blob: bfcc78549ca73e4d8c418246ada6d5d5d52347fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// AES counter for CTR mode
// This module uses one counter with a width of SliceSizeCtr to iteratively increment the 128-bit
// counter value.
module aes_ctr import aes_pkg::*;
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
input sp2v_e incr_i,
output sp2v_e ready_o,
output logic alert_o,
input logic [NumSlicesCtr-1:0][SliceSizeCtr-1:0] ctr_i,
output logic [NumSlicesCtr-1:0][SliceSizeCtr-1:0] ctr_o,
output sp2v_e [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] ctr_we_o
// Reverse byte order - unrelated to NumSlicesCtr and SliceSizeCtr
function automatic logic [15:0][7:0] aes_rev_order_byte(logic [15:0][7:0] in);
logic [15:0][7:0] out;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) begin
out[i] = in[15-i];
return out;
// Reverse sp2v order
function automatic sp2v_e [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] aes_rev_order_sp2v(sp2v_e [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] in);
sp2v_e [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] out;
for (int i = 0; i < NumSlicesCtr; i++) begin
out[i] = in[NumSlicesCtr - 1 - i];
return out;
// Signals
logic [SliceIdxWidth-1:0] ctr_slice_idx;
logic [NumSlicesCtr-1:0][SliceSizeCtr-1:0] ctr_i_rev; // 8 times 2 bytes
logic [NumSlicesCtr-1:0][SliceSizeCtr-1:0] ctr_o_rev; // 8 times 2 bytes
sp2v_e [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] ctr_we_o_rev;
sp2v_e ctr_we;
logic [SliceSizeCtr-1:0] ctr_i_slice;
logic [SliceSizeCtr-1:0] ctr_o_slice;
sp2v_e incr;
logic incr_err;
logic mr_err;
// Sparsified FSM signals. These are needed for connecting the individual bits of the Sp2V
// signals to the single-rail FSMs.
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_incr;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_ready;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_ctr_we;
// Multi-rail signals. These are outputs of the single-rail FSMs and need combining.
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_alert;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0][SliceIdxWidth-1:0] mr_ctr_slice_idx;
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] [SliceSizeCtr-1:0] mr_ctr_o_slice;
// Inputs //
// Reverse byte order
assign ctr_i_rev = aes_rev_order_byte(ctr_i);
// Check sparsely encoded incr signal.
logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] incr_raw;
aes_sel_buf_chk #(
.Num ( Sp2VNum ),
.Width ( Sp2VWidth ),
.EnSecBuf ( 1'b0 )
) u_aes_sb_en_buf_chk (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.sel_i ( incr_i ),
.sel_o ( incr_raw ),
.err_o ( incr_err )
assign incr = sp2v_e'(incr_raw);
// Counter //
// We do SliceSizeCtr bits at a time.
assign ctr_i_slice = ctr_i_rev[ctr_slice_idx];
// FSM //
// Convert sp2v_e signals to sparsified inputs.
assign sp_incr = {incr};
// For every bit in the Sp2V signals, one separate rail is instantiated. The inputs and outputs
// of every rail are buffered to prevent aggressive synthesis optimizations.
for (genvar i = 0; i < Sp2VWidth; i++) begin : gen_fsm
if (SP2V_LOGIC_HIGH[i] == 1'b1) begin : gen_fsm_p
aes_ctr_fsm_p u_aes_ctr_fsm_i (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.incr_i ( sp_incr[i] ), // Sparsified
.ready_o ( sp_ready[i] ), // Sparsified
.incr_err_i ( incr_err ),
.mr_err_i ( mr_err ),
.alert_o ( mr_alert[i] ), // OR-combine
.ctr_slice_idx_o ( mr_ctr_slice_idx[i] ), // OR-combine
.ctr_slice_i ( ctr_i_slice ),
.ctr_slice_o ( mr_ctr_o_slice[i] ), // OR-combine
.ctr_we_o ( sp_ctr_we[i] ) // Sparsified
end else begin : gen_fsm_n
aes_ctr_fsm_n u_aes_ctr_fsm_i (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.incr_ni ( sp_incr[i] ), // Sparsified
.ready_no ( sp_ready[i] ), // Sparsified
.incr_err_i ( incr_err ),
.mr_err_i ( mr_err ),
.alert_o ( mr_alert[i] ), // OR-combine
.ctr_slice_idx_o ( mr_ctr_slice_idx[i] ), // OR-combine
.ctr_slice_i ( ctr_i_slice ),
.ctr_slice_o ( mr_ctr_o_slice[i] ), // OR-combine
.ctr_we_no ( sp_ctr_we[i] ) // Sparsified
// Convert sparsified outputs to sp2v_e type.
assign ready_o = sp2v_e'(sp_ready);
assign ctr_we = sp2v_e'(sp_ctr_we);
// Combine single-bit FSM outputs.
// OR: One bit is sufficient to drive the corresponding output bit high.
assign alert_o = |mr_alert;
// Combine multi-bit FSM outputs. We simply OR them together and compare the values
// to detect errors.
always_comb begin : combine_sparse_signals
ctr_slice_idx = '0;
ctr_o_slice = '0;
mr_err = 1'b0;
for (int i = 0; i < Sp2VWidth; i++) begin
ctr_slice_idx |= mr_ctr_slice_idx[i];
ctr_o_slice |= mr_ctr_o_slice[i];
if (ctr_slice_idx != mr_ctr_slice_idx[i] ||
ctr_o_slice != mr_ctr_o_slice[i]) begin
mr_err = 1'b1;
// Outputs //
// Combine input and counter output.
always_comb begin
ctr_o_rev = ctr_i_rev;
ctr_o_rev[ctr_slice_idx] = ctr_o_slice;
// Generate the sliced write enable.
always_comb begin
ctr_we_o_rev = {NumSlicesCtr{SP2V_LOW}};
ctr_we_o_rev[ctr_slice_idx] = ctr_we;
// Reverse byte and bit order.
assign ctr_o = aes_rev_order_byte(ctr_o_rev);
assign ctr_we_o = aes_rev_order_sp2v(ctr_we_o_rev);