blob: 4a6e68fa7b90853315e5c20ec96d8d04b9864b5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// *Name: rng
// *Module Description: Random (bit/s) Generator (Pseudo Model)
module rng #(
parameter int EntropyStreams = 4
) (
input clk_i, // Non-Jittery Clock (TLUL)
input rst_ni, // Non-Jittery Reset (TLUL)
input clk_ast_rng_i, // Jittery Clock (RNG)
input rst_ast_rng_ni, // Jittery Reset (RNG)
input rng_en_i, // RNG Enable
input rng_fips_i, // RNG FIPS Enable
input scan_mode_i, // Scan Mode
output logic [EntropyStreams-1:0] rng_b_o, // RNG Bus/Bits Output
output logic rng_val_o // RNG Bus/Bits Valid
// RNG Bus using LFSR
logic rst_n;
logic[EntropyStreams-1:0] lfsr_val;
assign rst_n = scan_mode_i ? rst_ni : rst_ni && rng_en_i;
// These LFSR parameters have been generated with
// $ ./util/design/ --width 64 --seed 15513 --prefix "Rng"
localparam int RngLfsrWidth = 64;
typedef logic [RngLfsrWidth-1:0] rng_lfsr_seed_t;
typedef logic [RngLfsrWidth-1:0][$clog2(RngLfsrWidth)-1:0] rng_lfsr_perm_t;
localparam rng_lfsr_seed_t RndCnstRngLfsrSeedDefault = 64'h1d033d20eed3b14;
localparam rng_lfsr_perm_t RndCnstRngLfsrPermDefault = {
prim_lfsr #(
.LfsrDw ( RngLfsrWidth ),
.EntropyDw ( 1 ),
.StateOutDw ( EntropyStreams ),
.DefaultSeed ( RndCnstRngLfsrSeedDefault ),
.StatePermEn ( 1'b1 ),
.StatePerm ( RndCnstRngLfsrPermDefault ),
.ExtSeedSVA ( 1'b0 ) // ext seed is unused
) u_rng_lfsr (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_n ),
.lfsr_en_i ( rng_en_i ),
.seed_en_i ( 1'b0 ),
.seed_i ( '0 ),
.entropy_i ( 1'b0 ),
.state_o ( lfsr_val )
logic srate_rng_val;
logic [12-1:0] srate_cnt, srate_value;
logic [EntropyStreams-1:0] rng_b;
logic [12-1:0] dv_srate_value;
initial begin
if ( !$value$plusargs("rng_srate_value=%0d", dv_srate_value) ) begin
dv_srate_value = 12'd120;
assign srate_value = dv_srate_value;
assign srate_value = 12'd120;
always_ff @( posedge clk_i, negedge rst_n ) begin
if ( !rst_n ) begin
srate_cnt <= 12'h000;
srate_rng_val <= 1'b0;
end else if ( srate_cnt == srate_value ) begin
srate_cnt <= 12'h000;
srate_rng_val <= 1'b1;
end else begin
srate_cnt <= srate_cnt + 1'b1;
srate_rng_val <= 1'b0;
// Sychronize Bus & Valid to RNG Clock
logic sync_rng_val, srate_rng_val_en, src_busy;
ast_pulse_sync u_rng_val_pulse_sync (
.scan_mode_i ( scan_mode_i ),
.scan_reset_ni ( rst_n ),
// source clock domain
.clk_src_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_src_ni ( rst_n ),
.src_pulse_i ( srate_rng_val ),
.src_pulse_en_o ( srate_rng_val_en ),
.src_busy_o ( src_busy ),
// destination clock domain
.clk_dst_i ( clk_ast_rng_i ),
.rst_dst_ni ( rst_ast_rng_ni ),
.dst_pulse_o ( sync_rng_val )
// Sanple & Hold the rng_b value until the sync completes
always_ff @( posedge clk_i, negedge rst_n ) begin
if ( !rst_n ) begin
rng_b <= {EntropyStreams{1'b0}};
end else if ( srate_rng_val_en ) begin
rng_b <= lfsr_val[EntropyStreams-1:0];
//Sync to RNG clock domain
always_ff @( posedge clk_ast_rng_i, negedge rst_ast_rng_ni ) begin
if (!rst_ast_rng_ni ) begin
rng_b_o <= {EntropyStreams{1'b0}};
rng_val_o <= 1'b0;
end else if ( sync_rng_val ) begin
rng_b_o <= rng_b[EntropyStreams-1:0];
rng_val_o <= 1'b1;
end else begin
rng_val_o <= 1'b0;
// Unused Signals
logic unused_sigs;
assign unused_sigs = ^{
rng_fips_i, // Used in ASIC implementation
endmodule : rng