blob: 0a4e30ffc76d565573f46daa9b9ae7b017061e95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Security countermeasures testplan extracted from the IP Hjson using reggen.
// This testplan is auto-generated only the first time it is created. This is
// because this testplan needs to be hand-editable. It is possible that these
// testpoints can go out of date if the spec is updated with new
// countermeasures. When `reggen` is invoked when this testplan already exists,
// It checks if the list of testpoints is up-to-date and enforces the user to
// make further manual updates.
// These countermeasures and their descriptions can be found here:
// .../otbn/data/otbn.hjson
// It is possible that the testing of some of these countermeasures may already
// be covered as a testpoint in a different testplan. This duplication is ok -
// the test would have likely already been developed. We simply map those tests
// to the testpoints below using the `tests` key.
// Please ensure that this testplan is imported in:
// .../otbn/data/otbn_testplan.hjson
testpoints: [
name: sec_cm_mem_scramble
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) MEM.SCRAMBLE.
Scrambling memory reads and writes are used by the DV simulation framework
for reading from and writing to memory models.
Hence there is no need to have a directed test for this countermeasure.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_smoke"]
name: sec_cm_data_mem_integrity
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) DATA.MEM.INTEGRITY.
Run an OTBN program multiple times and corrupt the DMEM while the OTBN
is still running.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_dmem_err"]
name: sec_cm_instruction_mem_integrity
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) INSTRUCTION.MEM.INTEGRITY.
Run an OTBN program multiple times and corrupt the IMEM while the OTBN
is still running.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_imem_err"]
name: sec_cm_bus_integrity
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) BUS.INTEGRITY.
This entry is covered by tl_access_test.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_tl_intg_err"]
name: sec_cm_controller_fsm_global_esc
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) CONTROLLER.FSM.GLOBAL_ESC.
Run an OTBN program, drive lc_escalate_en_i port randomly to
see global escalation locking up OTBN.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_escalate"]
name: sec_cm_controller_fsm_local_esc
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) CONTROLLER.FSM.LOCAL_ESC.
The controller FSM moves to a terminal error state upon local escalation.
1. IMEM/DMEM error tests to see local escalation related with integrity Checking
2. Zero state URND test to see local escalation regarding a URND value of all zeros
3. Illegal memory access test to see local escalation while having illegal read and
write accesses to the IMEM when the OTBN is busy.
4. Bad internal state errors that are triggered by otbn_sec_cm test will also cause
local escalation to the locked state.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_imem_err", "otbn_dmem_err", "otbn_zero_state_err_urnd", "otbn_illegal_mem_acc",
name: sec_cm_controller_fsm_sparse
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) CONTROLLER.FSM.SPARSE.
This countermeasure is verified with a standardized test.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_sec_cm"]
name: sec_cm_scramble_key_sideload
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) SCRAMBLE.KEY.SIDELOAD
Simulation can't really prove that the sideload key is unreachable by SW.
However, from defined CSRs and memory returned data, there is no way to read
scramble key by SW.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_single"]
name: sec_cm_scramble_ctrl_fsm_local_esc
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) SCRAMBLE_CTRL.FSM.LOCAL_ESC.
The scramble controller FSM moves to a terminal error state upon local escalation.
1. IMEM/DMEM error tests to see local escalation related with integrity Checking
2. Zero state URND test to see local escalation regarding a URND value of all zeros
3. Illegal memory access test to see local escalation while having illegal read and
write accesses to the IMEM when the OTBN is busy.
4. Bad internal state errors that are triggered by otbn_sec_cm test will also cause
local escalation to the locked state.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_imem_err", "otbn_dmem_err", "otbn_zero_state_err_urnd", "otbn_illegal_mem_acc",
name: sec_cm_scramble_ctrl_fsm_sparse
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) SCRAMBLE_CTRL.FSM.SPARSE.
This countermeasure is verified with a standardized test.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_sec_cm"]
name: sec_cm_start_stop_ctrl_fsm_global_esc
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) START_STOP_CTRL.FSM.GLOBAL_ESC.
Run an OTBN program, drive lc_escalate_en_i port randomly to
see global escalation locking up the start-stop control FSM in OTBN.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_escalate"]
name: sec_cm_start_stop_ctrl_fsm_local_esc
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) START_STOP_CTRL.FSM.LOCAL_ESC.
The start stop FSM moves to a terminal error state upon local escalation.
1. IMEM/DMEM error tests to see local escalation related with integrity Checking
2. Zero state URND test to see local escalation regarding a URND value of all zeros
3. Illegal memory access test to see local escalation while having illegal read and
write accesses to the IMEM when the OTBN is busy.
4. Bad internal state errors that are triggered by otbn_sec_cm test will also cause
local escalation to the locked state.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_imem_err", "otbn_dmem_err", "otbn_zero_state_err_urnd", "otbn_illegal_mem_acc", "otbn_sec_cm"]
name: sec_cm_start_stop_ctrl_fsm_sparse
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) START_STOP_CTRL.FSM.SPARSE.
This countermeasure is verified with a standardized test.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_sec_cm"]
name: sec_cm_data_reg_sw_sca
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) DATA_REG_SW.SCA.
Since this is related with unused parts of the datapath not changing throughout
an OTBN run this security countermeasure is verified with assertions.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_single"]
name: sec_cm_ctrl_redun
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) CTRL.REDUN.
Pick a possible control flow path to inject faults. Expect to see a fatal error raised
because of a mismatch between predecoder and decoder.
Possible control flow paths are listed in the countermeasure description.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_ctrl_redun"]
name: sec_cm_pc_ctrl_flow_redun
desc: ''' Verify the countermeasure(s) PC.CTRL_FLOW.REDUN.
Wait for a read request and istrn fetch request valid.
Corrupt the insn_prefetch_addr to have a redundancy failure between
predecoder and decoder that results with a fatal error.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_pc_ctrl_flow_redun"]
name: sec_cm_rnd_bus_consistency
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) RND.BUS.CONSISTENCY.
Expect to trigger RND_FIPS_CHK_FAIL recoverable error for FIPS bit being low in any
word of the received RND data.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_rnd_sec_cm"]
name: sec_cm_rnd_rng_digest
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) RND.RNG.DIGEST.
Randomly send the same EDN word for incoming RND data.
Expect to trigger RND_REP_CHK_FAIL recoverable error for repeated EDN words.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_rnd_sec_cm"]
name: sec_cm_rf_base_data_reg_sw_integrity
desc: "Verify the countermeasure(s) RF_BASE.DATA_REG_SW.INTEGRITY."
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_rf_base_intg_err"]
name: sec_cm_rf_base_data_reg_sw_glitch_detect
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) RF_BASE.DATA_REG_SW.GLITCH_DETECT.
This countermeasure is verified with a standardized test.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_sec_cm"]
name: sec_cm_stack_wr_ptr_ctr_redun
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) STACK_WR_PTR.CTR.REDUN.
This countermeasure is verified with a standardized test.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_sec_cm"]
name: sec_cm_rf_bignum_data_reg_sw_integrity
desc: "Verify the countermeasure(s) RF_BIGNUM.DATA_REG_SW.INTEGRITY."
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_rf_bignum_intg_err"]
name: sec_cm_rf_bignum_data_reg_sw_glitch_detect
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) RF_BIGNUM.DATA_REG_SW.GLITCH_DETECT.
This countermeasure is verified with a standardized test.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_sec_cm"]
name: sec_cm_loop_stack_ctr_redun
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) LOOP_STACK.CTR.REDUN.
This countermeasure is verified with a standardized test.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_sec_cm"]
name: sec_cm_loop_stack_addr_integrity
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) LOOP_STACK.ADDR.INTEGRITY.
Corrupt loop stack when it has valid data inside. Expect to see fatal error
related with integrity failure.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_stack_addr_integ_chk"]
name: sec_cm_call_stack_addr_integrity
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) CALL_STACK.ADDR.INTEGRITY.
Corrupt call stack when it has valid data inside. Expect to see fatal error
related with integrity failure.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_stack_addr_integ_chk"]
name: sec_cm_start_stop_ctrl_state_consistency
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) START_STOP_CTRL.STATE.CONSISTENCY.
Inject different types of errors into the internal handshake on secure wipes
between the controller and the start-stop controller. Expect to see LOCKED
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_sec_wipe_err"]
name: sec_cm_data_mem_sec_wipe
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) DATA.MEM.SEC_WIPE.
Since this is related with rotating scrambling keys for memory module it can
be verified with assertions.
Related assertions: DmemSecWipeRequiresUrndKey_A and DmemSecWipeRequiresOtpKey_A
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_single"]
name: sec_cm_instruction_mem_sec_wipe
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) INSTRUCTION.MEM.SEC_WIPE.
Since this is related with rotating scrambling keys for memory module it can
be verified with assertions.
Related assertions: ImemSecWipeRequiresUrndKey_A and ImemSecWipeRequiresOtpKey_A
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_single"]
name: sec_cm_data_reg_sw_sec_wipe
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) DATA_REG_SW.SEC_WIPE.
Golden model of OTBN in Python models secure wiping cycle accurately. So in every
test at least one internal secure wipe because of exiting a reset. Hence there
is no need for a specific test.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_single"]
name: sec_cm_write_mem_integrity
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) WRITE.MEM.INTEGRITY.
DV environment calculates CRC values independently from RTL with every memory write
over the bus and than calculates it with the design. otbn_multi does not use backdoor
writes to memory so it's guaranteed to see CRC checking for IMEM and DMEM there.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_multi"]
name: sec_cm_ctrl_flow_count
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) CTRL_FLOW.COUNT.
Golden model of OTBN in Python models instruction counter register cycle accurately.
So in every test there is a comparison between model instruction counter value and
design instruction counter value. Hence there is no need for a specific test.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_single"]
name: sec_cm_ctrl_flow_sca
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) CTRL_FLOW.SCA.
Since this is related with unused parts of the control path not changing
throughout an OTBN run this security countermeasure is verified with assertions.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_single"]
name: sec_cm_data_mem_sw_noaccess
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) DATA.MEM.SW_NOACCESS.
Read write access using tl_access task is tested with the first Kib of address in
DMEM. Expected result is a error response from the TLUL bus.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_sw_no_acc"]
name: sec_cm_key_sideload
desc: '''Verify the countermeasure(s) KEY.SIDELOAD.
DV environment cannot verify the architectural chioce of having sideloaded keys. OTBN
on top using this architecture, also raises an error in the case of invalid sideload keys.
Invalid sideload keys are allowed in the sideload key sequence fifty percent of the
time by default. In that scenario OTBN would generate a KEY_INVALID recoverable software error.
This happens test agnostic so otbn_single is mapped to represent an OTBN run in general.
stage: V2S
tests: ["otbn_single"]
name: sec_cm_tlul_fifo_ctr_redun
desc: "Verify the countermeasure(s) TLUL_FIFO.CTR.REDUN."
stage: V2S
tests: ["{name}_sec_cm"]