value
b_name = call.func.value.value.attr
c_name = call.func.value.attr
d_name = call.func.attr
if not (a_name.value == 'state' and
b_name.value == 'wsrs' and
d_name.value == 'write_unsigned'):
return None
rhs = call.args[0].value
return NBAssign.make(c_name, rhs)
def _spot_flag_write(node: cst.Expr) -> Optional[NBAssign]:
# Spot
# state.set_flags(fg, flags)
# and turn it into
# FLAGs[fg] = flags
if not isinstance(node.value, cst.Call):
return None
call = node.value
if len(call.args) != 2 or not isinstance(call.func, cst.Attribute):
return None
if not (isinstance(call.func.value, cst.Name) and
call.func.value.value == 'state' and
call.func.attr.value == 'set_flags'):
return None
fg = call.args[0].value
flags = call.args[1].value
return NBAssign.make(make_aref('FLAGs', fg), flags)
def _spot_set_next_pc(node: cst.Expr) -> Optional[NBAssign]:
# Spot
# state.set_next_pc(next_pc)
# and turn it into
# PC <= next_pc
if not isinstance(node.value, cst.Call):
return None
call = node.value
if len(call.args) != 1 or not isinstance(call.func, cst.Attribute):
return None
if not (isinstance(call.func.value, cst.Name) and
call.func.value.value == 'state' and
call.func.attr.value == 'set_next_pc'):
return None
next_pc = call.args[0].value
return NBAssign.make(cst.Name(value='PC'), next_pc)
def leave_Expr(self,
orig: cst.Expr,
updated: cst.Expr) -> cst.BaseSmallStatement:
reg_write = ImplTransformer._spot_reg_write(updated)
if reg_write is not None:
return reg_write
csr_write = ImplTransformer._spot_csr_write(updated)
if csr_write is not None:
return csr_write
wsr_write_idx = ImplTransformer._spot_wsr_write_idx(updated)
if wsr_write_idx is not None:
return wsr_write_idx
wsr_write_name = ImplTransformer._spot_wsr_write_name(updated)
if wsr_write_name is not None:
return wsr_write_name
flag_write = ImplTransformer._spot_flag_write(updated)
if flag_write is not None:
return flag_write
set_pc_next = ImplTransformer._spot_set_next_pc(updated)
if set_pc_next is not None:
return set_pc_next
return updated
def read_implementation(path: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
'''Read the implementation at path (probably
Returns a dictionary from instruction class name to its pseudo-code
implementation. An instruction class name looks like ADDI (for addi) or
BNADDM (for bn.addm).
with open(path, 'r') as handle:
node = cst.parse_module(
# Extract the function bodies
visitor = ImplTransformer()
# Render the function bodies
return {cls: ''.join(node.code_for_node(stmt) for stmt in body)
for cls, body in visitor.impls.items()}