| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| /** |
| * 32b General Purpose Register File (GPRs) with integrity code detecting triple bit errors. |
| * |
| * This wraps two implementations, one for FPGA (otbn_rf_base_fpga) |
| * implementation the other for ASIC (otbn_rf_base_ff). |
| * |
| * Both reads and writes use a 2 signal protocol: An _en signal indicates intent to do |
| * a read or write operation, a _commit signals the operation should proceed. A _commit without _en |
| * is permissible and means no operation is performed. |
| * |
| * This is used to prevent combinational loops in the error handling logic in the controller. |
| * |
| * Integrity protection uses an inverted (39, 32) Hsaio code providing a Hamming distance of 4. |
| * |
| * `wr_data_no_intg_i` supplies data that requires integrity calulation and `wr_data_intg_i` |
| * supplies data that comes with integrity. `wr_data_intg_sel_i` is asserted to select the data with |
| * integrity for the write, otherwise integrity is calculated separately from `wr_data_i`. |
| * |
| * Features: |
| * - 2 read ports |
| * - 1 write port |
| * - special purpose stack on a single register (localparam `CallStackRegIndex`) |
| * for use as a call stack |
| * - triple error detection |
| */ |
| module otbn_rf_base |
| import otbn_pkg::*; |
| #( |
| // Register file implementation selection, see otbn_pkg.sv. |
| parameter regfile_e RegFile = RegFileFF |
| )( |
| input logic clk_i, |
| input logic rst_ni, |
| |
| input logic state_reset_i, |
| input logic sec_wipe_stack_reset_i, |
| |
| input logic [4:0] wr_addr_i, |
| input logic wr_en_i, |
| input logic [31:0] wr_data_no_intg_i, |
| input logic [BaseIntgWidth-1:0] wr_data_intg_i, |
| input logic wr_data_intg_sel_i, |
| input logic wr_commit_i, |
| |
| input logic [4:0] rd_addr_a_i, |
| input logic rd_en_a_i, |
| output logic [BaseIntgWidth-1:0] rd_data_a_intg_o, |
| |
| input logic [4:0] rd_addr_b_i, |
| input logic rd_en_b_i, |
| output logic [BaseIntgWidth-1:0] rd_data_b_intg_o, |
| |
| input logic rd_commit_i, |
| |
| output logic call_stack_sw_err_o, |
| output logic call_stack_hw_err_o, |
| output logic intg_err_o, |
| output logic spurious_we_err_o |
| ); |
| localparam int unsigned CallStackRegIndex = 1; |
| localparam int unsigned CallStackDepth = 8; |
| |
| logic [BaseIntgWidth-1:0] wr_data_intg_mux_out, wr_data_intg_calc; |
| |
| logic [BaseIntgWidth-1:0] rd_data_a_raw_intg, rd_data_b_raw_intg; |
| logic [1:0] rd_data_a_err, rd_data_b_err; |
| |
| // The stack implementation is shared between FF and FPGA implementations, |
| // actual register register file differs between FF and FPGA implementations. |
| // Pass through signals to chosen register file, diverting any reads/writes to |
| // register CallStatckRegIndex to the stack. |
| |
| logic wr_en_masked; |
| |
| logic pop_stack_a; |
| logic pop_stack_b; |
| logic pop_stack_reqd; |
| logic pop_stack; |
| logic pop_stack_a_err; |
| logic pop_stack_b_err; |
| logic push_stack_reqd; |
| logic push_stack; |
| logic push_stack_err; |
| |
| logic stack_full; |
| logic [BaseIntgWidth-1:0] stack_data_intg; |
| logic stack_data_valid; |
| |
| logic state_reset; |
| |
| assign state_reset = state_reset_i | sec_wipe_stack_reset_i; |
| |
| assign pop_stack_a = rd_en_a_i & (rd_addr_a_i == CallStackRegIndex[4:0]); |
| assign pop_stack_b = rd_en_b_i & (rd_addr_b_i == CallStackRegIndex[4:0]); |
| // pop_stack_reqd indicates a call stack pop is requested and pop_stack commands it to happen. |
| assign pop_stack_reqd = (pop_stack_a | pop_stack_b); |
| assign pop_stack = rd_commit_i & pop_stack_reqd; |
| // Separate error signals for call stack pop for a and b read ports are required to determine if |
| // an integrity error is valid or not. |
| assign pop_stack_a_err = pop_stack_a & ~stack_data_valid; |
| assign pop_stack_b_err = pop_stack_b & ~stack_data_valid; |
| |
| // push_stack_reqd indicates a call stack push is requested and push_stack commands it to happen. |
| assign push_stack_reqd = wr_en_i & (wr_addr_i == CallStackRegIndex[4:0]); |
| assign push_stack = wr_commit_i & push_stack_reqd; |
| // Simultaneous push and pop doesn't cause an error when the stack is full (pop ordered before |
| // push). |
| assign push_stack_err = push_stack_reqd & stack_full & ~pop_stack_reqd; |
| |
| assign call_stack_sw_err_o = pop_stack_a_err | pop_stack_b_err | push_stack_err; |
| |
| // Prevent any write to the stack register from going to the register file, |
| // all other committed writes are passed straight through |
| assign wr_en_masked = wr_en_i & wr_commit_i & ~push_stack; |
| |
| // Ignore read data from the register file if reading from the stack register, |
| // otherwise pass data through from register file. |
| assign rd_data_a_intg_o = pop_stack_a ? stack_data_intg : rd_data_a_raw_intg; |
| assign rd_data_b_intg_o = pop_stack_b ? stack_data_intg : rd_data_b_raw_intg; |
| |
| prim_secded_inv_39_32_enc u_wr_data_intg_enc ( |
| .data_i(wr_data_no_intg_i), |
| .data_o(wr_data_intg_calc) |
| ); |
| |
| // New data can have its integrity from an external source or the integrity can be calculated here |
| assign wr_data_intg_mux_out = wr_data_intg_sel_i ? wr_data_intg_i : wr_data_intg_calc; |
| |
| otbn_stack #( |
| .StackWidth(39), |
| .StackDepth(CallStackDepth) |
| ) u_call_stack ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| |
| .full_o (stack_full), |
| |
| .cnt_err_o (call_stack_hw_err_o), |
| |
| .clear_i (state_reset), |
| |
| .push_i (push_stack), |
| .push_data_i (wr_data_intg_mux_out), |
| |
| .pop_i (pop_stack), |
| .top_data_o (stack_data_intg), |
| .top_valid_o (stack_data_valid), |
| |
| .stack_wr_idx_o(), |
| .stack_write_o (), |
| .stack_rd_idx_o(), |
| .stack_read_o (), |
| |
| .next_top_data_o (), |
| .next_top_valid_o() |
| ); |
| |
| if (RegFile == RegFileFF) begin : gen_rf_base_ff |
| otbn_rf_base_ff #( |
| .WordZeroVal(prim_secded_pkg::SecdedInv3932ZeroWord) |
| ) u_otbn_rf_base_inner ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| |
| .wr_addr_i, |
| .wr_en_i (wr_en_masked), |
| .wr_data_i(wr_data_intg_mux_out), |
| |
| .rd_addr_a_i, |
| .rd_data_a_o(rd_data_a_raw_intg), |
| .rd_addr_b_i, |
| .rd_data_b_o(rd_data_b_raw_intg), |
| |
| .we_err_o(spurious_we_err_o) |
| ); |
| end else if (RegFile == RegFileFPGA) begin : gen_rf_base_fpga |
| otbn_rf_base_fpga #( |
| .WordZeroVal(prim_secded_pkg::SecdedInv3932ZeroWord) |
| ) u_otbn_rf_base_inner ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| |
| .wr_addr_i, |
| .wr_en_i (wr_en_masked), |
| .wr_data_i(wr_data_intg_mux_out), |
| |
| .rd_addr_a_i, |
| .rd_data_a_o(rd_data_a_raw_intg), |
| .rd_addr_b_i, |
| .rd_data_b_o(rd_data_b_raw_intg), |
| |
| .we_err_o(spurious_we_err_o) |
| ); |
| end |
| |
| // Integrity decoders used to detect errors only, corrections (`syndrome_o`/`d_o`) are ignored |
| prim_secded_inv_39_32_dec u_rd_data_a_intg_dec ( |
| .data_i (rd_data_a_intg_o), |
| .data_o (), |
| .syndrome_o(), |
| .err_o (rd_data_a_err) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_secded_inv_39_32_dec u_rd_data_b_intg_dec ( |
| .data_i (rd_data_b_intg_o), |
| .data_o (), |
| .syndrome_o(), |
| .err_o (rd_data_b_err) |
| ); |
| |
| // Suppress integrity error where the relevant read port saw a call stack pop error (so both |
| // integrity and data are invalid). |
| assign intg_err_o = (|rd_data_a_err & rd_en_a_i & ~pop_stack_a_err) | |
| (|rd_data_b_err & rd_en_b_i & ~pop_stack_b_err); |
| |
| // Make sure we're not outputting X. This indicates that something went wrong during the initial |
| // secure wipe. |
| `ASSERT(OtbnRfBaseRdAKnown, rd_en_a_i && !pop_stack_a |-> !$isunknown(rd_data_a_raw_intg)) |
| `ASSERT(OtbnRfBaseRdBKnown, rd_en_b_i && !pop_stack_b |-> !$isunknown(rd_data_b_raw_intg)) |
| endmodule |