| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // SPI Flash, Command Upload handler |
| /* |
| This module uploads the incoming SPI transaction into DPSRAM. The logic |
| parses the transaction into three fields -- opcode, address, and payload. |
| This module uploads the fields into the FIFOs and the Payload buffer. |
| |
| cmdparse enables the upload submodule at the 7th negedge of SCK unlike other |
| submodules (Readcmd, Status, Jedec are enabled when 8th posedge of SCK). |
| cmdparse enables the upload module earlier to update the DPSRAM for 1 byte |
| SPI command such as Chip Erase, Write Enable/Disable. The longest path is |
| from parsing opcode, checking the upload bit in the cmd_info, then issuing |
| the SRAM write request along with increasing cmd_fifo pointer by 1. |
| |
| The timing can be optimized in the cmdparse module to not check the opcode |
| at once but maintaining the comparison bit fields [NumCmdInfo-1:0] in each |
| beat of opcode. Eventually at 7th cycle, only two bits in the bit field are |
| one at most unless the SW configures multiple cmd_info slot to have the same |
| opcode. Then at the 8th beat, the logic only checks the last bit of opcode |
| in the two cmd_info slot. The scheme reduces 8bit compare then |
| log(NumCmdInfo) depth into one bit compare and 1 depth tree. |
| */ |
| |
| `include "prim_assert.sv" |
| |
| module spid_upload |
| import spi_device_pkg::*; |
| #( |
| parameter sram_addr_t CmdFifoBaseAddr = spi_device_pkg::SramCmdFifoIdx, |
| parameter int unsigned CmdFifoDepth = spi_device_pkg::SramCmdFifoDepth, |
| |
| parameter sram_addr_t AddrFifoBaseAddr = spi_device_pkg::SramAddrFifoIdx, |
| parameter int unsigned AddrFifoDepth = spi_device_pkg::SramAddrFifoDepth, |
| |
| parameter sram_addr_t PayloadBaseAddr = spi_device_pkg::SramPayloadIdx, |
| parameter int unsigned PayloadDepth = spi_device_pkg::SramPayloadDepth, |
| |
| // SramAw, SramDw from spi_device_pkg |
| parameter int unsigned SpiByte = $bits(spi_byte_t), |
| |
| // derived |
| localparam int unsigned CmdPtrW = $clog2(CmdFifoDepth+1), |
| localparam int unsigned AddrPtrW = $clog2(AddrFifoDepth+1), |
| |
| localparam int unsigned PayloadByte = PayloadDepth * (SramDw/SpiByte), |
| localparam int unsigned PayloadPtrW = $clog2(PayloadByte+1), |
| localparam int unsigned PayloadIdxW = $clog2(PayloadByte) |
| ) ( |
| input clk_i, |
| input rst_ni, |
| |
| input sys_clk_i, |
| input sys_rst_ni, |
| |
| input clk_csb_i, // CSb as a clock source |
| |
| input sck_csb_asserted_pulse_i, |
| input sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i, |
| |
| input sel_datapath_e sel_dp_i, |
| |
| output sram_l2m_t sck_sram_o, |
| input sram_m2l_t sck_sram_i, |
| |
| // SRAM access in sys_clk (CMDFIFO/ ADDRFIFO) |
| // Arbiter among these + SW access is in the SPID top module |
| output sram_l2m_t sys_cmdfifo_sram_o, |
| input sram_m2l_t sys_cmdfifo_sram_i, |
| input sys_cmdfifo_gnt_i, // from arbiter |
| output sram_l2m_t sys_addrfifo_sram_o, |
| input sram_m2l_t sys_addrfifo_sram_i, |
| input sys_addrfifo_gnt_i, // from arbiter |
| |
| // FIFO access in sys_clk (CMDFIFO/ ADDRFIFO) |
| output logic sys_cmdfifo_rvalid_o, |
| input sys_cmdfifo_rready_i, |
| output logic [7:0] sys_cmdfifo_rdata_o, |
| |
| output logic sys_addrfifo_rvalid_o, |
| input sys_addrfifo_rready_i, |
| output logic [31:0] sys_addrfifo_rdata_o, |
| |
| // Interface: SPI to Parallel |
| input s2p_valid_i, |
| input spi_byte_t s2p_byte_i, |
| input [BitCntW-1:0] s2p_bitcnt_i, |
| |
| // Interface: Parallel to SPI |
| // Not used in spid_upload |
| output logic p2s_valid_o, |
| output spi_byte_t p2s_data_o, |
| input logic p2s_sent_i, |
| |
| // Configurations: |
| input spi_mode_e spi_mode_i, |
| |
| input logic cfg_addr_4b_en_i, |
| |
| input cmd_info_t cmd_info_i, |
| input logic [CmdInfoIdxW-1:0] cmd_info_idx_i, |
| |
| output io_mode_e io_mode_o, |
| |
| output logic set_busy_o, |
| |
| // cmdfifo_set: Pulse event to notify SW the command fifo has entries |
| output logic sys_cmdfifo_set_o, |
| // cmdfifo_notempty: The SYS domain Command FIFO not empty. |
| // cmdfifo_set occurs at the end of SPI transaction. cmdfifo_notempty can be |
| // changed in the middle of SPI transaction. |
| output logic sys_cmdfifo_notempty_o, |
| output logic sys_cmdfifo_full_o, |
| output logic sys_addrfifo_notempty_o, |
| output logic sys_addrfifo_full_o, |
| output logic sys_payload_overflow_o, |
| |
| output logic [CmdPtrW-1:0] sys_cmdfifo_depth_o, |
| output logic [AddrPtrW-1:0] sys_addrfifo_depth_o, |
| output logic [PayloadPtrW-1:0] sys_payload_depth_o, |
| output logic [PayloadIdxW-1:0] sys_payload_start_idx_o |
| ); |
| |
| localparam int unsigned CmdFifoWidth = 8; |
| localparam int unsigned AddrFifoWidth = 32; |
| |
| assign io_mode_o = SingleIO; // Only single input mode is supported in upload |
| |
| // Upload works in Flash and Passthrough both. |
| spi_mode_e unused_spi_mode; |
| assign unused_spi_mode = spi_mode_i; |
| |
| assign p2s_valid_o = 1'b 0; |
| assign p2s_data_o = '0; |
| |
| logic unused_p2s_sent; |
| assign unused_p2s_sent = p2s_sent_i; |
| |
| //////////////// |
| // Definition // |
| //////////////// |
| typedef enum int unsigned { |
| SramCmdFifo = 0, |
| SramAddrFifo = 1, |
| SramPayload = 2 |
| } sramintf_e; |
| localparam int unsigned NumSramIntf = 3; |
| |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| StIdle, |
| StAddress, |
| StPayload |
| } st_e; |
| st_e st_q, st_d; |
| |
| //////////// |
| // Signal // |
| //////////// |
| |
| // SRAM access (to SRAM Arbiter) |
| logic [NumSramIntf-1:0] sck_sram_req; |
| logic [NumSramIntf-1:0] sck_sram_gnt; |
| logic [NumSramIntf-1:0] sck_sram_write; |
| logic [SramAw-1:0] sck_sram_addr [NumSramIntf]; |
| logic [SramDw-1:0] sck_sram_wdata [NumSramIntf]; |
| logic [SramDw-1:0] sck_sram_wmask [NumSramIntf]; |
| logic [NumSramIntf-1:0] sck_sram_rvalid; // not used |
| logic [SramDw-1:0] sck_sram_rdata [NumSramIntf]; // not used |
| logic [1:0] sck_sram_rerror [NumSramIntf]; // not used |
| |
| logic [NumSramIntf-2:0] sys_sram_req; |
| logic [NumSramIntf-2:0] sys_sram_gnt; |
| logic [NumSramIntf-2:0] sys_sram_write; |
| logic [SramAw-1:0] sys_sram_addr [NumSramIntf-1]; |
| logic [SramDw-1:0] sys_sram_wdata [NumSramIntf-1]; |
| logic [SramDw-1:0] sys_sram_wmask [NumSramIntf-1]; |
| logic [NumSramIntf-2:0] sys_sram_rvalid; // not used |
| logic [SramDw-1:0] sys_sram_rdata [NumSramIntf-1]; // not used |
| logic [1:0] sys_sram_rerror [NumSramIntf-1]; // not used |
| |
| logic cmdfifo_wvalid; |
| logic cmdfifo_wready; // Assume always ready |
| logic [7:0] cmdfifo_wdata ; |
| logic [CmdPtrW-1:0] cmdfifo_depth; // Write side depth to check if FIFO empty |
| |
| // cmdfifo_depth is used in assertion not in the logic. |
| logic unused_cmdfifo_depth; |
| assign unused_cmdfifo_depth = ^cmdfifo_depth; |
| |
| logic addrfifo_wvalid; |
| logic addrfifo_wready; // Assume always ready |
| logic [31:0] addrfifo_wdata ; |
| |
| logic payload_wvalid; |
| logic payload_wready; // Assume always ready |
| logic [7:0] payload_wdata ; |
| |
| // Unused wready |
| logic unused_fifo_wready; |
| assign unused_fifo_wready = ^{cmdfifo_wready, addrfifo_wready, payload_wready}; |
| |
| // Simplified command info |
| addr_mode_e cmdinfo_addr_mode; |
| logic cmdinfo_addr_en, cmdinfo_addr_4b_en; |
| |
| logic unused_cmdinfo; |
| assign unused_cmdinfo = ^{ |
| cmd_info_i.valid, // cmdparse checks the valid bit |
| cmd_info_i.addr_swap_en, |
| cmd_info_i.dummy_en, |
| cmd_info_i.dummy_size, |
| cmd_info_i.mbyte_en, |
| cmd_info_i.opcode, |
| cmd_info_i.payload_dir, |
| cmd_info_i.payload_en, |
| cmd_info_i.payload_swap_en, |
| cmd_info_i.upload |
| }; |
| |
| // Address latch |
| logic addr_update, addr_shift; |
| logic [31:0] address_q, address_d; |
| logic [4:0] addrcnt; |
| |
| |
| // unused |
| logic unused_s2p_bitcnt; |
| assign unused_s2p_bitcnt = ^s2p_bitcnt_i; |
| |
| logic unused_cmdinfo_idx; |
| assign unused_cmdinfo_idx = ^cmd_info_idx_i; |
| |
| ////////////// |
| // Datapath // |
| ////////////// |
| |
| // Command info process |
| assign cmdinfo_addr_mode = get_addr_mode(cmd_info_i, cfg_addr_4b_en_i); |
| assign cmdinfo_addr_en = cmdinfo_addr_mode != AddrDisabled; |
| |
| assign cmdinfo_addr_4b_en = cmdinfo_addr_mode == Addr4B; |
| |
| assign cmdfifo_wdata = s2p_byte_i; // written to FIFO at first |
| assign addrfifo_wdata = address_d; |
| assign payload_wdata = s2p_byte_i; |
| |
| // Address counter |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) addrcnt <= '0; |
| else if (addr_update) addrcnt <= cmdinfo_addr_4b_en ? 5'd 31 : 5'd 23; |
| else if (addr_shift) addrcnt <= addrcnt - 5'd 1; |
| end |
| |
| always_comb begin |
| address_d = address_q; |
| if (addr_shift) begin |
| address_d = {address_q[23:0], s2p_byte_i}; |
| end |
| end |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| address_q <= '0; |
| end else if (s2p_valid_i && addr_shift) begin |
| address_q <= address_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // sys_cmdfifo_not_empty_o -> sys_cmdfifo_set_o |
| // |
| // The signal is generated from SCK domain write fifo depth signal. The |
| // reason is to delay the interrupt. If the notempty interrupt comes from |
| // the CMDFIFO directly, then SW waits the SPI transaction to be completed |
| // in order to get the correct address and payload. |
| // |
| // cmdfifo_depth (SCK) is a registered signal. So, it becomes notempty after |
| // 8th beat of the SCK. The CSb as a clock latches the signal to be != 0, |
| // then sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i signal let SYS_CLK latch the notemtpy |
| // signal. as CSb as a clock is synced clock to the SCK, there is no CDC |
| // issue here. Please check the chip Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC) file. |
| // |
| // The case to be considered: If two commands are back-to-back and uploaded |
| // into the CMDFIFO. Then, if SW pops the first one, the notempty keeps |
| // high. The edge detector could not catch the change. |
| // |
| // To resolve the issue describe above, the notempty interrupt @ SCK catches |
| // the current transaction only. It means that the notempty becomes one if |
| // the FIFO is empty and becomes notempty. If the FIFO is not empty and |
| // the logic pushes one more to the FIFO, it does not generate event |
| // signal. |
| // |
| // In the SYS_CLK, logics see the event. If it is high, the logic generates |
| // a pulse to set the interrupt (along with the status). So that the SW can |
| // get the event. |
| |
| logic sck_cmdfifo_set; |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin |
| // Can't use rst_ni, as it is basically CSb. conflict to @posedge CSb |
| if (!sys_rst_ni) sck_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 0; |
| // Can't use cmdfifo_depth != '0 as cmdfifo_depth is latched by SCK |
| // CmdOnly SPI transaction cannot catch |
| else if (cmdfifo_wvalid && cmdfifo_wready) sck_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 1; |
| else if (sck_csb_asserted_pulse_i) sck_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 0; |
| end |
| `ASSERT(CmdFifoPush_A, |
| cmdfifo_wvalid && cmdfifo_wready |=> cmdfifo_depth != 0, |
| clk_i, !sys_rst_ni) |
| |
| logic csb_cmdfifo_set; |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_csb_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin |
| if (!sys_rst_ni) csb_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 0; |
| else csb_cmdfifo_set <= sck_cmdfifo_set; |
| end |
| |
| logic sys_cmdfifo_set; |
| always_ff @(posedge sys_clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin |
| if (!sys_rst_ni) sys_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 0; |
| else if (sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i && csb_cmdfifo_set) begin |
| sys_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 1; |
| end else begin |
| sys_cmdfifo_set <= 1'b 0; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| assign sys_cmdfifo_set_o = sys_cmdfifo_set; |
| |
| // payloadptr manage: spid_fifo2sram_adapter's fifoptr (wdepth) is reset by |
| // CSb everytime. the written payload size should be visible to SW even CSb |
| // is de-asserted. |
| // |
| // payloadptr maintains the pointer inside the Payload buffer (256B |
| // currently). If the host system issues equal to or more than 256B of the |
| // size, the payload_max is set to 1 then SW will sees always PayloadByte |
| // value from the CSR. Inside the HW, SPI_DEVICE keeps storing the incoming |
| // bytes into the payload buffer as a circular FIFO manner. The payload |
| // start index CSR represents the next pointer inside the buffer IFF the |
| // payload buffer is full. If it has not been received the full payload, the |
| // start index is 0, which means SW should read from 0. |
| logic payloadptr_inc, payloadptr_clr; |
| logic [PayloadIdxW-1:0] payloadptr; |
| // Indicate the payload reached the max value (PayloadByte) |
| logic payload_max; |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin |
| if (!sys_rst_ni) begin |
| payload_max <= 1'b 0; |
| payloadptr <= '0; |
| end else if (payloadptr_clr) begin |
| payloadptr <= '0; |
| payload_max <= 1'b 0; |
| end else if (payloadptr_inc) begin |
| if (payloadptr == PayloadIdxW'(PayloadByte-1)) begin |
| // payloadptr reached max |
| payload_max <= 1'b 1; |
| end |
| payloadptr <= payloadptr + PayloadIdxW'(1); |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Synchronize to the sys_clk when CSb deasserted |
| logic sys_payloadptr_clr_posedge; |
| |
| // To trigger the payload buffer update event, the payload_depth should be |
| // reset when new upload command comes. |
| always_ff @(posedge sys_clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin |
| if (!sys_rst_ni) sys_payload_depth_o <= '0; |
| else if (sys_payloadptr_clr_posedge) sys_payload_depth_o <= '0; |
| else if (sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i && payload_max) begin |
| sys_payload_depth_o <= PayloadPtrW'(PayloadByte); |
| end else if (sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i && !payload_max) begin |
| sys_payload_depth_o <= PayloadPtrW'(payloadptr); |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // payloadptr_clr --> sys domain |
| prim_pulse_sync u_payloadptr_clr_psync ( |
| // source clock domain |
| .clk_src_i (clk_i), |
| .rst_src_ni (sys_rst_ni), |
| .src_pulse_i (payloadptr_clr), |
| // destination clock domain |
| .clk_dst_i (sys_clk_i), |
| .rst_dst_ni (sys_rst_ni), |
| .dst_pulse_o (sys_payloadptr_clr_posedge) |
| ); |
| |
| // Latch payloadptr @ CSb events |
| always_ff @(posedge sys_clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin |
| if (!sys_rst_ni) sys_payload_start_idx_o <= '0; |
| else if (sys_payloadptr_clr_posedge) sys_payload_start_idx_o <= '0; |
| else if (sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i && payload_max) begin |
| // Payload reached the max, need to tell SW the exact location SW shoul |
| // read |
| sys_payload_start_idx_o <= payloadptr; |
| end else if (sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i && !payload_max) begin |
| // Payload buffer has not been reached to the max, the start index |
| // should be 0 for SW to read from the first of the buffer. |
| sys_payload_start_idx_o <= '0; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Overflow event |
| // When the SPI host system issues more than 256B payload, HW stores the |
| // overflow event in SCK then notify to SW when CSb is deasserted |
| logic event_payload_overflow; |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin |
| if (!sys_rst_ni) event_payload_overflow <= 1'b 0; |
| else if (payloadptr_clr) event_payload_overflow <= 1'b 0; |
| else if (payloadptr_inc && payload_max) begin |
| event_payload_overflow <= 1'b 1; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Sync to SYSCLK when CSb release. Edge detection on the spi_device top |
| logic sys_event_payload_overflow; |
| always_ff @(posedge sys_clk_i or negedge sys_rst_ni) begin |
| if (!sys_rst_ni) sys_event_payload_overflow <= 1'b 0; |
| else if (sys_payloadptr_clr_posedge) sys_event_payload_overflow <= 1'b 0; |
| else if (sys_csb_deasserted_pulse_i) begin |
| sys_event_payload_overflow <= event_payload_overflow; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| assign sys_payload_overflow_o = sys_event_payload_overflow; |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| st_q <= StIdle; |
| end else begin |
| st_q <= st_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| |
| // State Machine runs in SCK domain |
| always_comb begin |
| st_d = st_q; |
| |
| cmdfifo_wvalid = 1'b 0; |
| addrfifo_wvalid = 1'b 0; |
| payload_wvalid = 1'b 0; |
| |
| addr_update = 1'b 0; |
| addr_shift = 1'b 0; |
| |
| set_busy_o = 1'b 0; |
| |
| payloadptr_clr = 1'b 0; |
| payloadptr_inc = 1'b 0; |
| |
| unique case (st_q) |
| StIdle: begin |
| if (s2p_valid_i && sel_dp_i == DpUpload) begin |
| if (cmdinfo_addr_en) begin |
| st_d = StAddress; |
| |
| // Address process (determines 32bit or 24bit) |
| addr_update = 1'b 1; |
| end else begin |
| st_d = StPayload; |
| end |
| |
| // Upload to SRAM right away. |
| cmdfifo_wvalid = 1'b 1; |
| |
| // Assume cmdfifo_wready is 1 always (need to add assumption) |
| |
| if (cmd_info_i.busy) begin |
| // Set BUSY |
| set_busy_o = 1'b 1; |
| end |
| |
| // Clear payload counter |
| payloadptr_clr = 1'b 1; |
| |
| end |
| end |
| |
| StAddress: begin |
| addr_shift = 1'b 1; |
| |
| if (addrcnt == '0) begin |
| st_d = StPayload; |
| |
| addrfifo_wvalid = 1'b 1; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| StPayload: begin |
| if (s2p_valid_i) begin |
| payload_wvalid = 1'b 1; |
| payloadptr_inc = 1'b 1; |
| end |
| |
| // ASSUME payload_wready == 1'b1 |
| end |
| |
| default: begin |
| st_d = StIdle; |
| end |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| ////////////// |
| // Instance // |
| ////////////// |
| |
| // TODO: Merge two FIFOs into one. |
| // Design a module that has one SRAM Read port / one SRAM write port |
| // and compile-time configurable # of FIFO ports + N of SramBase Address |
| // (Preferrably variable width) |
| |
| // FIFO reset: |
| // To maintain the pointer on read/ write side same, the FIFO uses |
| // sys_rst_ni rather than rst_ni for the write port. The pointer is |
| // maintained throughout the SPI transactions (CSb assertion/ de-assertion). |
| // |
| // As sys_rst_ni is not synchronized to the external clock, the sys_rst_ni |
| // should be de-asserted when SPI line is in idle (CSb == 1). |
| |
| // CmdFifo |
| prim_fifo_async_sram_adapter #( |
| .Width (CmdFifoWidth), |
| .Depth (CmdFifoDepth), |
| .SramAw (SramAw), |
| .SramDw (SramDw), |
| .SramBaseAddr (CmdFifoBaseAddr) |
| ) u_cmdfifo ( |
| .clk_wr_i (clk_i), |
| .rst_wr_ni (sys_rst_ni), |
| .wvalid_i (cmdfifo_wvalid), |
| .wready_o (cmdfifo_wready), |
| .wdata_i (cmdfifo_wdata ), |
| .wdepth_o (cmdfifo_depth), |
| |
| .clk_rd_i (sys_clk_i), |
| .rst_rd_ni (sys_rst_ni), |
| .rvalid_o (sys_cmdfifo_rvalid_o), |
| .rready_i (sys_cmdfifo_rready_i), |
| .rdata_o (sys_cmdfifo_rdata_o), |
| .rdepth_o (sys_cmdfifo_depth_o), |
| |
| .r_full_o (sys_cmdfifo_full_o), |
| // Not directly use `notempty` as an interrupt. Rather generated from the |
| // upload logic to delay the cmdfifo_notempty interrupt. |
| // See #11871 |
| .r_notempty_o (sys_cmdfifo_notempty_o), |
| |
| .w_full_o (), |
| |
| .w_sram_req_o (sck_sram_req [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .w_sram_gnt_i (sck_sram_gnt [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .w_sram_write_o (sck_sram_write [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .w_sram_addr_o (sck_sram_addr [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .w_sram_wdata_o (sck_sram_wdata [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .w_sram_wmask_o (sck_sram_wmask [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .w_sram_rvalid_i (sck_sram_rvalid [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .w_sram_rdata_i (sck_sram_rdata [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .w_sram_rerror_i (sck_sram_rerror [SramCmdFifo]), |
| |
| .r_sram_req_o (sys_sram_req [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .r_sram_gnt_i (sys_sram_gnt [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .r_sram_write_o (sys_sram_write [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .r_sram_addr_o (sys_sram_addr [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .r_sram_wdata_o (sys_sram_wdata [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .r_sram_wmask_o (sys_sram_wmask [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .r_sram_rvalid_i (sys_sram_rvalid [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .r_sram_rdata_i (sys_sram_rdata [SramCmdFifo]), |
| .r_sram_rerror_i (sys_sram_rerror [SramCmdFifo]) |
| ); |
| |
| // Connect to sys_cmdfifo_sram_o/_i |
| assign sys_cmdfifo_sram_o = '{ |
| req: sys_sram_req [SramCmdFifo], |
| we: sys_sram_write [SramCmdFifo], |
| addr: sys_sram_addr [SramCmdFifo], |
| wdata: sys_sram_wdata [SramCmdFifo], |
| wstrb: sram_mask2strb(sys_sram_wmask [SramCmdFifo]) |
| }; |
| assign sys_sram_rvalid [SramCmdFifo] = sys_cmdfifo_sram_i.rvalid; |
| assign sys_sram_rdata [SramCmdFifo] = sys_cmdfifo_sram_i.rdata ; |
| assign sys_sram_rerror [SramCmdFifo] = sys_cmdfifo_sram_i.rerror; |
| assign sys_sram_gnt [SramCmdFifo] = sys_cmdfifo_gnt_i; |
| |
| // AddrFifo |
| prim_fifo_async_sram_adapter #( |
| .Width (AddrFifoWidth), |
| .Depth (AddrFifoDepth), |
| .SramAw (SramAw), |
| .SramDw (SramDw), |
| .SramBaseAddr (AddrFifoBaseAddr) |
| ) u_addrfifo ( |
| .clk_wr_i (clk_i), |
| .rst_wr_ni (sys_rst_ni), |
| .wvalid_i (addrfifo_wvalid), |
| .wready_o (addrfifo_wready), |
| .wdata_i (addrfifo_wdata ), |
| .wdepth_o (), |
| |
| .clk_rd_i (sys_clk_i), |
| .rst_rd_ni (sys_rst_ni), |
| .rvalid_o (sys_addrfifo_rvalid_o), |
| .rready_i (sys_addrfifo_rready_i), |
| .rdata_o (sys_addrfifo_rdata_o), |
| .rdepth_o (sys_addrfifo_depth_o), |
| |
| .r_full_o (sys_addrfifo_full_o), |
| .r_notempty_o (sys_addrfifo_notempty_o), |
| |
| .w_full_o (), |
| |
| .w_sram_req_o (sck_sram_req [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .w_sram_gnt_i (sck_sram_gnt [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .w_sram_write_o (sck_sram_write [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .w_sram_addr_o (sck_sram_addr [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .w_sram_wdata_o (sck_sram_wdata [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .w_sram_wmask_o (sck_sram_wmask [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .w_sram_rvalid_i (sck_sram_rvalid [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .w_sram_rdata_i (sck_sram_rdata [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .w_sram_rerror_i (sck_sram_rerror [SramAddrFifo]), |
| |
| .r_sram_req_o (sys_sram_req [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .r_sram_gnt_i (sys_sram_gnt [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .r_sram_write_o (sys_sram_write [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .r_sram_addr_o (sys_sram_addr [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .r_sram_wdata_o (sys_sram_wdata [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .r_sram_wmask_o (sys_sram_wmask [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .r_sram_rvalid_i (sys_sram_rvalid [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .r_sram_rdata_i (sys_sram_rdata [SramAddrFifo]), |
| .r_sram_rerror_i (sys_sram_rerror [SramAddrFifo]) |
| ); |
| // Connect to sys_addrfifo_sram_o/_i |
| assign sys_addrfifo_sram_o = '{ |
| req: sys_sram_req [SramAddrFifo], |
| we: sys_sram_write [SramAddrFifo], |
| addr: sys_sram_addr [SramAddrFifo], |
| wdata: sys_sram_wdata [SramAddrFifo], |
| wstrb: sram_mask2strb(sys_sram_wmask [SramAddrFifo]) |
| }; |
| assign sys_sram_rvalid [SramAddrFifo] = sys_addrfifo_sram_i.rvalid; |
| assign sys_sram_rdata [SramAddrFifo] = sys_addrfifo_sram_i.rdata ; |
| assign sys_sram_rerror [SramAddrFifo] = sys_addrfifo_sram_i.rerror; |
| assign sys_sram_gnt [SramAddrFifo] = sys_addrfifo_gnt_i; |
| |
| // Payload Buffer |
| spid_fifo2sram_adapter #( |
| .FifoWidth (SpiByte), |
| .FifoDepth (PayloadByte), |
| |
| .SramAw (SramAw), |
| .SramDw (SramDw), |
| .SramBaseAddr (PayloadBaseAddr), |
| |
| // CFG |
| .EnPack (1'b1) |
| ) u_payload_buffer ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| |
| .wvalid_i (payload_wvalid), |
| .wready_o (payload_wready), |
| .wdata_i (payload_wdata ), |
| |
| // Does not use wdepth from the buffer as it is reset by CSb. |
| .wdepth_o (), |
| |
| .sram_req_o (sck_sram_req [SramPayload]), |
| .sram_gnt_i (sck_sram_gnt [SramPayload]), |
| .sram_write_o (sck_sram_write [SramPayload]), |
| .sram_addr_o (sck_sram_addr [SramPayload]), |
| .sram_wdata_o (sck_sram_wdata [SramPayload]), |
| .sram_wmask_o (sck_sram_wmask [SramPayload]), |
| .sram_rvalid_i (sck_sram_rvalid [SramPayload]), |
| .sram_rdata_i (sck_sram_rdata [SramPayload]), |
| .sram_rerror_i (sck_sram_rerror [SramPayload]) |
| ); |
| |
| // SramArbiter |
| logic [SramDw-1:0] sram_wmask; |
| prim_sram_arbiter #( |
| .N (NumSramIntf), |
| .SramDw (SramDw), |
| .SramAw (SramAw), |
| .EnMask (1'b 1) |
| ) u_arbiter ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| |
| .req_i (sck_sram_req), |
| .req_addr_i (sck_sram_addr), |
| .req_write_i (sck_sram_write), |
| .req_wdata_i (sck_sram_wdata), |
| .req_wmask_i (sck_sram_wmask), |
| .gnt_o (sck_sram_gnt), |
| |
| .rsp_rvalid_o (sck_sram_rvalid), // not used |
| .rsp_rdata_o (sck_sram_rdata), // not used |
| .rsp_error_o (sck_sram_rerror), |
| |
| .sram_req_o (sck_sram_o.req), |
| .sram_addr_o (sck_sram_o.addr), |
| .sram_write_o (sck_sram_o.we), |
| .sram_wdata_o (sck_sram_o.wdata), |
| .sram_wmask_o (sram_wmask), |
| .sram_rvalid_i (sck_sram_i.rvalid), |
| .sram_rdata_i (sck_sram_i.rdata), |
| .sram_rerror_i (sck_sram_i.rerror) |
| ); |
| assign sck_sram_o.wstrb = sram_mask2strb(sram_wmask); |
| |
| /////////////// |
| // Assertion // |
| /////////////// |
| |
| // As SCK fifo control can't handle the full condition. Assume the wready |
| `ASSUME(CmdFifoNeverFull_M, cmdfifo_wvalid |-> cmdfifo_wready) |
| `ASSUME(AddrFifoNeverFull_M, addrfifo_wvalid |-> addrfifo_wready) |
| `ASSUME(PayloadNeverFull_M, payload_wvalid |-> payload_wready) |
| |
| // Assert FIFO wvalid onehot0 |
| `ASSERT(FifosOnlyOneValid_A, |
| $onehot0({cmdfifo_wvalid, addrfifo_wvalid, payload_wvalid})) |
| |
| // Sram Arbiter does not have a push back mechanism. Assume grant is always 1 |
| |
| endmodule : spid_upload |