blob: b5f798b95d2c47474cbb9cf321439c15eead23bd [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import argparse
import fnmatch
import logging
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from types import SimpleNamespace
import hjson
from tabulate import tabulate
class LicenceHeader(object):
"""Represents the licence header we want to insert"""
def __init__(self, text):
self._lines = text.strip().splitlines()
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self._lines.__getitem__(idx)
def __len__(self):
return self._lines.__len__()
def numbered_lines(self, skip=0):
"""Returns an iterator of (line_no, line_text).
`line_no` counts from 1, and is for humans to count line numbers with.
use `skip_lines` to skip enumerating the first few lines.
return enumerate(self._lines[skip:], start=1 + skip)
def first_word(self):
(first_word, _) = self._lines[0].split(' ', 1)
return first_word
class LineCommentStyle(object):
"""Helpers for line-style comments."""
def __init__(self, prefix):
self.comment_prefix = str(prefix)
self.first_line_prefix = self.comment_prefix
def search_line(self, licence_first_word):
return self.comment_prefix + ' ' + licence_first_word
def expected_full_line(self, licence_line):
return self.comment_prefix + ' ' + licence_line
class DifferentFirstLineCommentStyle(LineCommentStyle):
"""Some files have a different allowable prefix for their first line."""
def __init__(self, prefix, first_line_prefix):
LineCommentStyle.__init__(self, prefix)
self.first_line_prefix = first_line_prefix
class BlockCommentStyle(object):
"""Helpers for block-style comments."""
def __init__(self, prefix, suffix):
self.comment_prefix = str(prefix)
self.comment_suffix = str(suffix)
self.first_line_prefix = self.comment_prefix
def search_line(self, licence_first_word):
return self.comment_prefix + ' ' + licence_first_word
def expected_full_line(self, licence_line):
return self.comment_prefix + ' ' + licence_line + ' ' + self.comment_suffix
SLASH_SLASH = LineCommentStyle("//")
HASH = LineCommentStyle("#")
SLASH_STAR = BlockCommentStyle("/*", "*/")
# (Priortised) Mapping of file name suffixes to comment style. If the suffix of
# your file does not match one of these, it will not be checked.
# The value in a pair should be one of:
# None: Skip this file type
# A CommentStyle object: Use this comment style
# A list of CommentStyle objects: Try each comment style in turn
# These rules are given in priority order. Tuples of (extensions, style) higher
# in the list are matched before those later in the list, on purpose.
# Files that do not match any extension, or which have a style of `None` are
# not checked for a licence.
# Hardware Files
([".svh", ".sv", ".sv.tpl"], SLASH_SLASH), # SystemVerilog
# Hardware Build Systems
([".tcl", ".sdc"], HASH), # tcl
([".core", ".core.tpl"],
DifferentFirstLineCommentStyle("#", "CAPI=2")), # FuseSoC Core Files
(["Makefile", ".mk"], HASH), # Makefiles
([".ys"], HASH), # Yosys script
([".waiver"], HASH), # AscentLint waiver files
([".vlt"], SLASH_SLASH), # Verilator configuration (waiver) files
([".vbl"], HASH), # Verible configuration files
([".el", ".el.tpl"], SLASH_SLASH), # Exclusion list
([".f"], None), # File lists
# The following two rules will inevitably bite us.
([""], HASH), # Riviera dofile
([".do"], SLASH_SLASH), # Cadence LEC dofile
# Software Files
([".c", ".c.tpl", ".h", ".h.tpl", ".cc", ".cpp"], SLASH_SLASH), # C, C++
([".S"], [SLASH_SLASH, SLASH_STAR]), # Assembly
([".ld", ".ld.tpl"], SLASH_STAR), # Linker Scripts
([".rs"], SLASH_SLASH), # Rust
# Software Build Systems
(["", "toolchain.txt", "meson_options.txt"], HASH), # Meson
# General Tooling
([".py"], HASH), # Python
([".sh"], HASH), # Shell Scripts
(["Dockerfile"], HASH), # Dockerfiles
# Configuration
([".hjson", ".hjson.tpl"], SLASH_SLASH), # hjson
([".yml", ".yaml"], HASH), # YAML
([".toml"], HASH), # TOML
(["-requirements.txt"], HASH), # Apt and Python requirements files
(["redirector.conf"], HASH), # nginx config
# Documentation
([".md", ".md.tpl", ".html"], None), # Markdown and HTML
([".css"], SLASH_STAR), # CSS
([".scss"], SLASH_SLASH), # SCSS
# Templates (Last because there are overlaps with extensions above)
([".tpl"], HASH), # Mako templates
def detect_comment_char(filename):
for (suffixes, commentstyle) in COMMENT_CHARS:
for suffix in suffixes:
if filename.endswith(suffix):
return commentstyle
return None
def git_find_repo_toplevel():
git_output = subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'])
return Path(git_output.decode().strip()).resolve()
def git_find_all_file_paths(top_level, search_paths):
git_output = subprocess.check_output(
["git", "-C",
str(top_level), "ls-files", "-z", "--", *search_paths])
for path in git_output.rstrip(b"\0").split(b"\0"):
yield Path(top_level, path.decode())
class ResultsTracker(object):
"""Helper for tracking results"""
def __init__(self, base_dir):
self.base_dir = base_dir
passed_count = 0
failed_count = 0
excluded_count = 0
skipped_count = 0
failing_paths = set()
def total_count(self):
return self.passed_count + self.failed_count + self.skipped_count + self.excluded_count
def passed(self, path, line_no, reason):
rel_path = path.relative_to(self.base_dir)
logging.debug("%s:%d PASSED: %s", str(rel_path), line_no, reason)
self.passed_count += 1
def failed(self, path, line_no, reason):
rel_path = path.relative_to(self.base_dir)
logging.error("%s:%d FAILED: %s", str(rel_path), line_no, reason)
self.failed_count += 1
def skipped(self, path, reason):
rel_path = path.relative_to(self.base_dir)"%s: SKIPPED: %s", str(rel_path), reason)
self.skipped_count += 1
def excluded(self, path, reason):
rel_path = path.relative_to(self.base_dir)
logging.debug("%s: EXCLUDED: %s", str(rel_path), reason)
self.excluded_count += 1
def any_failed(self):
return self.failed_count > 0
def display_nicely(self):
headers = ["Results:", "Files"]
results = [["Passed", self.passed_count],
["Failed", self.failed_count],
["Skipped", self.skipped_count],
["Excluded", self.excluded_count],
["Total", self.total_count]]
return tabulate(results, headers, tablefmt="simple")
def matches_exclude_pattern(config, file_path):
rel_path = str(file_path.relative_to(config.base_dir))
for exclude_pattern in config.exclude_paths:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(rel_path, exclude_pattern):
return True
return False
def check_paths(config, git_paths):
results = ResultsTracker(config.base_dir)
for filepath in git_find_all_file_paths(config.base_dir, git_paths):
# Skip symlinks (with message)
if filepath.is_symlink():
results.excluded(filepath, "File is a symlink")
# Skip non-file
if not filepath.is_file():
# Skip exclude patterns
if matches_exclude_pattern(config, filepath):
results.excluded(filepath, "Path matches exclude pattern")
check_file_for_licence(config.licence, results, filepath)
return results
def check_file_for_licence(licence, results, filepath):
styles = detect_comment_char(
if styles is None:
results.skipped(filepath, "Unknown comment style")
if filepath.stat().st_size == 0:
results.skipped(filepath, "Empty file")
if not isinstance(styles, list):
assert (isinstance(styles, LineCommentStyle) or
isinstance(styles, BlockCommentStyle))
styles = [styles]
problems = []
for style in styles:
good, line_num, msg = check_file_with_style(licence, filepath, style)
if good:
results.passed(filepath, line_num, msg)
problems.append((line_num, msg))
# If we get here, we didn't find a matching licence
for line_num, msg in problems:
results.failed(filepath, line_num, msg)
def check_file_with_style(licence, filepath, comment_style):
'''Check the file at filepath, assuming it uses comment_style.
Returns a tuple (is_good, line_number, msg). is_good is True on success;
False on failure. line_number is the position where the licence was found
(on success) or where we gave up searching for it (on failure). msg is the
associated success or error message.
def next_line(file, line_no):
return (next(file).rstrip(), line_no + 1)
with as f:
licence_assumed_start = None
# Get first line
line, line_no = next_line(f, 0)
except StopIteration:
return (False, 1, "Empty file")
licence_search_marker = comment_style.search_line(licence.first_word)
# Check first line against the first word of licence, or against a
# possible different first line.
if not line.startswith(licence_search_marker):
if not line.startswith(comment_style.first_line_prefix):
return (False, line_no, "File does not start with comment")
line, line_no = next_line(f, line_no)
except StopIteration:
return (False, line_no,
"Reached end of file before finding licence")
# Skip lines that don't seem to be the first line of the licence
while not line.startswith(licence_search_marker):
line, line_no = next_line(f, line_no)
except StopIteration:
return (False, line_no,
"Reached end of file before finding licence")
if not line.startswith(comment_style.comment_prefix):
return (False, line_no,
"First comment ended before licence notice")
# We found the marker, so we found the first line of the licence. The
# current line is in the first comment, so check the line matches the
# expected first line:
licence_assumed_start = line_no
if line != comment_style.expected_full_line(licence[0]):
return (False, line_no, "Licence does not match")
for (licence_line_no, licence_line) in licence.numbered_lines(skip=1):
line, line_no = next_line(f, line_no)
except StopIteration:
return (False, line_no,
"Reached end of file before finding licence")
# Check against full expected line.
if line != comment_style.expected_full_line(licence_line):
return (False, line_no, "Licence did not match")
return (True, licence_assumed_start, "Licence found")
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
"A tool to check the lowRISC licence header is in each source file")
type=argparse.FileType('r', encoding='UTF-8'),
help="HJSON file to read for licence configuration.")
help="Paths to check for licence headers.")
help="Verbose output")
options = parser.parse_args()
if options.verbose:
logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s",
logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
config = SimpleNamespace()
config.base_dir = git_find_repo_toplevel()
parsed_config = hjson.load(options.config)
config.licence = LicenceHeader(parsed_config['licence'])
config.exclude_paths = set(parsed_config['exclude_paths'])
results = check_paths(config, options.paths)
if results.any_failed():
for path in results.failing_paths:
print(" {}".format(str(path)))
if __name__ == '__main__':