blob: c275118add88d679feb3561e80adeb8f7a58fc6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
use anyhow::{ensure, Result};
use erased_serde::Serialize;
use serialport::SerialPortType;
use std::any::Any;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::io::gpio::GpioPin;
use crate::io::spi::Target;
use crate::io::uart::{Uart, UartError};
use crate::transport::common::uart::SerialPortUart;
use crate::transport::{
Capabilities, Capability, Transport, TransportError, TransportInterfaceType,
use crate::util::parse_int::ParseInt;
use crate::util::rom_detect::{RomDetect, RomKind};
pub mod gpio;
pub mod spi;
pub mod usb;
struct Inner {
spi: Option<Rc<dyn Target>>,
gpio: HashMap<String, Rc<dyn GpioPin>>,
uart: HashMap<u32, Rc<dyn Uart>>,
pub struct CW310 {
device: Rc<RefCell<usb::Backend>>,
inner: RefCell<Inner>,
impl CW310 {
// Pins needed for SPI on the CW310 board.
const PIN_CLK: &'static str = "USB_SPI_SCK";
const PIN_SDI: &'static str = "USB_SPI_COPI";
const PIN_SDO: &'static str = "USB_SPI_CIPO";
const PIN_CS: &'static str = "USB_SPI_CS";
// Pins needed for reset & bootstrap on the CW310 board.
const PIN_TRST: &'static str = "USB_A13";
const PIN_SRST: &'static str = "USB_A14";
const PIN_SW_STRAP0: &'static str = "USB_A15";
const PIN_SW_STRAP1: &'static str = "USB_A16";
const PIN_SW_STRAP2: &'static str = "USB_A17";
const PIN_TAP_STRAP0: &'static str = "USB_A18";
const PIN_TAP_STRAP1: &'static str = "USB_A19";
pub fn new(
usb_vid: Option<u16>,
usb_pid: Option<u16>,
usb_serial: Option<&str>,
) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
let board = CW310 {
device: Rc::new(RefCell::new(usb::Backend::new(
usb_vid, usb_pid, usb_serial,
inner: RefCell::default(),
// Initialize the IO direction of some basic pins on the board.
fn init_direction(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let device = self.device.borrow();
device.pin_set_output(Self::PIN_TRST, true)?;
device.pin_set_output(Self::PIN_SRST, true)?;
device.pin_set_output(Self::PIN_TAP_STRAP0, true)?;
device.pin_set_output(Self::PIN_TAP_STRAP1, true)?;
device.pin_set_output(Self::PIN_SW_STRAP0, true)?;
device.pin_set_output(Self::PIN_SW_STRAP1, true)?;
device.pin_set_output(Self::PIN_SW_STRAP2, true)?;
fn open_uart(&self, instance: u32) -> Result<SerialPortUart> {
let usb = self.device.borrow();
let serial_number = usb.get_serial_number();
let mut ports = serialport::available_ports()
.map_err(|e| UartError::EnumerationError(e.to_string()))?;
ports.retain(|port| {
if let SerialPortType::UsbPort(info) = &port.port_type {
if info.serial_number.as_deref() == Some(serial_number) {
return true;
// The CW board seems to have the last port connected as OpenTitan UART 0.
// Reverse the sort order so the last port will be instance 0.
ports.sort_by(|a, b| b.port_name.cmp(&a.port_name));
let port = ports.get(instance as usize).ok_or_else(|| {
TransportError::InvalidInstance(TransportInterfaceType::Uart, instance.to_string())
impl Transport for CW310 {
fn capabilities(&self) -> Result<Capabilities> {
Capability::SPI | Capability::GPIO | Capability::UART,
fn uart(&self, instance: &str) -> Result<Rc<dyn Uart>> {
let mut inner = self.inner.borrow_mut();
let instance = u32::from_str(instance).ok().ok_or_else(|| {
TransportError::InvalidInstance(TransportInterfaceType::Uart, instance.to_string())
let uart = match inner.uart.entry(instance) {
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
let u = v.insert(Rc::new(self.open_uart(instance)?));
Entry::Occupied(o) => Rc::clone(o.get()),
fn gpio_pin(&self, pinname: &str) -> Result<Rc<dyn GpioPin>> {
let mut inner = self.inner.borrow_mut();
Ok(match inner.gpio.entry(pinname.to_string()) {
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
let u = v.insert(Rc::new(gpio::CW310GpioPin::open(
Entry::Occupied(o) => Rc::clone(o.get()),
fn spi(&self, instance: &str) -> Result<Rc<dyn Target>> {
instance == "0",
TransportError::InvalidInstance(TransportInterfaceType::Spi, instance.to_string())
let mut inner = self.inner.borrow_mut();
if inner.spi.is_none() {
inner.spi = Some(Rc::new(spi::CW310Spi::open(Rc::clone(&self.device))?));
fn dispatch(&self, action: &dyn Any) -> Result<Option<Box<dyn Serialize>>> {
if let Some(fpga_program) = action.downcast_ref::<FpgaProgram>() {
if fpga_program.bitstream.starts_with(b"__skip__") {
log::info!("Skip loading the __skip__ bitstream.");
return Ok(None);
if let Some(rom_kind) = &fpga_program.rom_kind {
let mut rd = RomDetect::new(
// Open the console UART.
let uart = self.uart("0")?;
// Send a reset pulse so the ROM will print the FPGA version.
let reset_pin = self.gpio_pin(Self::PIN_SRST)?;
// Reset is active low, sleep, then drive high.
// Now read the uart until the ROM prints it's version.
if rd.detect(&*uart)? {
log::info!("Already running the correct bitstream. Skip loading bitstream.");
// If we're already running the right ROM+bitstream,
// then we can skip bootstrap.
return Ok(None);
// Program the FPGA bitstream.
let usb = self.device.borrow();
usb.pin_set_state(CW310::PIN_TAP_STRAP0, true)?;
usb.pin_set_state(CW310::PIN_TAP_STRAP1, true)?;
usb.pin_set_state(CW310::PIN_TAP_STRAP2, true)?;
} else {
/// Command for Transport::dispatch().
pub struct FpgaProgram {
/// The bitstream content to load into the FPGA.
pub bitstream: Vec<u8>,
/// What type of ROM to expect.
pub rom_kind: Option<RomKind>,
/// How long of a reset pulse to send to the device.
pub rom_reset_pulse: Duration,
/// How long to wait for the ROM to print its type and version.
pub rom_timeout: Duration,