blob: 7bb98f20ef847f0404c47bc4abc37bd816abe0c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// TOP Earlgrey configuration
{ name: "earlgrey",
type: "top",
# 32-bit datawidth
datawidth: "32",
// This is the clock data strcture of the design.
// The hier path refers to the clock reference path (struct / port)
// - The top/ext desgination follows the same scheme as inter-module
// The src key indicates the raw clock sources in the design
// The groups key indicates the various clock groupings in the design
clocks: {
hier_paths: {
top: "clkmgr_clocks.", // top level is a struct
ext: "", // ext is a port of the clock name
// Clock Source attributes
// name: Name of group.
// aon: Whether the clock is free running all the time.
// If it is, the clock is not hanlded by clkmgr.
// freq: Absolute frequency of clk in Hz
srcs: [
{ name: "main", aon: "no", freq: "100000000" }
{ name: "io", aon: "no", freq: "96000000" }
{ name: "usb", aon: "no", freq: "48000000" }
{ name: "aon", aon: "yes", freq: "200000" }
// Derived clock source attributes
// name: Name of group.
// aon: Whether the clock is free running all the time.
// If it is, the clock is not hanlded by clkmgr.
// freq: Absolute frequency of clk in Hz
// src: From which clock source is the clock derived
// div: Ratio between derived clock and source clock
derived_srcs: [
{ name: "io_div2", aon: "no", div: 2, src: "io", freq: "48000000" }
{ name: "io_div4", aon: "no", div: 4, src: "io", freq: "24000000" }
// Clock Group attributes
// name: name of group.
// src: The hierarchical source of the clock
// "ext" - clock is supplied from a port of the top module
// "top" - clock is supplied from a net inside the top module
// sw_cg: whether software is allowed to gate the clock
// "no" - software is not allowed to gate clocks
// "yes" - software is allowed to gate clocks
// "hint" - software can provide a hint, and hw controls the rest
// unique: whether each module in the group can be separately gated
// if sw_cg is "no", this field has no meaning
// "yes" - each clock is individually controlled
// "no" - the group is controlled as one single unit
// The powerup and proc groups are unique.
// The powerup group of clocks do not feed through the clock
// controller as they manage clock controller behavior
// The proc group is not peripheral, and direclty hardwired
groups: [
// the powerup group is used exclusively by clk/pwr/rstmgr
{ name: "powerup", src:"top", sw_cg: "no" }
{ name: "trans", src:"top", sw_cg: "hint", unique: "yes", }
{ name: "infra", src:"top", sw_cg: "no", }
{ name: "secure", src:"top", sw_cg: "no" }
{ name: "peri", src:"top", sw_cg: "yes", unique: "no" }
{ name: "timers", src:"top", sw_cg: "no" }
{ name: "proc",
src: "no",
sw_cg: "no",
unique: "no",
clocks: {
clk_proc_main: main
// This is the reset data strcture of the design.
// The hier path refers to the reset reference path (struct / port)
// - The top/ext desgination follows the same scheme as inter-module
// The node key represents all the known resets in the design
resets: {
hier_paths: {
top: "rstmgr_resets.", // top level is a struct
ext: "", // ext is a port of the clock name
// Reset node attributes
// name: name of reset.
// gen: whether the reset is generated
// true: it is a generated reset inside rstmgr
// false: it is a hardwired design reset inside rstmgr (roots and por)
// type: the reset type [ext, top]
// ext: the reset is coming in from the ports, external to earlgrey
// int: the reset is only used inside rstmgr
// top: the reset is output from rstmgr to top level struct
// parent: The parent reset
// If type is "ext", there is no root, since it is external
// domain: The power domain
// If no domain, it means there is no choice, just inherits from root.
// Otherwise, selects the domain to which it is related
// 0 is defaulted for always on.
// TBD: This should eventually be changed to a name->index project wide lookup
// clk: related clock domain for synchronous release
// If type is "por", there is not related clock, since it is
// likely external or generated from a voltage comparator
nodes: [
{ name: "rst_ni", gen: false, type: "ext" }
{ name: "por_aon", gen: false, type: "top", parent: "rst_ni", clk: "aon" }
{ name: "lc_src", gen: false, type: "int", parent: "por", clk: "io_div2" }
{ name: "sys_src", gen: false, type: "int", parent: "por", clk: "io_div2" }
{ name: "por", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "main" }
{ name: "por_io", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "io" }
{ name: "por_io_div2", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "io_div2" }
{ name: "por_io_div4", gen: true , type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "io_div4" }
{ name: "por_usb", gen: true, type: "top", parent: "por_aon", clk: "usb" }
{ name: "lc", gen: true, type: "top", domain: "0", parent: "lc_src", clk: "main" }
{ name: "lc_io", gen: true, type: "top", domain: "0", parent: "lc_src", clk: "io_div4" }
{ name: "sys", gen: true, type: "top", domain: "0", parent: "sys_src", clk: "main" }
{ name: "sys_io", gen: true, type: "top", domain: "0", parent: "sys_src", clk: "io_div2" }
{ name: "sys_io_div4", gen: true, type: "top", domain: "0", parent: "sys_src", clk: "io_div4" }
{ name: "sys_aon", gen: true, type: "top", domain: "0", parent: "sys_src", clk: "aon" }
{ name: "spi_device", gen: true, type: "top", domain: "0", parent: "sys_src", clk: "io_div2", sw: 1 }
{ name: "usb", gen: true, type: "top", domain: "0", parent: "sys_src", clk: "usb", sw: 1 }
// Number of cores: used in rv_plic and timer
num_cores: "1",
// `module` defines the peripherals.
// Details are coming from each modules' config file `ip.hjson`
// TODO: Define parameter here
// generated: A module is templated and generated as part of topgen
// top_only: A module is not templated but is specific to 'top_*' instead of 'ip'
module: [
{ name: "uart", // instance name
type: "uart", // Must be matched to the ip name in `ip.hson` (_reg, _cfg permitted)
// and `hw/ip/{type}`
// clock connections defines the port to top level clock connection
// the ip.hjson will declare the clock port names
// If none are defined at ip.hjson, clk_i is used by default
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
// reset connections defines the port to top level reset connection
// the ip.hjson will declare the reset port names
// If none are defined at ip.hjson, rst_ni is used by default
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x40000000",
{ name: "gpio",
type: "gpio",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x40010000",
{ name: "spi_device",
type: "spi_device",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "peri",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "spi_device"},
base_addr: "0x40020000",
{ name: "flash_ctrl",
type: "flash_ctrl",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc"},
base_addr: "0x40030000",
{ name: "rv_timer",
type: "rv_timer",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "timers",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x40080000",
{ name: "aes",
type: "aes",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "trans",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys"},
base_addr: "0x40110000",
{ name: "hmac",
type: "hmac",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "trans",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys"},
base_addr: "0x40120000",
{ name: "rv_plic",
type: "rv_plic",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys"},
base_addr: "0x40090000",
generated: "true" // Indicate this module is generated in the topgen
// pinmux is currently allocated to main fabric,
// however this should probably be moved to peri fabric
{ name: "pinmux",
type: "pinmux",
clock: "main",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main", clk_aon_i: "aon"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys", rst_aon_ni: "sys_aon"},
base_addr: "0x40070000",
generated: "true"
// see comment regarding pinmux above
{ name: "padctrl",
type: "padctrl",
clock: "main",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys"},
base_addr: "0x40160000",
generated: "true"
{ name: "alert_handler",
type: "alert_handler",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys"},
base_addr: "0x40130000",
generated: "true" // Indicate this module is generated in the topgen
localparam: {
EscCntDw: 32,
AccuCntDw: 16,
LfsrSeed: "0x7FFFFFFF"
{ name: "pwrmgr",
type: "pwrmgr",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_slow_i: "aon"},
clock_group: "powerup",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "por", rst_slow_ni: "por_aon"},
base_addr: "0x400A0000",
generated: "true" // Indicate this module is generated in the topgen
{ name: "rstmgr",
type: "rstmgr",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_aon_i: "aon", clk_main_i: "main", clk_io_i: "io", clk_usb_i: "usb",
clk_io_div2_i: "io_div2", clk_io_div4_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "powerup",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "rst_ni"},
base_addr: "0x400B0000",
generated: "true" // Indicate this module is generated in the topgen
{ name: "clkmgr",
type: "clkmgr",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "powerup",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "por_io", rst_main_ni: "por", rst_io_ni: "por_io", rst_usb_ni: "por_usb"
rst_io_div2_ni: "por_io_div2", rst_io_div4_ni: "por_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x400C0000",
generated: "true"
// dummy module to capture the alert handler escalation signals
// and test them by converting them into IRQs
{ name: "nmi_gen",
type: "nmi_gen",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "secure",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys"},
base_addr: "0x40140000",
{ name: "usbdev",
type: "usbdev",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4", clk_usb_48mhz_i: "usb"},
clock_group: "peri",
clock_reset_export: ["ast"],
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys_io_div4", rst_usb_48mhz_ni: "usb"},
base_addr: "0x40150000",
{ name: "sensor_ctrl",
type: "sensor_ctrl",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "secure",
clock_reset_export: ["ast"],
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys_io_div4"},
base_addr: "0x40170000",
top_only: "true"
{ name: "otbn",
type: "otbn",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "trans",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys"},
base_addr: "0x50000000",
// Memories (ROM, RAM, eFlash) are defined at the top.
// It utilizes the primitive cells but configurable
memory: [
{ name: "rom",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys"},
type: "rom",
base_addr: "0x00008000",
swaccess: "ro",
size: "0x4000"
inter_signal_list: [
{ struct: "tl"
package: "tlul_pkg"
type: "req_rsp"
act: "rsp"
name: "tl"
{ name: "ram_main",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys"},
type: "ram_1p",
base_addr: "0x10000000",
size: "0x10000"
inter_signal_list: [
{ struct: "tl"
package: "tlul_pkg"
type: "req_rsp"
act: "rsp"
name: "tl"
{ name: "ram_ret",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "sys_io_div4"},
type: "ram_1p",
base_addr: "0x18000000",
size: "0x1000"
inter_signal_list: [
{ struct: "tl"
package: "tlul_pkg"
type: "req_rsp"
act: "rsp"
name: "tl"
{ name: "eflash",
clock_srcs: {clk_i: "main"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset_connections: {rst_ni: "lc"},
type: "eflash",
base_addr: "0x20000000",
swaccess: "ro",
size: "0x80000",
inter_signal_list: [
{ struct: "flash", // flash_req_t, flash_rsp_t
type: "req_rsp",
name: "flash_ctrl", // flash_ctrl_i (req), flash_ctrl_o (rsp)
act: "rsp",
{ struct: "tl"
package: "tlul_pkg"
type: "req_rsp"
act: "rsp"
name: "tl"
// Inter-module Connection.
// format:
// requester: [ resp1, resp2, ... ],
// the field and value should be module_inst.port_name
// e.g flash_ctrl0.flash: [flash_phy0.flash_ctrl]
inter_module: {
'connect': {
'flash_ctrl.flash': ['eflash.flash_ctrl'],
'pwrmgr.pwr_flash': ['flash_ctrl.pwrmgr'],
'pwrmgr.pwr_rst' : ['rstmgr.pwr'],
'pwrmgr.pwr_clk' : ['clkmgr.pwr'],
// top is to connect to top net/struct.
// It defines the signal in the top and connect from the module,
// use of the signal is up to top template
'top': [
'rstmgr.resets', 'rstmgr.cpu', 'pwrmgr.pwr_cpu', 'clkmgr.clocks',
'aes.idle', 'clkmgr.status',
// Xbars
'main.tl_corei', 'main.tl_cored', 'main.tl_dm_sba', 'main.tl_debug_mem'
// ext is to create port in the top.
'external': {
'clkmgr.clk_main': 'clk_main', // clock inputs
'clkmgr.clk_io': 'clk_io', // clock inputs
'clkmgr.clk_usb': 'clk_usb', // clock inputs
'clkmgr.clk_aon': 'clk_aon', // clock inputs
'rstmgr.ast': '', // ast reset input
'pwrmgr.pwr_ast': '',
'sensor_ctrl.ast_alert': '',
'sensor_ctrl.ast_status': '',
'usbdev.usb_ref_val': '',
'usbdev.usb_ref_pulse': '',
'peri.tl_ast_wrapper': 'ast_tl'
debug_mem_base_addr: "0x1A110000",
// Crossbars: having a top level crossbar
// This version assumes all crossbars are instantiated at the top.
// Assume xbar.hjson is located in the same directory of top.hjson
xbar: [
{ name: "main",
clock_srcs: {clk_main_i: "main", clk_fixed_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset: "sys",
reset_connections: {rst_main_ni: "sys", rst_fixed_ni: "sys_io_div4"}
{ name: "peri",
clock_srcs: {clk_peri_i: "io_div4"},
clock_group: "infra",
reset: "sys_io_div4",
reset_connections: {rst_peri_ni: "sys_io_div4"},
// ===== INTERRUPT CTRL =====================================================
// `rv_plic` will be instantiate (need to be defined in `module` field
// If interrupt is not defined, it uses the order from the module list
// and include every modules.
// first item goes to LSB of the interrupt source
interrupt_module: ["gpio", "uart", "spi_device", "flash_ctrl",
"hmac", "alert_handler", "nmi_gen", "usbdev", "pwrmgr",
"otbn" ]
// RV_PLIC has two searching algorithm internally to pick the most highest priority interrupt
// source. "sequential" is smaller but slower, "matrix" is larger but faster.
// Choose depends on the criteria. Currently it is set to "matrix" to meet FPGA timing @ 50MHz
// generated:
interrupt: [
// ===== ALERT HANDLER ======================================================
// list all modules that expose alerts
// first item goes to LSB of the alert source
alert_module: [ "aes", "hmac", "otbn", "sensor_ctrl" ]
// generated list of alerts:
alert: [
pinmux: {
// Total number of Multiplexed I/O
// All the input/outputs from IPs are muxed in pinmux, and it has # of I/O
// talks to the outside of top_earlgrey.
// This field will be replaced to the length of PAD if padctrl is defined
num_mio: 32
// Dedicated IO modules. The in/out ports of the modules below are connected
// to TOP IO port through PADS directly. It bypasses PINMUX multiplexers
dio_modules: [
{ name: "spi_device", pad: ["ChB[0..3]"] },
//{ name: "uart.tx", pad: ["ChA[0]"]},
{ name: "uart", pad: ["ChA[0..1]"]},
// { name: "dio_module.signal_input", pad: ["ChA[31]"] }
{ name: "usbdev", pad: ["ChC[0..8]"]},
// Multiplexing IO modules. The in/out ports of the modules below are
// connected through PINMUX, which gives controllability of the connection
// between the modules and the IO PADS.
// If `mio_modules` aren't defined, it uses all remaining modules from
// module list except defined in `dio_modules`.
mio_modules: ["uart", "gpio"]
// If any module isn't defined in above two lists, its inputs will be tied
// to 0, and the output/OE signals will be floating (or connected to
// unused signal). `rv_plic` is special module, shouldn't be defined here.
nc_modules: ["rv_timer", "hmac"]
// Number of wakeup detectors to instantiate, and bitwidth for the wakeup
// counters. Note that all MIO pad inputs are connected to the wakeup detectors,
// and there is no way to disable this. DIO inputs on the other hand are by
// default not connected.
// TODO: need to add mechanism to mark them as wakeup pins.
num_wkup_detect: 8
wkup_cnt_width: 8
// Below fields are generated.
// inputs: [
// { name: "xxx", width: xx },
// ]
// outputs: [
// { name: "xxx", width: xx },
// ]
// inouts: [
// { name: "xxx", width: xx },
// ]
// PADS instantiation
// Number of in/outs and the numer of PAD instances doesn't have to be
// same. The number given below excludes clock/reset and other necessary
// PADS but only defines GPIO pads.
padctrl: {
attr_default: ["STRONG"],
pads: [
{ name: "ChA" type: "IO_33V", count: 32 }, // Accessing as ChA[0] .. ChA[31]
{ name: "ChB" type: "IO_33V", count: 4, attr: ["KEEP", "WEAK"]},
{ name: "ChC" type: "IO_33V", count: 4, attr: ["KEEP", "STRONG"]},