blob: bd5794d4bedf26bc377b209a2c8e7551eaa556c0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# waiver file for top_earlgrey
# dedicated reset drivers / muxes
set_reset_drivers prim_clock_mux2 prim_flop_2sync prim_flop
set_clock_drivers prim_clock_buf prim_clock_mux2
# All leaf resets have a reset multiplex
waive -rules RESET_MUX -location {} -regexp {Asynchronous reset .*rstmgr_aon_resets\.rst.* is driven by a multiplexer} \
-comment "This is dedicated reset infrastructure, and hence permissible"
waive -rules RESET_MUX -location {} -regexp {Asynchronous reset '(resets_o\.)?rst_[A-Za-z_0-9]+_n(\[[0-9:]+\])?' is driven by a multiplexer} \
-comment "This is dedicated reset infrastructure, and hence permissible"
waive -rules RESET_MUX -location {} -regexp {Asynchronous reset 'scan_rst_ni' reaches a multiplexer} \
-comment "This is dedicated reset infrastructure, and hence permissible"
waive -rules RESET_MUX -location {} -regexp {Asynchronous reset '(rst_ni|rst_spi_n)' reaches a multiplexer} \
-comment "This is dedicated reset infrastructure, and hence permissible"
waive -rules CLOCK_USE -location {} -regexp {'clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div2_peri' is connected to 'spi_device' port 'scan_clk_i', and used as a clock} \
-comment "This connection is a scan clock connection."
waive -rules CLOCK_MUX -location {} -regexp {.*clk_io_div.* is driven by a multiplexer here} \
-comment "Divided clocks go through prim_clock_div, which use muxes for scan bypass and clock step down"
# scan reset is a legal asynchronous reset
waive -rules RESET_USE -location {} -regexp {'scan_rst_ni' is connected to .* port 'scan_rst_ni', and used as an asynchronous reset or set 'rst_ni' at} \
-comment "Scan reset is a legal asynchronous reset"
# Combo loops through uart loopback can be ignored
waive -rules {COMBO_LOOP} -location {} -regexp {'tx' driven in module 'uart_core' by 'rx' at} \
-comment "there is technically a loopback path through uart, however RX / TX should never be configured to the same pin"
# Combo loops through sysrst_ctrl inversion can be ignored (TODO: need to double check, are the inversions meant to be direct?)
waive -rules {COMBO_LOOP} -location {} -regexp {'cio_key2_out_o' driven in module 'sysrst_ctrl_inv' by 'key2_out_int' at} \
-comment "sysrst_ctrl creates a feed through path directly for certain muxed pins"
# intentionally unused
waive -rules {NOT_READ HIER_NET_NOT_READ} -location {} -regexp {.*cio_otp_ctrl_test_(en_)?d2p\[7:1\].* is not read} \
-comment "otp test bus made deliberately larger on purpose"
## xbar
#waive -rules HIER_NET_NOT_READ -location {} -regexp {a_source.* is not read from} \
# -comment "upper bits of a_source are shifted off when going through M:1 sockets"
#waive -rules LINE_LENGTH -location {} -regexp {Line length of .* exceeds 100 character limit} \
# -comment "This is a generated file and it is hence permissible to have line lengths that exceed this limit"
# Possible tool shortcomings
waive -rules CLOCK_USE -location {} -regexp {'clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure' is connected to 'pwrmgr' port 'clk_esc_i', and used as a clock 'clk_i' at} \
-comment "The tool for reasons unknown is unable to trace through a prim buf wrap cell to understand the clock is being used as a clock. If a direct assign is used, the error goes away."