| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // Clock manager measurement and timeout checks |
| |
| module clkmgr_meas_chk |
| import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t; |
| #( |
| // Maximum value of input clock counts over measurement period |
| parameter int Cnt = 16, |
| // Maximum value of reference clock counts over measurement period |
| parameter int RefCnt = 1, |
| localparam int CntWidth = prim_util_pkg::vbits(Cnt) |
| ) ( |
| // the local operating clock |
| input clk_i, |
| input rst_ni, |
| // the clock we are measuring |
| input clk_src_i, |
| input rst_src_ni, |
| // the reference clock we are measuring against |
| input clk_ref_i, |
| input rst_ref_ni, |
| // controls all provided on src clock |
| input src_en_i, |
| input [CntWidth-1:0] src_max_cnt_i, |
| input [CntWidth-1:0] src_min_cnt_i, |
| input mubi4_t src_cfg_meas_en_i, |
| output logic src_cfg_meas_en_valid_o, |
| output mubi4_t src_cfg_meas_en_o, |
| // calibration ready input provided on local operating clock |
| input calib_rdy_i, |
| // error output are provided on local operating clock |
| output logic meas_err_o, |
| output logic timeout_err_o |
| ); |
| |
| logic src_fast_err; |
| logic src_slow_err; |
| logic ref_timeout_err; |
| |
| prim_clock_meas #( |
| .Cnt(Cnt), |
| .RefCnt(RefCnt), |
| .ClkTimeOutChkEn(1'b1), |
| .RefTimeOutChkEn(1'b0) |
| ) u_meas ( |
| .clk_i(clk_src_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_src_ni), |
| .clk_ref_i, |
| .rst_ref_ni, |
| .en_i(src_en_i), |
| .max_cnt(src_max_cnt_i), |
| .min_cnt(src_min_cnt_i), |
| .valid_o(), |
| .fast_o(src_fast_err), |
| .slow_o(src_slow_err), |
| .timeout_clk_ref_o(), |
| .ref_timeout_clk_o(ref_timeout_err) |
| ); |
| |
| logic src_calib_rdy; |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue(0) |
| ) u_calib_rdy_sync ( |
| .clk_i(clk_src_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_src_ni), |
| .d_i(calib_rdy_i), |
| .q_o(src_calib_rdy) |
| ); |
| |
| // if clocks become uncalibrated, switch off measurement controls |
| always_comb begin |
| src_cfg_meas_en_valid_o = '0; |
| src_cfg_meas_en_o = src_cfg_meas_en_i; |
| |
| if (!src_calib_rdy) begin |
| src_cfg_meas_en_valid_o = 1'b1; |
| src_cfg_meas_en_o = prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4False; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // A reqack module is used here instead of a pulse_saync |
| // because the source pulses may toggle too fast for the |
| // the destination to receive. |
| logic src_err_req, src_err_ack; |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_src_i or negedge rst_src_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_src_ni) begin |
| src_err_req <= '0; |
| end else if (src_fast_err || src_slow_err) begin |
| src_err_req <= 1'b1; |
| end else if (src_err_req && src_err_ack) begin |
| src_err_req <= '0; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| prim_sync_reqack u_err_sync ( |
| .clk_src_i, |
| .rst_src_ni, |
| .clk_dst_i(clk_i), |
| .rst_dst_ni(rst_ni), |
| .req_chk_i(1'b1), |
| .src_req_i(src_err_req), |
| .src_ack_o(src_err_ack), |
| .dst_req_o(meas_err_o), |
| .dst_ack_i(meas_err_o) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_edge_detector #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0), |
| .EnSync(1'b1) |
| ) u_timeout_err_sync ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .d_i(ref_timeout_err), |
| .q_sync_o(), |
| .q_posedge_pulse_o(timeout_err_o), |
| .q_negedge_pulse_o() |
| ); |
| |
| endmodule // clkmgr_meas_chk |