blob: 8c9fbb2a95385ac9434d24a82ac192823895f432 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class pwrmgr_env_cfg extends cip_base_env_cfg #(
// disable fault csr read check from scoreboard
bit disable_csr_rd_chk = 0;
// ext component cfgs
alert_esc_agent_cfg m_esc_agent_cfg;
pwrmgr_clk_ctrl_agent_cfg m_pcc_agent_cfg;
// set expected alert
// since pwrmgr has one alert, use single bit q
bit exp_alert_q[$];
// ext interfaces
virtual clk_rst_if esc_clk_rst_vif;
// same as main_clk but don't have a clk_gate
virtual clk_rst_if aon_clk_rst_vif;
virtual clk_rst_if slow_clk_rst_vif;
virtual pwrmgr_if pwrmgr_vif;
virtual pwrmgr_ast_sva_if pwrmgr_ast_sva_vif;
virtual pwrmgr_clock_enables_sva_if pwrmgr_clock_enables_sva_vif;
virtual pwrmgr_rstmgr_sva_if pwrmgr_rstmgr_sva_vif;
// The run_phase object, to deal with objections.
uvm_phase run_phase;
virtual function void initialize(bit [31:0] csr_base_addr = '1);
list_of_alerts = pwrmgr_env_pkg::LIST_OF_ALERTS;
num_interrupts = ral.intr_state.get_n_used_bits();
`ASSERT_I(NumInstrMatch_A, num_interrupts == NUM_INTERRUPTS)
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("num_interrupts = %0d", num_interrupts), UVM_MEDIUM)
// pwrmgr_tl_intg_err test uses default alert name "fata_fault"
// and it requires following field to be '1'
tl_intg_alert_fields[ral.fault_status.reg_intg_err] = 1;
m_tl_agent_cfg.max_outstanding_req = 1;
m_esc_agent_cfg = alert_esc_agent_cfg::type_id::create("m_esc_agent_cfg");
m_esc_agent_cfg.is_alert = 0;
// Disable escalation ping coverage.
m_esc_agent_cfg.en_ping_cov = 0;
// pwrmgr_clk_ctrl_agent config
m_pcc_agent_cfg = pwrmgr_clk_ctrl_agent_cfg::type_id::create("m_pcc_agent_cfg");
m_pcc_agent_cfg.is_active = 0;
m_pcc_agent_cfg.en_cov = 0;