blob: 26e178ab45e0f23c796e51972f8dbeaaf0a9a691 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package usb_consts_pkg;
// Definitions for USB Packet Identifier (called PID in the spec)
// Bottom two bits of the PID are type
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
UsbPidTypeSpecial = 2'b00,
UsbPidTypeToken = 2'b01,
UsbPidTypeHandshake = 2'b10,
UsbPidTypeData = 2'b11
} usb_pid_type_e;
// Direct from USB 2.0 Spec Table 8-1
typedef enum logic [3:0] {
UsbPidOut = 4'b0001,
UsbPidIn = 4'b1001,
UsbPidSof = 4'b0101,
UsbPidSetup = 4'b1101,
UsbPidData0 = 4'b0011,
UsbPidData1 = 4'b1011,
UsbPidData2 = 4'b0111, // Only valid for High Speed
UsbPidMData = 4'b1111, // Only valid for High Speed
UsbPidAck = 4'b0010,
UsbPidNak = 4'b1010,
UsbPidStall = 4'b1110,
UsbPidNyet = 4'b0110
} usb_pid_e;
// USB SETUP packet commands (USB2.0 Table 9-4)
typedef enum logic [7:0] {
SetupGetStatus = 8'd0,
SetupClearFeature = 8'd1,
SetupSetFeature = 8'd3,
SetupSetAddress = 8'd5,
SetupGetDescriptor = 8'd6,
SetupSetDescriptor = 8'd7,
SetupGetConfiguration = 8'd8,
SetupSetConfiguration = 8'd9,
SetupGetInterface = 8'd10,
SetupSetInterface = 8'd11,
SetupSynchFrame = 8'd12
} usb_setup_request_e;
// USB Desctiptor Types (USB2.0 Table 9-5)
typedef enum logic [7:0] {
DscrTypeDevice = 8'd1,
DscrTypeConfiguration = 8'd2,
DscrTypeString = 8'd3,
DscrTypeInterface = 8'd4,
DscrTypeEndpoint = 8'd5,
DscrTypeDevQual = 8'd6,
DscrTypeOthrSpd = 8'd7,
DscrTypeIntPwr = 8'd8
} usb_dscr_type_e;