| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // Module to manage TX FIFO window for Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) host IP. |
| // |
| |
| module spi_host_window ( |
| input clk_i, |
| input rst_ni, |
| input tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t rx_win_i, |
| output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t rx_win_o, |
| input tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tx_win_i, |
| output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tx_win_o, |
| output logic [31:0] tx_data_o, |
| output logic [3:0] tx_be_o, |
| output logic tx_valid_o, |
| input [31:0] rx_data_i, |
| output logic rx_ready_o |
| ); |
| |
| localparam int AW = spi_host_reg_pkg::BlockAw; |
| localparam int DW = 32; |
| localparam int ByteMaskW = DW / 8; |
| |
| logic rx_we; |
| |
| // Only support reads from the data RX fifo window |
| logic rx_access_error; |
| assign rx_access_error = rx_we; |
| |
| tlul_adapter_reg #( |
| .RegAw (AW), |
| .RegDw (DW) |
| ) u_adapter_rx ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .tl_i (rx_win_i), |
| .tl_o (rx_win_o), |
| .we_o (rx_we), |
| .re_o (rx_ready_o), |
| .addr_o (), |
| .wdata_o (), |
| .be_o (), |
| .rdata_i (rx_data_i), |
| .error_i (rx_access_error), |
| .busy_i ('0) |
| ); |
| |
| // translate bitmask to byte mask |
| logic [DW-1:0] bit_mask; |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < ByteMaskW; i++) begin : gen_byte_mask |
| assign tx_be_o[i] = |bit_mask[i*8 +: 8]; |
| |
| // all the bits of particular byte must be the same |
| `ASSERT(BitMaskCheck_A, (|bit_mask[i*8 +: 8] == 1'b0) || |
| (&bit_mask[i*8 +: 8] == 1'b1)) |
| end |
| |
| // Only support writes to the data TX fifo window |
| tlul_adapter_sram #( |
| .SramAw(AW), |
| .SramDw(DW), |
| .Outstanding(1), |
| .ByteAccess(1), |
| .ErrOnWrite(0), |
| .ErrOnRead(1) |
| ) u_adapter_tx ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .tl_i(tx_win_i), |
| .tl_o(tx_win_o), |
| .en_ifetch_i(prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4False), |
| .req_o(tx_valid_o), |
| .req_type_o(), |
| .gnt_i(1'b1), |
| .we_o(), |
| .addr_o(), |
| .wdata_o(tx_data_o), |
| .wmask_o(bit_mask), |
| .intg_error_o(), |
| .rdata_i('0), |
| .rvalid_i('0), |
| .rerror_i('0) |
| ); |
| |
| endmodule : spi_host_window |