blob: 9950a81b5b1388c499bfb876c18f1712a18b7d65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPI Flash, Command Upload handler
This module uploads the incoming SPI transaction into DPSRAM. The logic
parses the transaction into three fields -- opcode, address, and payload.
This module uploads the fields into the FIFOs and the Payload buffer.
cmdparse enables the upload submodule at the 7th negedge of SCK unlike other
submodules (Readcmd, Status, Jedec are enabled when 8th posedge of SCK).
cmdparse enables the upload module earlier to update the DPSRAM for 1 byte
SPI command such as Chip Erase, Write Enable/Disable. The longest path is
from parsing opcode, checking the upload bit in the cmd_info, then issuing
the SRAM write request along with increasing cmd_fifo pointer by 1.
The timing can be optimized in the cmdparse module to not check the opcode
at once but maintaining the comparison bit fields [NumCmdInfo-1:0] in each
beat of opcode. Eventually at 7th cycle, only two bits in the bit field are
one at most unless the SW configures multiple cmd_info slot to have the same
opcode. Then at the 8th beat, the logic only checks the last bit of opcode
in the two cmd_info slot. The scheme reduces 8bit compare then
log(NumCmdInfo) depth into one bit compare and 1 depth tree.
`include ""
module spid_upload
import spi_device_pkg::*;
parameter sram_addr_t CmdFifoBaseAddr = spi_device_pkg::SramCmdFifoIdx,
parameter int unsigned CmdFifoDepth = spi_device_pkg::SramCmdFifoDepth,
parameter sram_addr_t AddrFifoBaseAddr = spi_device_pkg::SramAddrFifoIdx,
parameter int unsigned AddrFifoDepth = spi_device_pkg::SramAddrFifoDepth,
parameter sram_addr_t PayloadBaseAddr = spi_device_pkg::SramPayloadIdx,
parameter int unsigned PayloadDepth = spi_device_pkg::SramPayloadDepth,
// SramAw, SramDw from spi_device_pkg
parameter int unsigned SpiByte = $bits(spi_byte_t),
// derived
localparam int unsigned CmdPtrW = $clog2(CmdFifoDepth+1),
localparam int unsigned AddrPtrW = $clog2(AddrFifoDepth+1),
localparam int unsigned PayloadByte = PayloadDepth * (SramDw/SpiByte),
localparam int unsigned PayloadPtrW = $clog2(PayloadByte+1),
localparam int unsigned PayloadIdxW = $clog2(PayloadByte)
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input sys_clk_i,
input sys_rst_ni,
input clk_csb_i, // CSb as a clock source
input sck_csb_asserted_pulse_i,
input sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i,
input sel_datapath_e sel_dp_i,
output sram_l2m_t sck_sram_o,
input sram_m2l_t sck_sram_i,
// SRAM access in sys_clk (CMDFIFO/ ADDRFIFO)
// Arbiter among these + SW access is in the SPID top module
output sram_l2m_t sys_cmdfifo_sram_o,
input sram_m2l_t sys_cmdfifo_sram_i,
input sys_cmdfifo_gnt_i, // from arbiter
output sram_l2m_t sys_addrfifo_sram_o,
input sram_m2l_t sys_addrfifo_sram_i,
input sys_addrfifo_gnt_i, // from arbiter
// FIFO access in sys_clk (CMDFIFO/ ADDRFIFO)
output logic sys_cmdfifo_rvalid_o,
input sys_cmdfifo_rready_i,
output logic [7:0] sys_cmdfifo_rdata_o,
output logic sys_addrfifo_rvalid_o,
input sys_addrfifo_rready_i,
output logic [31:0] sys_addrfifo_rdata_o,
// Interface: SPI to Parallel
input s2p_valid_i,
input spi_byte_t s2p_byte_i,
input [BitCntW-1:0] s2p_bitcnt_i,
// Interface: Parallel to SPI
// Not used in spid_upload
output logic p2s_valid_o,
output spi_byte_t p2s_data_o,
input logic p2s_sent_i,
// Configurations:
input spi_mode_e spi_mode_i,
input logic cfg_addr_4b_en_i,
input cmd_info_t cmd_info_i,
input logic [CmdInfoIdxW-1:0] cmd_info_idx_i,
output io_mode_e io_mode_o,
output logic set_busy_o,
// cmdfifo_set: Pulse event to notify SW the command fifo has entries
output logic sys_cmdfifo_set_o,
// cmdfifo_notempty: The SYS domain Command FIFO not empty.
// cmdfifo_set occurs at the end of SPI transaction. cmdfifo_notempty can be
// changed in the middle of SPI transaction.
output logic sys_cmdfifo_notempty_o,
output logic sys_cmdfifo_full_o,
output logic sys_addrfifo_notempty_o,
output logic sys_addrfifo_full_o,
output logic sys_payload_overflow_o,
output logic [CmdPtrW-1:0] sys_cmdfifo_depth_o,
output logic [AddrPtrW-1:0] sys_addrfifo_depth_o,
output logic [PayloadPtrW-1:0] sys_payload_depth_o,
output logic [PayloadIdxW-1:0] sys_payload_start_idx_o
localparam int unsigned CmdFifoWidth = 8;
localparam int unsigned AddrFifoWidth = 32;
assign io_mode_o = SingleIO; // Only single input mode is supported in upload
// Upload works in Flash and Passthrough both.
spi_mode_e unused_spi_mode;
assign unused_spi_mode = spi_mode_i;
assign p2s_valid_o = 1'b 0;
assign p2s_data_o = '0;
logic unused_p2s_sent;
assign unused_p2s_sent = p2s_sent_i;
// Definition //
typedef enum int unsigned {
SramCmdFifo = 0,
SramAddrFifo = 1,
SramPayload = 2
} sramintf_e;
localparam int unsigned NumSramIntf = 3;
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
} st_e;
st_e st_q, st_d;
// Signal //
// SRAM access (to SRAM Arbiter)
logic [NumSramIntf-1:0] sck_sram_req;
logic [NumSramIntf-1:0] sck_sram_gnt;
logic [NumSramIntf-1:0] sck_sram_write;
logic [SramAw-1:0] sck_sram_addr [NumSramIntf];
logic [SramDw-1:0] sck_sram_wdata [NumSramIntf];
logic [SramDw-1:0] sck_sram_wmask [NumSramIntf];
logic [NumSramIntf-1:0] sck_sram_rvalid; // not used
logic [SramDw-1:0] sck_sram_rdata [NumSramIntf]; // not used
logic [1:0] sck_sram_rerror [NumSramIntf]; // not used
logic [NumSramIntf-2:0] sys_sram_req;
logic [NumSramIntf-2:0] sys_sram_gnt;
logic [NumSramIntf-2:0] sys_sram_write;
logic [SramAw-1:0] sys_sram_addr [NumSramIntf-1];
logic [SramDw-1:0] sys_sram_wdata [NumSramIntf-1];
logic [SramDw-1:0] sys_sram_wmask [NumSramIntf-1];
logic [NumSramIntf-2:0] sys_sram_rvalid; // not used
logic [SramDw-1:0] sys_sram_rdata [NumSramIntf-1]; // not used
logic [1:0] sys_sram_rerror [NumSramIntf-1]; // not used
logic cmdfifo_wvalid;
logic cmdfifo_wready; // Assume always ready
logic [7:0] cmdfifo_wdata ;
logic [CmdPtrW-1:0] cmdfifo_depth; // Write side depth to check if FIFO empty
// cmdfifo_depth is used in assertion not in the logic.
logic unused_cmdfifo_depth;
assign unused_cmdfifo_depth = ^cmdfifo_depth;
logic addrfifo_wvalid;
logic addrfifo_wready; // Assume always ready
logic [31:0] addrfifo_wdata ;
logic payload_wvalid;
logic payload_wready; // Assume always ready
logic [7:0] payload_wdata ;
// Unused wready
logic unused_fifo_wready;
assign unused_fifo_wready = ^{cmdfifo_wready, addrfifo_wready, payload_wready};
// Simplified command info
addr_mode_e cmdinfo_addr_mode;
logic cmdinfo_addr_en, cmdinfo_addr_4b_en;
logic unused_cmdinfo;
assign unused_cmdinfo = ^{
cmd_info_i.valid, // cmdparse checks the valid bit
// Address latch
logic addr_update, addr_shift;
logic [31:0] address_q, address_d;
logic [4:0] addrcnt;
// unused
logic unused_s2p_bitcnt;
assign unused_s2p_bitcnt = ^s2p_bitcnt_i;
logic unused_cmdinfo_idx;
assign unused_cmdinfo_idx = ^cmd_info_idx_i;
// Datapath //
// Command info process
assign cmdinfo_addr_mode = get_addr_mode(cmd_info_i, cfg_addr_4b_en_i);
assign cmdinfo_addr_en = cmdinfo_addr_mode != AddrDisabled;
assign cmdinfo_addr_4b_en = cmdinfo_addr_mode == Addr4B;
assign cmdfifo_wdata = s2p_byte_i; // written to FIFO at first
assign addrfifo_wdata = address_d;
assign payload_wdata = s2p_byte_i;
// Address counter
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) addrcnt <= '0;
else if (addr_update) addrcnt <= cmdinfo_addr_4b_en ? 5'd 31 : 5'd 23;
else if (addr_shift) addrcnt <= addrcnt - 5'd 1;
always_comb begin
address_d = address_q;
if (addr_shift) begin
address_d = {address_q[23:0], s2p_byte_i};
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
address_q <= '0;
end else if (s2p_valid_i && addr_shift) begin
address_q <= address_d;
// sys_cmdfifo_not_empty_o -> sys_cmdfifo_set_o
// The signal is generated from SCK domain write fifo depth signal. The
// reason is to delay the interrupt. If the notempty interrupt comes from
// the CMDFIFO directly, then SW waits the SPI transaction to be completed
// in order to get the correct address and payload.
// cmdfifo_depth (SCK) is a registered signal. So, it becomes notempty after
// 8th beat of the SCK. The CSb as a clock latches the signal to be != 0,
// then sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i signal let SYS_CLK latch the notemtpy
// signal. as CSb as a clock is synced clock to the SCK, there is no CDC
// issue here. Please check the chip Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC) file.
// The case to be considered: If two commands are back-to-back and uploaded
// into the CMDFIFO. Then, if SW pops the first one, the notempty keeps
// high. The edge detector could not catch the change.
// To resolve the issue describe above, the notempty interrupt @ SCK catches
// the current transaction only. It means that the notempty becomes one if
// the FIFO is empty and becomes notempty. If the FIFO is not empty and
// the logic pushes one more to the FIFO, it does not generate event
// signal.
// In the SYS_CLK, logics see the event. If it is high, the logic generates
// a pulse to set the interrupt (along with the status). So that the SW can
// get the event.
logic sck_cmdfifo_set;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin
// Can't use rst_ni, as it is basically CSb. conflict to @posedge CSb
if (!sys_rst_ni) sck_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 0;
// Can't use cmdfifo_depth != '0 as cmdfifo_depth is latched by SCK
// CmdOnly SPI transaction cannot catch
else if (cmdfifo_wvalid && cmdfifo_wready) sck_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 1;
else if (sck_csb_asserted_pulse_i) sck_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 0;
cmdfifo_wvalid && cmdfifo_wready |=> cmdfifo_depth != 0,
clk_i, !sys_rst_ni)
logic csb_cmdfifo_set;
always_ff @(posedge clk_csb_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin
if (!sys_rst_ni) csb_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 0;
else csb_cmdfifo_set <= sck_cmdfifo_set;
logic sys_cmdfifo_set;
always_ff @(posedge sys_clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin
if (!sys_rst_ni) sys_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 0;
else if (sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i && csb_cmdfifo_set) begin
sys_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 1;
end else begin
sys_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 0;
assign sys_cmdfifo_set_o = sys_cmdfifo_set;
// payloadptr manage: spid_fifo2sram_adapter's fifoptr (wdepth) is reset by
// CSb everytime. the written payload size should be visible to SW even CSb
// is de-asserted.
// payloadptr maintains the pointer inside the Payload buffer (256B
// currently). If the host system issues equal to or more than 256B of the
// size, the payload_max is set to 1 then SW will sees always PayloadByte
// value from the CSR. Inside the HW, SPI_DEVICE keeps storing the incoming
// bytes into the payload buffer as a circular FIFO manner. The payload
// start index CSR represents the next pointer inside the buffer IFF the
// payload buffer is full. If it has not been received the full payload, the
// start index is 0, which means SW should read from 0.
logic payloadptr_inc, payloadptr_clr;
logic [PayloadIdxW-1:0] payloadptr;
// Indicate the payload reached the max value (PayloadByte)
logic payload_max;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin
if (!sys_rst_ni) begin
payload_max <= 1'b 0;
payloadptr <= '0;
end else if (payloadptr_clr) begin
payloadptr <= '0;
payload_max <= 1'b 0;
end else if (payloadptr_inc) begin
if (payloadptr == PayloadIdxW'(PayloadByte-1)) begin
// payloadptr reached max
payload_max <= 1'b 1;
payloadptr <= payloadptr + PayloadIdxW'(1);
// Synchronize to the sys_clk when CSb deasserted
logic sys_payloadptr_clr_posedge;
// To trigger the payload buffer update event, the payload_depth should be
// reset when new upload command comes.
always_ff @(posedge sys_clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin
if (!sys_rst_ni) sys_payload_depth_o <= '0;
else if (sys_payloadptr_clr_posedge) sys_payload_depth_o <= '0;
else if (sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i && payload_max) begin
sys_payload_depth_o <= PayloadPtrW'(PayloadByte);
end else if (sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i && !payload_max) begin
sys_payload_depth_o <= PayloadPtrW'(payloadptr);
// payloadptr_clr --> sys domain
prim_pulse_sync u_payloadptr_clr_psync (
// source clock domain
.clk_src_i (clk_i),
.rst_src_ni (sys_rst_ni),
.src_pulse_i (payloadptr_clr),
// destination clock domain
.clk_dst_i (sys_clk_i),
.rst_dst_ni (sys_rst_ni),
.dst_pulse_o (sys_payloadptr_clr_posedge)
// Latch payloadptr @ CSb events
always_ff @(posedge sys_clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin
if (!sys_rst_ni) sys_payload_start_idx_o <= '0;
else if (sys_payloadptr_clr_posedge) sys_payload_start_idx_o <= '0;
else if (sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i && payload_max) begin
// Payload reached the max, need to tell SW the exact location SW shoul
// read
sys_payload_start_idx_o <= payloadptr;
end else if (sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i && !payload_max) begin
// Payload buffer has not been reached to the max, the start index
// should be 0 for SW to read from the first of the buffer.
sys_payload_start_idx_o <= '0;
// Overflow event
// When the SPI host system issues more than 256B payload, HW stores the
// overflow event in SCK then notify to SW when CSb is deasserted
logic event_payload_overflow;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin
if (!sys_rst_ni) event_payload_overflow <= 1'b 0;
else if (payloadptr_clr) event_payload_overflow <= 1'b 0;
else if (payloadptr_inc && payload_max) begin
event_payload_overflow <= 1'b 1;
// Sync to SYSCLK when CSb release. Edge detection on the spi_device top
logic sys_event_payload_overflow;
always_ff @(posedge sys_clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin
if (!sys_rst_ni) sys_event_payload_overflow <= 1'b 0;
else if (sys_payloadptr_clr_posedge) sys_event_payload_overflow <= 1'b 0;
else if (sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i) begin
sys_event_payload_overflow <= event_payload_overflow;
assign sys_payload_overflow_o = sys_event_payload_overflow;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
st_q <= StIdle;
end else begin
st_q <= st_d;
// State Machine runs in SCK domain
always_comb begin
st_d = st_q;
cmdfifo_wvalid = 1'b 0;
addrfifo_wvalid = 1'b 0;
payload_wvalid = 1'b 0;
addr_update = 1'b 0;
addr_shift = 1'b 0;
set_busy_o = 1'b 0;
payloadptr_clr = 1'b 0;
payloadptr_inc = 1'b 0;
unique case (st_q)
StIdle: begin
if (s2p_valid_i && sel_dp_i == DpUpload) begin
if (cmdinfo_addr_en) begin
st_d = StAddress;
// Address process (determines 32bit or 24bit)
addr_update = 1'b 1;
end else begin
st_d = StPayload;
// Upload to SRAM right away.
cmdfifo_wvalid = 1'b 1;
// Assume cmdfifo_wready is 1 always (need to add assumption)
if (cmd_info_i.busy) begin
// Set BUSY
set_busy_o = 1'b 1;
// Clear payload counter
payloadptr_clr = 1'b 1;
StAddress: begin
addr_shift = 1'b 1;
if (addrcnt == '0) begin
st_d = StPayload;
addrfifo_wvalid = 1'b 1;
StPayload: begin
if (s2p_valid_i) begin
payload_wvalid = 1'b 1;
payloadptr_inc = 1'b 1;
// ASSUME payload_wready == 1'b1
default: begin
st_d = StIdle;
// Instance //
// TODO: Merge two FIFOs into one.
// Design a module that has one SRAM Read port / one SRAM write port
// and compile-time configurable # of FIFO ports + N of SramBase Address
// (Preferrably variable width)
// FIFO reset:
// To maintain the pointer on read/ write side same, the FIFO uses
// sys_rst_ni rather than rst_ni for the write port. The pointer is
// maintained throughout the SPI transactions (CSb assertion/ de-assertion).
// As sys_rst_ni is not synchronized to the external clock, the sys_rst_ni
// should be de-asserted when SPI line is in idle (CSb == 1).
// CmdFifo
prim_fifo_async_sram_adapter #(
.Width (CmdFifoWidth),
.Depth (CmdFifoDepth),
.SramAw (SramAw),
.SramDw (SramDw),
.SramBaseAddr (CmdFifoBaseAddr)
) u_cmdfifo (
.clk_wr_i (clk_i),
.rst_wr_ni (sys_rst_ni),
.wvalid_i (cmdfifo_wvalid),
.wready_o (cmdfifo_wready),
.wdata_i (cmdfifo_wdata ),
.wdepth_o (cmdfifo_depth),
.clk_rd_i (sys_clk_i),
.rst_rd_ni (sys_rst_ni),
.rvalid_o (sys_cmdfifo_rvalid_o),
.rready_i (sys_cmdfifo_rready_i),
.rdata_o (sys_cmdfifo_rdata_o),
.rdepth_o (sys_cmdfifo_depth_o),
.r_full_o (sys_cmdfifo_full_o),
// Not directly use `notempty` as an interrupt. Rather generated from the
// upload logic to delay the cmdfifo_notempty interrupt.
// See #11871
.r_notempty_o (sys_cmdfifo_notempty_o),
.w_full_o (),
.w_sram_req_o (sck_sram_req [SramCmdFifo]),
.w_sram_gnt_i (sck_sram_gnt [SramCmdFifo]),
.w_sram_write_o (sck_sram_write [SramCmdFifo]),
.w_sram_addr_o (sck_sram_addr [SramCmdFifo]),
.w_sram_wdata_o (sck_sram_wdata [SramCmdFifo]),
.w_sram_wmask_o (sck_sram_wmask [SramCmdFifo]),
.w_sram_rvalid_i (sck_sram_rvalid [SramCmdFifo]),
.w_sram_rdata_i (sck_sram_rdata [SramCmdFifo]),
.w_sram_rerror_i (sck_sram_rerror [SramCmdFifo]),
.r_sram_req_o (sys_sram_req [SramCmdFifo]),
.r_sram_gnt_i (sys_sram_gnt [SramCmdFifo]),
.r_sram_write_o (sys_sram_write [SramCmdFifo]),
.r_sram_addr_o (sys_sram_addr [SramCmdFifo]),
.r_sram_wdata_o (sys_sram_wdata [SramCmdFifo]),
.r_sram_wmask_o (sys_sram_wmask [SramCmdFifo]),
.r_sram_rvalid_i (sys_sram_rvalid [SramCmdFifo]),
.r_sram_rdata_i (sys_sram_rdata [SramCmdFifo]),
.r_sram_rerror_i (sys_sram_rerror [SramCmdFifo])
// Connect to sys_cmdfifo_sram_o/_i
assign sys_cmdfifo_sram_o = '{
req: sys_sram_req [SramCmdFifo],
we: sys_sram_write [SramCmdFifo],
addr: sys_sram_addr [SramCmdFifo],
wdata: sys_sram_wdata [SramCmdFifo],
wstrb: sram_mask2strb(sys_sram_wmask [SramCmdFifo])
assign sys_sram_rvalid [SramCmdFifo] = sys_cmdfifo_sram_i.rvalid;
assign sys_sram_rdata [SramCmdFifo] = sys_cmdfifo_sram_i.rdata ;
assign sys_sram_rerror [SramCmdFifo] = sys_cmdfifo_sram_i.rerror;
assign sys_sram_gnt [SramCmdFifo] = sys_cmdfifo_gnt_i;
// AddrFifo
prim_fifo_async_sram_adapter #(
.Width (AddrFifoWidth),
.Depth (AddrFifoDepth),
.SramAw (SramAw),
.SramDw (SramDw),
.SramBaseAddr (AddrFifoBaseAddr)
) u_addrfifo (
.clk_wr_i (clk_i),
.rst_wr_ni (sys_rst_ni),
.wvalid_i (addrfifo_wvalid),
.wready_o (addrfifo_wready),
.wdata_i (addrfifo_wdata ),
.wdepth_o (),
.clk_rd_i (sys_clk_i),
.rst_rd_ni (sys_rst_ni),
.rvalid_o (sys_addrfifo_rvalid_o),
.rready_i (sys_addrfifo_rready_i),
.rdata_o (sys_addrfifo_rdata_o),
.rdepth_o (sys_addrfifo_depth_o),
.r_full_o (sys_addrfifo_full_o),
.r_notempty_o (sys_addrfifo_notempty_o),
.w_full_o (),
.w_sram_req_o (sck_sram_req [SramAddrFifo]),
.w_sram_gnt_i (sck_sram_gnt [SramAddrFifo]),
.w_sram_write_o (sck_sram_write [SramAddrFifo]),
.w_sram_addr_o (sck_sram_addr [SramAddrFifo]),
.w_sram_wdata_o (sck_sram_wdata [SramAddrFifo]),
.w_sram_wmask_o (sck_sram_wmask [SramAddrFifo]),
.w_sram_rvalid_i (sck_sram_rvalid [SramAddrFifo]),
.w_sram_rdata_i (sck_sram_rdata [SramAddrFifo]),
.w_sram_rerror_i (sck_sram_rerror [SramAddrFifo]),
.r_sram_req_o (sys_sram_req [SramAddrFifo]),
.r_sram_gnt_i (sys_sram_gnt [SramAddrFifo]),
.r_sram_write_o (sys_sram_write [SramAddrFifo]),
.r_sram_addr_o (sys_sram_addr [SramAddrFifo]),
.r_sram_wdata_o (sys_sram_wdata [SramAddrFifo]),
.r_sram_wmask_o (sys_sram_wmask [SramAddrFifo]),
.r_sram_rvalid_i (sys_sram_rvalid [SramAddrFifo]),
.r_sram_rdata_i (sys_sram_rdata [SramAddrFifo]),
.r_sram_rerror_i (sys_sram_rerror [SramAddrFifo])
// Connect to sys_addrfifo_sram_o/_i
assign sys_addrfifo_sram_o = '{
req: sys_sram_req [SramAddrFifo],
we: sys_sram_write [SramAddrFifo],
addr: sys_sram_addr [SramAddrFifo],
wdata: sys_sram_wdata [SramAddrFifo],
wstrb: sram_mask2strb(sys_sram_wmask [SramAddrFifo])
assign sys_sram_rvalid [SramAddrFifo] = sys_addrfifo_sram_i.rvalid;
assign sys_sram_rdata [SramAddrFifo] = sys_addrfifo_sram_i.rdata ;
assign sys_sram_rerror [SramAddrFifo] = sys_addrfifo_sram_i.rerror;
assign sys_sram_gnt [SramAddrFifo] = sys_addrfifo_gnt_i;
// Payload Buffer
spid_fifo2sram_adapter #(
.FifoWidth (SpiByte),
.FifoDepth (PayloadByte),
.SramAw (SramAw),
.SramDw (SramDw),
.SramBaseAddr (PayloadBaseAddr),
// CFG
.EnPack (1'b1)
) u_payload_buffer (
.wvalid_i (payload_wvalid),
.wready_o (payload_wready),
.wdata_i (payload_wdata ),
// Does not use wdepth from the buffer as it is reset by CSb.
.wdepth_o (),
.sram_req_o (sck_sram_req [SramPayload]),
.sram_gnt_i (sck_sram_gnt [SramPayload]),
.sram_write_o (sck_sram_write [SramPayload]),
.sram_addr_o (sck_sram_addr [SramPayload]),
.sram_wdata_o (sck_sram_wdata [SramPayload]),
.sram_wmask_o (sck_sram_wmask [SramPayload]),
.sram_rvalid_i (sck_sram_rvalid [SramPayload]),
.sram_rdata_i (sck_sram_rdata [SramPayload]),
.sram_rerror_i (sck_sram_rerror [SramPayload])
// SramArbiter
logic [SramDw-1:0] sram_wmask;
prim_sram_arbiter #(
.N (NumSramIntf),
.SramDw (SramDw),
.SramAw (SramAw),
.EnMask (1'b 1)
) u_arbiter (
.req_i (sck_sram_req),
.req_addr_i (sck_sram_addr),
.req_write_i (sck_sram_write),
.req_wdata_i (sck_sram_wdata),
.req_wmask_i (sck_sram_wmask),
.gnt_o (sck_sram_gnt),
.rsp_rvalid_o (sck_sram_rvalid), // not used
.rsp_rdata_o (sck_sram_rdata), // not used
.rsp_error_o (sck_sram_rerror),
.sram_req_o (sck_sram_o.req),
.sram_addr_o (sck_sram_o.addr),
.sram_write_o (sck_sram_o.we),
.sram_wdata_o (sck_sram_o.wdata),
.sram_wmask_o (sram_wmask),
.sram_rvalid_i (sck_sram_i.rvalid),
.sram_rdata_i (sck_sram_i.rdata),
.sram_rerror_i (sck_sram_i.rerror)
assign sck_sram_o.wstrb = sram_mask2strb(sram_wmask);
// Assertion //
// As SCK fifo control can't handle the full condition. Assume the wready
`ASSUME(CmdFifoNeverFull_M, cmdfifo_wvalid |-> cmdfifo_wready)
`ASSUME(AddrFifoNeverFull_M, addrfifo_wvalid |-> addrfifo_wready)
`ASSUME(PayloadNeverFull_M, payload_wvalid |-> payload_wready)
// Assert FIFO wvalid onehot0
$onehot0({cmdfifo_wvalid, addrfifo_wvalid, payload_wvalid}))
// Sram Arbiter does not have a push back mechanism. Assume grant is always 1
endmodule : spid_upload