blob: c3ce5d983e5291ae54fd023a726422fc1ef9ef3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Security countermeasures testplan extracted from the IP Hjson using reggen.
// This testplan is auto-generated only the first time it is created. This is
// because this testplan needs to be hand-editable. It is possible that these
// testpoints can go out of date if the spec is updated with new
// countermeasures. When `reggen` is invoked when this testplan already exists,
// It checks if the list of testpoints is up-to-date and enforces the user to
// make further manual updates.
// These countermeasures and their descriptions can be found here:
// .../aes/data/aes.hjson
// It is possible that the testing of some of these countermeasures may already
// be covered as a testpoint in a different testplan. This duplication is ok -
// the test would have likely already been developed. We simply map those tests
// to the testpoints below using the `tests` key.
// Please ensure that this testplan is imported in:
// .../aes/data/aes_testplan.hjson
testpoints: [
name: sec_cm_bus_integrity
desc: "Verify the countermeasure(s) BUS.INTEGRITY."
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_tl_intg_err"]
name: sec_cm_lc_escalate_en_intersig_mubi
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) LC_ESCALATE_EN.INTERSIG.MUBI.
Upon randomly switching the life cycle escalation input signal, it is ensured that the DUT stops processing data, locks up and triggers a fatal alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_alert_reset"]
name: sec_cm_main_config_shadow
desc: "Verify the countermeasure(s) MAIN.CONFIG.SHADOW."
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_shadow_reg_errors"]
name: sec_cm_main_config_sparse
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) MAIN.CONFIG.SPARSE.
Illegally encoded values are written into the main control register via register interface and it is ensured that the values are resolved to the correct legal values.
Internal wires carrying the corresponding signals are forced to invalid values and depending on the target wire it is ensured that the DUT stops processing data and signals an alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_stress", "aes_smoke", "aes_alert_reset", "aes_core_fi"]
name: sec_cm_aux_config_shadow
desc: "Verify the countermeasure(s) AUX.CONFIG.SHADOW."
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_shadow_reg_errors"]
name: sec_cm_aux_config_regwen
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) AUX.CONFIG.REGWEN.
It is ensured that once the REGWEN bit is set to 0, the content of the CTRL_AUX_SHADOWED register cannot be altered anymore until reset.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_stress", "aes_readability"]
name: sec_cm_key_sideload
desc: "Verify the countermeasure(s) KEY.SIDELOAD."
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_stress", "aes_sideload"]
name: sec_cm_key_sw_unreadable
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) KEY.SW_UNREADABLE.
It is ensured that the initial key registers cannot be read via register interface.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_readability"]
name: sec_cm_data_reg_sw_unreadable
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) DATA_REG.SW_UNREADABLE.
It is ensured that the input data registers cannot be read via register interface.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_readability"]
name: sec_cm_key_sec_wipe
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) KEY.SEC_WIPE.
It is ensured that after triggering the clearing of the initial key registers with pseudo-random data, the content of these registers indeed changes to a different value.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_readability"]
name: sec_cm_iv_config_sec_wipe
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) IV.CONFIG.SEC_WIPE.
It is ensured that after triggering the clearing of the IV registers with pseudo-random data, the values read back from these registers via register interface indeed change.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_readability"]
name: sec_cm_data_reg_sec_wipe
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) DATA_REG.SEC_WIPE.
It is ensured that after triggering the clearing of the input and output data registers with pseudo-random data, the values read back from output data registers via register interface indeed change and that the content of the input data registers changes to a different value.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_readability"]
name: sec_cm_data_reg_key_sca
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) DATA_REG.KEY.SCA.
SVAs inside check that the internal state register gets cleared with pseudo-random data at the end of the last round of every encryption.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_stress"]
name: sec_cm_key_masking
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) KEY.MASKING.
SVAs inside are used to check some aspects of the masking countermeasure.
However, the actual verification of the masking countermeasure cannot be done in DV though.
FPGA measurements and formal masking verification tools are used for that purpose.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_stress"]
name: sec_cm_main_fsm_sparse
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) MAIN.FSM.SPARSE.
It is ensured that upon randomly forcing bits in the state register of the main FSM, the DUT stops processing data, locks up and triggers a fatal alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_fi"]
name: sec_cm_main_fsm_redun
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) MAIN.FSM.REDUN.
It is ensured that upon randomly forcing the state, inputs or outputs of any of the independent, redundant logic rails of the main FSM to both valid and invalid encodings, the DUT stops processing data, locks up and triggers a fatal alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_fi", "aes_control_fi", "aes_cipher_fi", "aes_ctr_fi"]
name: sec_cm_cipher_fsm_sparse
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) CIPHER.FSM.SPARSE.
It is ensured that upon randomly forcing bits in the state register of the cipher core FSM, the DUT stops processing data, locks up and triggers a fatal alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_fi"]
name: sec_cm_cipher_fsm_redun
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) CIPHER.FSM.REDUN.
It is ensured that upon randomly forcing the state, inputs or outputs of any of the independent, redundant logic rails of the cipher core FSM to both valid and invalid encodings, the DUT stops processing data, locks up and triggers a fatal alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_fi", "aes_control_fi", "aes_cipher_fi"]
name: sec_cm_cipher_ctr_redun
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) CIPHER.CTR.REDUN.
It is ensured that upon randomly forcing the value of any of the independent, redundant logic rails of round counter inside the cipher core FSM, the DUT stops processing data, locks up and triggers a fatal alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_cipher_fi"]
name: sec_cm_ctr_fsm_sparse
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) CTR.FSM.SPARSE.
It is ensured that upon randomly forcing bits in the state register of the CTR mode FSM, the DUT stops processing data, locks up and triggers a fatal alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_fi"]
name: sec_cm_ctr_fsm_redun
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) CTR.FSM.REDUN.
It is ensured that upon randomly forcing the state, inputs or outputs of any of the independent, redundant logic rails of the CTR mode FSM to both valid and invalid encodings, the DUT stops processing data, locks up and triggers a fatal alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_fi", "aes_control_fi", "aes_ctr_fi"]
name: sec_cm_ctrl_sparse
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) CTRL.SPARSE.
It is ensured that upon randomly forcing the value of any of these critical control signals to an invalid encoding, the DUT stops processing data, locks up and triggers a fatal alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_fi", "aes_control_fi", "aes_cipher_fi", "aes_ctr_fi"]
name: sec_cm_main_fsm_global_esc
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) MAIN.FSM.GLOBAL_ESC.
Upon randomly switching the life cycle escalation input signal, it is ensured that the DUT stops processing data, locks up and triggers a fatal alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_alert_reset"]
name: sec_cm_main_fsm_local_esc
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) MAIN.FSM.LOCAL_ESC.
Upon detecting a local alert condition it is ensured that the DUT stops processing data, locks up and triggers a fatal alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_fi", "aes_control_fi", "aes_cipher_fi", "aes_ctr_fi"]
name: sec_cm_cipher_fsm_local_esc
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) CIPHER.FSM.LOCAL_ESC.
Upon detecting a local alert condition it is ensured that the DUT stops processing data, locks up and triggers a fatal alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_fi", "aes_control_fi", "aes_cipher_fi", "aes_ctr_fi"]
name: sec_cm_ctr_fsm_local_esc
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) CTR.FSM.LOCAL_ESC.
Upon detecting a local alert condition it is ensured that the DUT stops processing data, locks up and triggers a fatal alert.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_fi", "aes_control_fi", "aes_ctr_fi"]
name: sec_cm_data_reg_local_esc
desc: '''
Verify the countermeasure(s) DATA_REG.LOCAL_ESC.
SVAs inside are used to ensure that upon local escalation triggered through FI the cipher core doesn't release intermediate state into the readable output data or IV registers.
stage: V2S
tests: ["aes_fi", "aes_control_fi", "aes_cipher_fi"]