blob: 34cebd20065afb6d3090bdc3ee4bbf61d3eb322e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This module converts TL-UL interface into MSG_FIFO interface used in KMAC.
`include ""
module kmac_msgfifo
import kmac_pkg::*;
// OutWidth is MsgFIFO data width. prim_packer converts InW to OutW prior to
// pushing to MsgFIFO
parameter int OutWidth = 64,
// Internal MsgFIFO Entry count
parameter int MsgDepth = 9,
localparam int MsgDepthW = $clog2(MsgDepth+1) // derived parameter
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// from REG or KeyMgr Intf input
input fifo_valid_i,
input [OutWidth-1:0] fifo_data_i,
input [OutWidth-1:0] fifo_mask_i,
output fifo_ready_o,
// MSG interface
output logic msg_valid_o,
output logic [OutWidth-1:0] msg_data_o,
output logic [OutWidth/8-1:0] msg_strb_o,
input msg_ready_i,
output logic fifo_empty_o,
output logic fifo_full_o,
output logic [MsgDepthW-1:0] fifo_depth_o,
// Control
input clear_i,
// process_i --> process_o
// process_o asserted after all internal messages are flushed out to MSG interface
input process_i,
output logic process_o
// Definitions //
typedef struct packed {
logic [OutWidth-1:0] data;
logic [OutWidth/8-1:0] strb; // one bit per byte
} fifo_t;
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
// In Idle, it checks if process input received or not.
// If received, the signal goes to packer and flush internal pending data
// In Packer state, it waits the packer flush operation completes.
// The flush_done signal do nothing but after this, it is assumed that
// MSG FIFO received the request.
// In Fifo, it waits until MsgFifo is empty. Then asserts process_o
// After flushing, it waits the done (clear) signal. It is assumed that
// no incoming messages are transmitted between `process_i` and `clear_i`
} flush_st_e;
// Signals //
// Packer write path
logic packer_wvalid;
logic [OutWidth-1:0] packer_wdata;
logic [OutWidth-1:0] packer_wmask;
logic packer_wready;
// Message FIFO signals
logic fifo_wvalid;
fifo_t fifo_wdata;
logic fifo_wready;
logic fifo_rvalid;
fifo_t fifo_rdata;
logic fifo_rready;
// packer flush to msg_fifo, then msg_fifo empty out the internals
// then assert msgfifo_flush_done
logic packer_flush_done;
logic msgfifo_flush_done;
prim_packer #(
.InW (OutWidth),
.OutW (OutWidth),
.HintByteData (1)
) u_packer (
.valid_i (fifo_valid_i),
.data_i (fifo_data_i),
.mask_i (fifo_mask_i),
.ready_o (fifo_ready_o),
.valid_o (packer_wvalid),
.data_o (packer_wdata),
.mask_o (packer_wmask),
.ready_i (packer_wready),
.flush_i (process_i),
.flush_done_o (packer_flush_done)
// Assign packer wdata and wmask to FIFO struct
// In contrast to HMAC case, KMAC SHA3 operates in little-endian. MSG fifo is
// converted into 3-D form so the endianess here is not a problem.
assign = packer_wdata;
always_comb begin
fifo_wdata.strb = '0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < OutWidth/8 ; i++) begin
fifo_wdata.strb[i] = packer_wmask[8*i];
// MsgFIFO
prim_fifo_sync #(
.Width ($bits(fifo_t)),
.Pass (1'b 1),
.Depth (MsgDepth)
) u_msgfifo (
.clr_i (clear_i),
.wdata_i (fifo_wdata),
.depth_o (fifo_depth_o),
.full_o (fifo_full_o),
.rvalid_o (fifo_rvalid),
.rready_i (fifo_rready),
.rdata_o (fifo_rdata),
.err_o ()
assign fifo_wvalid = packer_wvalid;
assign packer_wready = fifo_wready;
assign msg_valid_o = fifo_rvalid;
assign fifo_rready = msg_ready_i;
assign msg_data_o =;
assign msg_strb_o = fifo_rdata.strb;
assign fifo_empty_o = !fifo_rvalid;
// Flush (process from outside) handling
flush_st_e flush_st, flush_st_d;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
flush_st <= FlushIdle;
end else begin
flush_st <= flush_st_d;
always_comb begin
flush_st_d = FlushIdle;
msgfifo_flush_done = 1'b 0;
unique case (flush_st)
FlushIdle: begin
if (process_i) begin
flush_st_d = FlushPacker;
end else begin
flush_st_d = FlushIdle;
FlushPacker: begin
if (packer_flush_done) begin
flush_st_d = FlushFifo;
end else begin
flush_st_d = FlushPacker;
FlushFifo: begin
if (fifo_empty_o) begin
flush_st_d = FlushClear;
msgfifo_flush_done = 1'b 1;
end else begin
flush_st_d = FlushFifo;
FlushClear: begin
if (clear_i) begin
flush_st_d = FlushIdle;
end else begin
flush_st_d = FlushClear;
default: begin
flush_st_d = FlushIdle;
assign process_o = msgfifo_flush_done;
// Assertions //
// Flush state known checker
`ASSERT(FlushStInValid_A, flush_st inside {FlushIdle, FlushPacker, FlushFifo, FlushClear})
// Packer done signal is asserted at least one cycle later
`ASSERT(PackerDoneDelay_A, $onehot0({process_i, packer_flush_done}))
// process_i not asserted during the flush operation
`ASSUME(PackerDoneValid_a, process_i |-> flush_st == FlushIdle)
// No messages in between `process_i` and `clear_i`
`ASSUME(MessageValid_a, fifo_valid_i |-> flush_st == FlushIdle)