blob: 45370197ddc9dec90513ad6087ed18918d1c5ec4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This is a wrapper script for `bazelisk` that downloads and executes bazelisk.
# Bazelisk is a wrapper for `bazel` that can download and execute the project's
# required bazel version.
# CI jobs should use ci/ instead, which performs CI-friendly additional
# setup.
set -euo pipefail
# Change to this script's directory, as it is the location of the bazel workspace.
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
: "${CURL_FLAGS:=--silent}"
: "${REPO_TOP:=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)}"
: "${BINDIR:=.bin}"
readonly release="v1.11.0"
declare -A hashes=(
# sha256sums for v1.11.0. Update this if you update the release.
declare -A architectures=(
# Map `uname -m -o` to bazelisk's precompiled binary target names.
[x86_64 GNU/Linux]="linux-amd64"
function os_arch() {
local arch="$(uname -m -o)"
echo "${architectures[$arch]:-${arch}}"
function check_hash() {
local file="$1"
local target="$(os_arch)"
local value="$(sha256sum "${file}" | cut -f1 -d' ')"
local expect="${hashes[$target]}"
return $(test "$value" == "$expect")
function prepare() {
local target="$(os_arch)"
local bindir="${REPO_TOP}/${BINDIR}"
local file="${bindir}/bazelisk"
local url="${release}/bazelisk-${target}"
mkdir -p "$bindir"
echo "Downloading bazelisk ${release} (${url})." >> $bindir/bazelisk.log
curl ${CURL_FLAGS} --location "$url" --output "$file"
chmod +x "$file"
function up_to_date() {
local file="$1"
# We need an update if the file doesn't exist or it has the wrong hash
test -f "$file" || return 1
check_hash "$file" || return 1
return 0
function main() {
local bindir="${REPO_TOP}/${BINDIR}"
local file="${bindir}/bazelisk"
local lockfile="${bindir}/bazelisk.lock"
if ! up_to_date "$file"; then
# Grab the lock, blocking until success. Upon success, check again
# whether we're up to date (because some other process might have
# downloaded bazelisk in the meantime). If not, download it ourselves.
mkdir -p "$bindir"
(flock -x 9; up_to_date "$file" || prepare) 9>>"$lockfile"
if ! check_hash "$file"; then
echo "sha256sum doesn't match expected value"
exit 1
exec "$file" "$@"
main "$@"