blob: cb459920d97559d609abb0a3803d0c766eb678e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Name of the sim cfg - typically same as the name of the DUT.
name: chip_earlgrey_verilator
// Top level dut name (sv module).
dut: "{name}"
// Top level testbench name (sv module).
tb: "{name}"
// Default simulator used to sign off.
tool: verilator
// Fusesoc core file used for building the file list.
fusesoc_core: "lowrisc:systems:{name}:0.1"
// Testplan hjson file.
# testplan: "{proj_root}/hw/top_earlgrey/data/chip_testplan.hjson"
// Import additional common sim cfg files.
import_cfgs: [// Project wide common sim cfg file
overrides: [
// Use FuseSoC to build the Verilator executable. Skip the SV file list
// generation step entirely.
name: sv_flist_gen_cmd
value: ""
name: sv_flist_gen_opts
value: []
name: sv_flist_gen_dir
value: "{build_dir}"
// This defaults to 'ip' in `hw/data/common_project_cfg.hjson`. Override
// since we are building the top level.
name: design_level
value: top
// Common run parameters. Each test entry can override any of these as needed.
reseed: 1
sw_build_device: sim_verilator
// Add run modes.
run_modes: [
name: sw_test_mode
sw_images: ["sw/device/boot_rom/boot_rom:0",
run_opts: [
// The following shell snippet converts the SW images specification to what's
// needed as a run time switch to Verilator.
'''{eval_cmd} \
opts=; \
types=(rom flash otbn otp); \
exts=(scr.40.vmem elf elf vmem); \
images=`echo {sw_images}`; \
for image in $images; do \
path=`echo $image | cut -d: -f 1`; \
index=`echo $image | cut -d: -f 2`; \
opts="$opts --meminit=${types[$index]},{sw_build_dir}/build-bin/$path""_{sw_build_device}.${exts[$index]}"; \
done; \
echo "$opts"''',
// All tests are SW based, so enable this by default.
en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"]
// List of test specifications.
// If you are adding a test that has been generated from the `sw_tests`
// dictionary declared in `sw/device/tests/`, the `sw_images` list
// below should contain `sw/device/tests/<sw_test_name>` (without any more
// subdirectories) because that is where the meson target is created. For
// example `dif_plic_smoketest` is added to `sw_tests` in
// `sw/device/tests/dif/`, but the final meson targets all start
// `sw/device/tests/dif_plic_smoketest_`.
// Each entry in `sw_images` is followed by an index separated with ':' which
// is used by the testbench to know what type of image is it:
// - 0 for boot_rom,
// - 1 for SW test,
// - 2 for OTBN test,
// - 3 for OTP and so on
// This allows an arbitrary number of SW images to be supplied to the TB.
tests: [
name: dif_aes_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_aes_smoketest:1"]
name: dif_aon_timer_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_aon_timer_smoketest:1"]
name: dif_clkmgr_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_clkmgr_smoketest:1"]
name: dif_csrng_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_csrng_smoketest:1"]
name: dif_entropy_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_entropy_smoketest:1"]
name: dif_gpio_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_gpio_smoketest:1"]
name: dif_hmac_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_hmac_smoketest:1"]
name: dif_kmac_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_kmac_smoketest:1"]
name: dif_kmac_cshake_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_kmac_cshake_smoketest:1"]
name: dif_kmac_kmac_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_kmac_kmac_smoketest:1"]
name: crt_test
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/crt_test:1"]
name: dif_otbn_smoketest_rtl
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_otbn_smoketest:1"]
run_opts: ["+OTBN_USE_MODEL=0"]
// TODO: Needs to be debugged.
// {
// name: dif_otbn_smoketest_model
// sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_otbn_smoketest:1"]
// run_opts: ["+OTBN_USE_MODEL=1"]
// }
name: dif_otp_ctrl_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_otp_ctrl_smoketest:1"]
name: dif_plic_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_plic_smoketest:1"]
// TODO(#6656): AST is not instantiated in chip_earlgrey_verilator.
// {
// name: dif_pwrmgr_smoketest
// sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_pwrmgr_smoketest:1"]
// }
name: dif_rstmgr_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_rstmgr_smoketest:1"]
name: dif_rv_timer_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_rv_timer_smoketest:1"]
name: dif_uart_smoketest
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_uart_smoketest:1"]
name: flash_ctrl_test
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/flash_ctrl_test:1"]
name: pmp_smoketest_napot
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/pmp_smoketest_napot:1"]
name: pmp_smoketest_tor
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/pmp_smoketest_tor:1"]
name: usbdev_test
sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/usbdev_test:1"]
name: sw_silicon_creator_lib_driver_hmac_functest
sw_images: ["sw/device/silicon_creator/testing/sw_silicon_creator_lib_driver_hmac_functest:1"]
name: sw_silicon_creator_lib_driver_uart_functest
sw_images: ["sw/device/silicon_creator/testing/sw_silicon_creator_lib_driver_uart_functest:1"]
name: sw_silicon_creator_lib_driver_alert_functest
sw_images: ["sw/device/silicon_creator/testing/sw_silicon_creator_lib_driver_alert_functest:1"]
// List of regressions.
regressions: [
name: smoke
tests: []