blob: 583ae84e5b92dac53767d1039dcbd3ee9796f989 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This module should be instantiated within flops of CDC synchronization primitives,
// and allows DV to model real CDC delays within simulations, especially useful at the chip level
// or in IPs that communicate across clock domains.
// If not, delay randomization is enabled - the faster of the two clocks is used to latch src_data,
// dst_data is synchronously driven with a random combination of the current src_data and
// the delayed version of src_data.
// If a source clock isn't used, the input src_data is latched after a parameterizable latency
// as `src_data_with_latency`, and an internal version of the output data `src_data_delayed` is set
// to this same value after a parameterizable jitter period.
// This is meant to model skew between synchronizer bits and wire delay between the src and dst
// flops.
// Four different random delay modes are available:
// - RandDelayDisable: If this delay mode is picked, this module acts as a passthrough.
// - RandDelaySlow: If this delay mode is picked, the output to the dst domain is
// continuously driven to `src_data_delayed`.
// - RandDelayOnce: If this delay mode is picked, the mask `out_data_mask` used to combine
// `src_data_with_latency` and `src_data_delayed` is randomized once at the
// start of the simulation.
// - RandDelayInterval: If this delay mode is picked, the mask `out_data_mask` used to
// combine `src_data_with_latency` and `src_data_delayed` is fully
// randomized every `prim_cdc_rand_delay_interval` times the src_data
// value changes. If the `prim_cdc_rand_delay_interval` is set to 0,
// then out_data_mask is randomized on every src_data change.
// DV has control of the weights corresponding to each random delay mode when the delay mode is
// randomized, but can also directly override the delay mode as desired.
// DV also has control over whether the source clock is used, the latency, and the jitter values -
// these can be modified through the provided setter tasks.
module prim_cdc_rand_delay #(
parameter int DataWidth = 1,
parameter bit UseSourceClock = 1,
parameter int LatencyPs = 1000,
parameter int JitterPs = 1000
) (
input logic src_clk,
input logic [DataWidth-1:0] src_data,
input logic dst_clk,
output logic [DataWidth-1:0] dst_data
`ASSERT_INIT(LegalDataWidth_A, DataWidth > 0)
`ASSERT_INIT(LegalLatencyPs_A, LatencyPs >= 0)
`ASSERT_INIT(LegalJitterPs_A, JitterPs >= 0)
// macro includes
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
`include "dv_macros.svh"
typedef enum bit [1:0] {
} rand_delay_mode_e;
rand_delay_mode_e prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode;
int unsigned prim_cdc_rand_delay_interval = 10;
int unsigned prim_cdc_rand_delay_disable_weight = 1;
int unsigned prim_cdc_rand_delay_slow_weight = 2;
int unsigned prim_cdc_rand_delay_once_weight = 4;
int unsigned prim_cdc_rand_delay_interval_weight = 3;
bit [3:0] mode; // onehot encoded version of prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode.
int unsigned prim_cdc_jitter_ps = JitterPs;
int unsigned prim_cdc_latency_ps = LatencyPs;
logic [DataWidth-1:0] out_data_mask;
logic [DataWidth-1:0] src_data_with_latency;
logic [DataWidth-1:0] src_data_delayed;
function automatic void set_prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode(int val);
prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode = rand_delay_mode_e'(val);
function automatic void set_prim_cdc_rand_delay_interval(int unsigned val);
prim_cdc_rand_delay_interval = val;
function automatic void set_prim_cdc_jitter_ps(int val);
`ASSERT_I(LegalJitter_A, prim_cdc_jitter_ps >= 0)
prim_cdc_jitter_ps = val;
function automatic void set_prim_cdc_latency_ps(int val);
`ASSERT_I(LegalLatencyPs_A, val >= 0)
prim_cdc_latency_ps = val;
// Internal method called after prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode is set.
function automatic void update_settings();
mode = '0;
mode[prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode] = 1'b1;
if (prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode == RandDelayModeSlow) out_data_mask = '1;
if (prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode == RandDelayModeOnce) fast_randomize(out_data_mask);
// A slightly more performant version of std::randomize(), using $urandom.
// Empirically, using std::randomize() has been found to be slower than $urandom, since the latter
// operates on a fixed data width of 32-bits. There may be an incredibly large number of instances
// of this module in the DUT, causing this preformance hit to be noticeable. This method
// randomizes the data piece-wise, 32-bits at a time using $urandom instead.
function automatic void fast_randomize(output logic [DataWidth-1:0] data);
for (int i = 0; i < DataWidth; i += 32) data = (data << 32) | $urandom();
// Retrieves settings via plusargs.
// prefix is a string prefix to retrieve the plusarg.
// Returns 1 if prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode was set, else 0.
function automatic bit get_plusargs(string prefix = "");
string mode = "";
int unsigned val;
if (prefix != "") prefix = {prefix, "."};
void'($value$plusargs({prefix, "prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode=%0s"}, mode));
`ASSERT_I(ValidMode_A, mode inside {"", "disable", "slow", "once", "interval"})
void'($value$plusargs({prefix, "prim_cdc_rand_delay_interval=%0d"},
void'($value$plusargs({prefix, "prim_cdc_rand_delay_disable_weight=%0d"},
void'($value$plusargs({prefix, "prim_cdc_rand_delay_slow_weight=%0d"},
void'($value$plusargs({prefix, "prim_cdc_rand_delay_once_weight=%0d"},
void'($value$plusargs({prefix, "prim_cdc_rand_delay_interval_weight=%0d"},
void'($value$plusargs({prefix, "prim_cdc_jitter_ps=%0d"}, prim_cdc_jitter_ps));
void'($value$plusargs({prefix, "prim_cdc_latency_ps=%0d"}, prim_cdc_latency_ps));
case (mode)
"disable": prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode = RandDelayModeDisable;
"slow": prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode = RandDelayModeSlow;
"once": prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode = RandDelayModeOnce;
"interval": prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode = RandDelayModeInterval;
default: return 0;
return 1;
initial begin
bit res;
// Command-line override via plusargs (global, applies to ALL instances).
// Example: +prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode=once
res = get_plusargs();
// Command-line override via plusargs (instance-specific).
// Example: +tb.dut.u_foo.u_bar.u_flop_2sync.u_prim_cdc_rand_delay.prim_cdc_latency_ps=200
res |= get_plusargs($sformatf("%m"));
if (!res) begin
prim_cdc_rand_delay_mode dist {
RandDelayModeDisable :/ prim_cdc_rand_delay_disable_weight,
RandDelayModeSlow :/ prim_cdc_rand_delay_slow_weight,
RandDelayModeOnce :/ prim_cdc_rand_delay_once_weight,
RandDelayModeInterval :/ prim_cdc_rand_delay_interval_weight
, $sformatf("%m"))
// TODO: Run some performance experiments using this implementation versus an implementation that
// primarily uses `forever` blocks rather than RTL constructs. Need to also check if this
// alternate implementation is still valid when compiling/simulating the design.
if (UseSourceClock) begin : gen_use_source_clock
// If relying on src_clk, insert a delay on the faster clock.
always_ff @(posedge src_clk or posedge dst_clk) begin
src_data_delayed <= src_data;
assign src_data_with_latency = src_data;
end else begin : gen_no_use_source_clock
// If not relying on src_clk, delay by a fixed number of ps determined by the module parameters.
always @(src_data) begin
src_data_with_latency <= #(prim_cdc_latency_ps * 1ps) src_data;
always @(src_data_with_latency) begin
src_data_delayed <= #(prim_cdc_jitter_ps * 1ps) src_data_with_latency;
end : gen_no_use_source_clock
// Randomize delayed random data selection when input data changes, every
// prim_cdc_rand_delay_interval number of changes.
int counter = 0;
always @(src_data_with_latency) begin
if (mode[RandDelayModeInterval]) begin
counter <= (counter >= prim_cdc_rand_delay_interval) ? '0 : counter + 1;
if (counter == prim_cdc_rand_delay_interval) fast_randomize(out_data_mask);
end else begin
counter <= 0;
assign dst_data = mode[RandDelayModeDisable] ? src_data :
((src_data_delayed & out_data_mask) | (src_data_with_latency & ~out_data_mask));
// Direct pass through.
assign dst_data = src_data;
// Direct pass through.
assign dst_data = src_data;
`endif // SIMULATION
//TODO: coverage