blob: c7d7913b8c95fe8c3558b2cf3f218929fbdf667a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Single-Port SRAM Wrapper
// Supported configurations:
// - ECC for 32b and 64b wide memories with no write mask
// (Width == 32 or Width == 64, DataBitsPerMask is ignored).
// - Byte parity if Width is a multiple of 8 bit and write masks have Byte
// granularity (DataBitsPerMask == 8).
// Note that the write mask needs to be per Byte if parity is enabled. If ECC is enabled, the write
// mask cannot be used and has to be tied to {Width{1'b1}}.
`include ""
module prim_ram_1p_adv import prim_ram_1p_pkg::*; #(
parameter int Depth = 512,
parameter int Width = 32,
parameter int DataBitsPerMask = 1, // Number of data bits per bit of write mask
parameter MemInitFile = "", // VMEM file to initialize the memory with
// Configurations
parameter bit EnableECC = 0, // Enables per-word ECC
parameter bit EnableParity = 0, // Enables per-Byte Parity
parameter bit EnableInputPipeline = 0, // Adds an input register (read latency +1)
parameter bit EnableOutputPipeline = 0, // Adds an output register (read latency +1)
// This switch allows to switch to standard Hamming ECC instead of the HSIAO ECC.
// It is recommended to leave this parameter at its default setting (HSIAO),
// since this results in a more compact and faster implementation.
parameter bit HammingECC = 0,
localparam int Aw = prim_util_pkg::vbits(Depth)
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input req_i,
input write_i,
input [Aw-1:0] addr_i,
input [Width-1:0] wdata_i,
input [Width-1:0] wmask_i,
output logic [Width-1:0] rdata_o,
output logic rvalid_o, // read response (rdata_o) is valid
output logic [1:0] rerror_o, // Bit1: Uncorrectable, Bit0: Correctable
// config
input ram_1p_cfg_t cfg_i
`ASSERT_INIT(CannotHaveEccAndParity_A, !(EnableParity && EnableECC))
// Calculate ECC width
localparam int ParWidth = (EnableParity) ? Width/8 :
(!EnableECC) ? 0 :
(Width <= 4) ? 4 :
(Width <= 11) ? 5 :
(Width <= 26) ? 6 :
(Width <= 57) ? 7 :
(Width <= 120) ? 8 : 8 ;
localparam int TotalWidth = Width + ParWidth;
// If byte parity is enabled, the write enable bits are used to write memory colums
// with 8 + 1 = 9 bit width (data plus corresponding parity bit).
// If ECC is enabled, the DataBitsPerMask is ignored.
localparam int LocalDataBitsPerMask = (EnableParity) ? 9 :
(EnableECC) ? TotalWidth :
// RAM Primitive Instance //
logic req_q, req_d ;
logic write_q, write_d ;
logic [Aw-1:0] addr_q, addr_d ;
logic [TotalWidth-1:0] wdata_q, wdata_d ;
logic [TotalWidth-1:0] wmask_q, wmask_d ;
logic rvalid_q, rvalid_d, rvalid_sram_q ;
logic [Width-1:0] rdata_q, rdata_d ;
logic [TotalWidth-1:0] rdata_sram ;
logic [1:0] rerror_q, rerror_d ;
prim_ram_1p #(
.MemInitFile (MemInitFile),
.Width (TotalWidth),
.Depth (Depth),
.DataBitsPerMask (LocalDataBitsPerMask)
) u_mem (
.req_i (req_q),
.write_i (write_q),
.addr_i (addr_q),
.wdata_i (wdata_q),
.wmask_i (wmask_q),
.rdata_o (rdata_sram),
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
rvalid_sram_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
rvalid_sram_q <= req_q & ~write_q;
assign req_d = req_i;
assign write_d = write_i;
assign addr_d = addr_i;
assign rvalid_o = rvalid_q;
assign rdata_o = rdata_q;
assign rerror_o = rerror_q;
// ECC / Parity Generation //
if (EnableParity == 0 && EnableECC) begin : gen_secded
logic unused_wmask;
assign unused_wmask = ^wmask_i;
// check supported widths
`ASSERT_INIT(SecDecWidth_A, Width inside {16, 32})
// the wmask is constantly set to 1 in this case
`ASSERT(OnlyWordWritePossibleWithEccPortA_A, req_i |->
wmask_i == {Width{1'b1}})
assign wmask_d = {TotalWidth{1'b1}};
if (Width == 16) begin : gen_secded_22_16
if (HammingECC) begin : gen_hamming
prim_secded_hamming_22_16_enc u_enc (
prim_secded_hamming_22_16_dec u_dec (
.data_i (rdata_sram),
.data_o (rdata_d[0+:Width]),
.syndrome_o ( ),
.err_o (rerror_d)
end else begin : gen_hsiao
prim_secded_22_16_enc u_enc (
prim_secded_22_16_dec u_dec (
.data_i (rdata_sram),
.data_o (rdata_d[0+:Width]),
.syndrome_o ( ),
.err_o (rerror_d)
end else if (Width == 32) begin : gen_secded_39_32
if (HammingECC) begin : gen_hamming
prim_secded_hamming_39_32_enc u_enc (
prim_secded_hamming_39_32_dec u_dec (
.data_i (rdata_sram),
.data_o (rdata_d[0+:Width]),
.syndrome_o ( ),
.err_o (rerror_d)
end else begin : gen_hsiao
prim_secded_39_32_enc u_enc (
prim_secded_39_32_dec u_dec (
.data_i (rdata_sram),
.data_o (rdata_d[0+:Width]),
.syndrome_o ( ),
.err_o (rerror_d)
end else if (EnableParity) begin : gen_byte_parity
`ASSERT_INIT(WidthNeedsToBeByteAligned_A, Width % 8 == 0)
`ASSERT_INIT(ParityNeedsByteWriteMask_A, DataBitsPerMask == 8)
always_comb begin : p_parity
rerror_d = '0;
for (int i = 0; i < Width/8; i ++) begin
// Data mapping. We have to make 8+1 = 9 bit groups
// that have the same write enable such that FPGA tools
// can map this correctly to BRAM resources.
wmask_d[i*9 +: 8] = wmask_i[i*8 +: 8];
wdata_d[i*9 +: 8] = wdata_i[i*8 +: 8];
rdata_d[i*8 +: 8] = rdata_sram[i*9 +: 8];
// parity generation (odd parity)
wdata_d[i*9 + 8] = ~(^wdata_i[i*8 +: 8]);
wmask_d[i*9 + 8] = &wmask_i[i*8 +: 8];
// parity decoding (errors are always uncorrectable)
rerror_d[1] |= ~(^{rdata_sram[i*9 +: 8], rdata_sram[i*9 + 8]});
end else begin : gen_nosecded_noparity
assign wmask_d = wmask_i;
assign wdata_d = wdata_i;
assign rdata_d = rdata_sram[0+:Width];
assign rerror_d = '0;
assign rvalid_d = rvalid_sram_q;
// Input/Output Pipeline Registers //
if (EnableInputPipeline) begin : gen_regslice_input
// Put the register slices between ECC encoding to SRAM port
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
req_q <= '0;
write_q <= '0;
addr_q <= '0;
wdata_q <= '0;
wmask_q <= '0;
end else begin
req_q <= req_d;
write_q <= write_d;
addr_q <= addr_d;
wdata_q <= wdata_d;
wmask_q <= wmask_d;
end else begin : gen_dirconnect_input
assign req_q = req_d;
assign write_q = write_d;
assign addr_q = addr_d;
assign wdata_q = wdata_d;
assign wmask_q = wmask_d;
if (EnableOutputPipeline) begin : gen_regslice_output
// Put the register slices between ECC decoding to output
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
rvalid_q <= '0;
rdata_q <= '0;
rerror_q <= '0;
end else begin
rvalid_q <= rvalid_d;
rdata_q <= rdata_d;
// tie to zero if the read data is not valid
rerror_q <= rerror_d & {2{rvalid_d}};
end else begin : gen_dirconnect_output
assign rvalid_q = rvalid_d;
assign rdata_q = rdata_d;
// tie to zero if the read data is not valid
assign rerror_q = rerror_d & {2{rvalid_d}};
endmodule : prim_ram_1p_adv