blob: b9605c80919db0402b8d7ad271fbfe03803714b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
`include ""
* Tile-Link UL adapter for SRAM-like devices
* This module handles byte writes for tlul integrity.
* When a byte write is received, the downstream data is read first
* to correctly create the integrity constant.
* A tlul transaction goes through this module. If required, a
* tlul read transaction is generated out first. If not required, the
* incoming tlul transaction is directly muxed out.
module tlul_sram_byte import tlul_pkg::*; #(
parameter bit EnableIntg = 0, // Enable integrity handling at byte level
parameter int Outstanding = 1
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input tl_h2d_t tl_i,
output tl_d2h_t tl_o,
output tl_h2d_t tl_sram_o,
input tl_d2h_t tl_sram_i,
// if incoming transaction already has an error, do not
// attempt to handle the byte-write access. Instead treat as
// feedthrough and allow the system to directly error back.
// The error indication is also fed through
input error_i,
output logic error_o
if (EnableIntg) begin : gen_integ_handling
// state enumeration
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
} state_e;
// state and selection
logic stall_host;
logic rd_phase;
logic rd_wait;
logic wr_phase;
state_e state_d, state_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
state_q <= StPassThru;
end else begin
state_q <= state_d;
// transaction qualifying signals
logic a_ack; // upstream a channel acknowledgement
logic d_ack; // upstream d channel acknowledgement
logic sram_a_ack; // downstream a channel acknowledgement
logic sram_d_ack; // downstream d channel acknowledgement
logic wr_txn;
logic byte_wr_txn;
logic byte_req_ack;
logic [prim_util_pkg::vbits(Outstanding+1)-1:0] pending_txn_cnt;
assign a_ack = tl_i.a_valid & tl_o.a_ready;
assign d_ack = tl_o.d_valid & tl_i.d_ready;
assign sram_a_ack = tl_sram_o.a_valid & tl_sram_i.a_ready;
assign sram_d_ack = tl_sram_i.d_valid & tl_sram_o.d_ready;
assign wr_txn = (tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData) | (tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData);
assign byte_req_ack = byte_wr_txn & a_ack & ~error_i;
assign byte_wr_txn = tl_i.a_valid & ~&tl_i.a_mask & wr_txn;
// state machine handling
always_comb begin
rd_wait = 1'b0;
stall_host = 1'b0;
wr_phase = 1'b0;
rd_phase = 1'b0;
state_d = state_q;
unique case (state_q)
StPassThru: begin
if (byte_wr_txn) begin
rd_phase = 1'b1;
if (byte_req_ack) begin
state_d = StWaitRd;
// Due to the way things are serialized, there is no way for the logic to tell which read
// belongs to the partial read unless it flushes all prior transactions. Hence, we wait
// here until exactly one outstanding transaction remains (that one is the partial read).
StWaitRd: begin
rd_phase = 1'b1;
stall_host = 1'b1;
if (pending_txn_cnt == $bits(pending_txn_cnt)'(1)) begin
rd_wait = 1'b1;
if (sram_d_ack) begin
state_d = StWriteCmd;
StWriteCmd: begin
stall_host = 1'b1;
wr_phase = 1'b1;
if (sram_a_ack) begin
state_d = StPassThru;
endcase // unique case (state_q)
// prim fifo for capturing info
typedef struct packed {
logic [2:0] a_param;
logic [top_pkg::TL_SZW-1:0] a_size;
logic [top_pkg::TL_AIW-1:0] a_source;
logic [top_pkg::TL_AW-1:0] a_address;
logic [top_pkg::TL_DBW-1:0] a_mask;
logic [top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] a_data;
tl_a_user_t a_user;
} tl_txn_data_t;
tl_txn_data_t txn_data;
tl_txn_data_t held_data;
logic fifo_rdy;
localparam int TxnDataWidth = $bits(tl_txn_data_t);
assign txn_data = '{
a_param: tl_i.a_param,
a_size: tl_i.a_size,
a_source: tl_i.a_source,
a_address: tl_i.a_address,
a_mask: tl_i.a_mask,
a_data: tl_i.a_data,
a_user: tl_i.a_user
prim_fifo_sync #(
) u_sync_fifo (
// captured read data
logic [top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] rsp_data;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
if (sram_d_ack && rd_wait) begin
rsp_data <= tl_sram_i.d_data;
// while we could simply not assert a_ready to ensure the host keeps
// the request lines stable, there is no guarantee the hosts (if there are multiple)
// do not re-arbitrate on every cycle if its transactions are not accepted.
// As a result, it is better to capture the transaction attributes.
logic [top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] combined_data, unused_data;
always_comb begin
for (int i = 0; i < top_pkg::TL_DBW; i++) begin
combined_data[i*8 +: 8] = held_data.a_mask[i] ?
held_data.a_data[i*8 +: 8] :
rsp_data[i*8 +: 8];
// Compute updated integrity bits for the data.
// Note that the CMD integrity does not have to be correct, since it is not consumed nor
// checked further downstream.
logic [tlul_pkg::DataIntgWidth-1:0] data_intg;
tlul_data_integ_enc u_tlul_data_integ_enc (
.data_intg_o({data_intg, unused_data})
tl_a_user_t combined_user;
always_comb begin
combined_user = held_data.a_user;
combined_user.data_intg = data_intg;
localparam logic [top_pkg::TL_SZW-1:0] AccessSize = $clog2(top_pkg::TL_DBW);
always_comb begin
// Pass-through by default
tl_sram_o = tl_i;
// if we're waiting for an internal read for RMW, we force this to 1.
tl_sram_o.d_ready = tl_i.d_ready | rd_wait;
// We take over the TL-UL bus if there is a pending read or write for the RMW transaction.
// TL-UL signals are selectively muxed below to reduce complexity and remove long timing
// paths through the error_i signal. In particular, we avoid creating paths from error_i
// to the address and data output since these may feed into RAM scrambling logic further
// downstream.
// Write transactions for RMW.
if (wr_phase) begin
tl_sram_o.a_valid = 1'b1;
tl_sram_o.a_opcode = PutFullData;
// Since we are performing a read-modify-write operation,
// we always access the entire word.
tl_sram_o.a_size = AccessSize;
tl_sram_o.a_mask = '{default: '1};
// override with held / combined data.
// need to use word aligned addresses here.
tl_sram_o.a_address = held_data.a_address;
tl_sram_o.a_address[AccessSize-1:0] = '0;
tl_sram_o.a_source = held_data.a_source;
tl_sram_o.a_param = held_data.a_param;
tl_sram_o.a_data = combined_data;
tl_sram_o.a_user = combined_user;
// Read transactions for RMW.
end else if (rd_phase) begin
// need to use word aligned addresses here.
tl_sram_o.a_address[AccessSize-1:0] = '0;
// Only override the control signals if there is no error at the input.
if (!error_i || stall_host) begin
// Since we are performing a read-modify-write operation,
// we always access the entire word.
tl_sram_o.a_size = AccessSize;
tl_sram_o.a_mask = '{default: '1};
// use incoming valid as long as we are not stalling the host
tl_sram_o.a_valid = tl_i.a_valid & ~stall_host;
tl_sram_o.a_opcode = Get;
logic unused_held_data;
assign unused_held_data = ^{held_data.a_address[AccessSize-1:0],
assign error_o = error_i & ~stall_host;
logic size_fifo_rdy;
logic [top_pkg::TL_SZW-1:0] a_size;
prim_fifo_sync #(
) u_sync_fifo_a_size (
always_comb begin
tl_o = tl_sram_i;
// pass a_ready through directly if we are not stalling
tl_o.a_ready = tl_sram_i.a_ready & ~stall_host & fifo_rdy & size_fifo_rdy;
// when internal logic has taken over, do not show response to host during
// read phase. During write phase, allow the host to see the completion.
tl_o.d_valid = tl_sram_i.d_valid & ~rd_wait;
// the size returned by tl_sram_i does not always correspond to the actual
// transaction size in cases where a read modify write operation is
// performed. Hence, we always return the registered size here.
tl_o.d_size = a_size;
end // always_comb
// unused info from tl_sram_i
// see explanation in above block
logic unused_tl;
assign unused_tl = |tl_sram_i.d_size;
// when byte access detected, go to wait read
`ASSERT(ByteAccessStateChange_A, a_ack & wr_txn & ~&tl_i.a_mask & ~error_i |=>
state_q inside {StWaitRd})
// when in wait for read, a successful response should move to write phase
(state_q == StWaitRd) && (pending_txn_cnt == 1) && sram_d_ack |=> state_q == StWriteCmd)
end else begin : gen_no_integ_handling
// In this case we pass everything just through.
assign tl_sram_o = tl_i;
assign tl_o = tl_sram_i;
assign error_o = error_i;
endmodule // tlul_adapter_sram