blob: 57e43a90e35d3a3016240137d7974968396268e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// kmac_pkg
package kmac_pkg;
parameter int MsgWidth = sha3_pkg::MsgWidth;
parameter int MsgStrbW = sha3_pkg::MsgStrbW;
// Message FIFO depth
// Assume entropy is ready always (if Share is reused as an entropy in Chi)
// Then it takes 72 cycles to complete the Keccak round. While Keccak is in
// operation, the module need to store the incoming messages to not degrade
// the throughput.
// Based on the observation from HMAC case, the core usually takes 5 clocks
// to fetch data and store into KMAC. So the core can push at most 14.5 X 4B
// which is 58B. After that, Keccak can fetch the data from MSG_FIFO faster
// rate than the core can push. To fetch 58B, it takes around 7~8 cycles.
// For that time, the core only can push at most 2 DW. After that Keccak
// waits the incoming message.
// So Message FIFO doesn't need full block size except the KMAC case, which
// is delayed the operation by processing Function Name N, customization S,
// and secret keys. But KMAC doesn't need high throughput anyway (72Mb/s).
parameter int RegIntfWidth = 32; // 32bit interface
parameter int RegLatency = 5; // 5 cycle to write one Word
parameter int Sha3Latency = 72; // Expected masked sha3 processing time 24x3
// Total required buffer size while SHA3 is in processing
parameter int BufferCycles = (Sha3Latency + RegLatency - 1)/RegLatency;
parameter int BufferSizeBits = RegIntfWidth * BufferCycles;
// Required MsgFifoDepth. Adding slightly more buffer for margin
parameter int MsgFifoDepth = 2 + ((BufferSizeBits + MsgWidth - 1)/MsgWidth);
parameter int MsgFifoDepthW = $clog2(MsgFifoDepth+1);
parameter int MsgWindowWidth = 32; // Register width
parameter int MsgWindowDepth = 512; // 2kB space
// Key related definitions
// If this value is changed, please modify the logic inside kmac_core
// that assigns the value into `encoded_key`
parameter int MaxKeyLen = 512;
// size of encode_string(Key)
// $ceil($clog2(MaxKeyLen+1)/8)
parameter int MaxEncodedKeyLenW = $clog2(MaxKeyLen+1);
parameter int MaxEncodedKeyLenByte = (MaxEncodedKeyLenW + 8 - 1) / 8;
parameter int MaxEncodedKeyLenSize = MaxEncodedKeyLenByte * 8;
// Secret Key left_encode(len(Key))
// ---------- ------------------------
parameter int MaxEncodedKeyW = MaxKeyLen + MaxEncodedKeyLenSize + 8;
// key_len is SW configurable CSR.
// Current KMAC allows 5 key length options.
// This value determines the KMAC core how to map the value
// from Secret Key register to key size block
typedef enum logic [2:0] {
Key128 = 3'b 000, // 128 bit secret key
Key192 = 3'b 001, // 192 bit secret key
Key256 = 3'b 010, // 256 bit secret key
Key384 = 3'b 011, // 384 bit secret key
Key512 = 3'b 100 // 512 bit secret key
} key_len_e;
// kmac_cmd_e defines the possible command sets that software issues via
// !!CMD register. This is mainly to limit the error scenario that SW writes
// multiple commands at once.
typedef enum logic [3:0] {
CmdNone = 4'b 0000,
CmdStart = 4'b 0001,
CmdProcess = 4'b 0010,
CmdManualRun = 4'b 0100,
CmdDone = 4'b 1000
} kmac_cmd_e;
// Timer
parameter int unsigned EntropyTimerW = 16;
parameter int unsigned EdnWaitTimerW = 16;
// Entropy Mode Selection : Should be matched to register package Enum value
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
EntropyModeNone = 2'h 0,
EntropyModeEdn = 2'h 1,
EntropyModeSw = 2'h 2
} entropy_mode_e;
// Application interface //
// Number of the application interface
// Currently KMAC has three interface.
// 0: KeyMgr
// 1: OTP_CTRL
// 2: ROM_CTRL
// Make sure to change `width` of app inter-module signal definition
// if this value is changed.
parameter int unsigned NumAppIntf = 3;
// Application Algorithm
// Each interface can choose algorithms among SHA3, cSHAKE, KMAC
typedef enum bit [1:0] {
// SHA3 mode doer not nees any additional information.
// Prefix will be tied to all zero and not used.
AppSHA3 = 0,
// In CShake/ KMAC mode, the Prefix can be determined by the compile-time
// parameter or through CSRs.
AppCShake = 1,
// In KMAC mode, the secret key always comes from sideload.
AppKMAC = 2
} app_mode_e;
typedef struct packed {
app_mode_e Mode;
sha3_pkg::keccak_strength_e Strength;
// PrefixMode determines the origin value of Prefix that is used in KMAC
// and cSHAKE operations.
// Choose **0** for CSRs (!!PREFIX), or **1** to use `Prefix` parameter
// below.
bit PrefixMode;
// If `PrefixMode` is 1'b 1, then this `Prefix` value will be used in
// cSHAKE or KMAC operation.
logic [sha3_pkg::NSRegisterSize*8-1:0] Prefix;
} app_config_t;
parameter app_config_t AppCfg [NumAppIntf] = '{
// KeyMgr
Mode: AppKMAC, // KeyMgr uses KMAC operation
Strength: sha3_pkg::L256,
PrefixMode: 1'b 0, // Use CSR for prefix
Prefix: '0 // Not used in CSR prefix mode
// OTP
Mode: AppCShake,
Strength: sha3_pkg::L256,
PrefixMode: 1'b 1, // Use prefix parameter
Prefix: 'h 0 // TODO: Determine the prefix value
Mode: AppCShake,
Strength: sha3_pkg::L256,
PrefixMode: 1'b 1, // Use prefix parameter
Prefix: 'h 0 // TODO: Determine the prefix value
// MsgWidth : 64
// MsgStrbW : 8
parameter int unsigned AppDigestW = 256;
typedef struct packed {
logic valid;
logic [MsgWidth-1:0] data;
logic [MsgStrbW-1:0] strb;
// last indicates the last beat of the data. strb can be partial only with
// last.
logic last;
} app_req_t;
typedef struct packed {
logic ready;
logic done;
logic [AppDigestW-1:0] digest_share0;
logic [AppDigestW-1:0] digest_share1;
// Error is valid when done is high. If any error occurs during KDF, KMAC
// returns the garbage digest data with error. The KeyMgr discards the
// digest and may re-initiate the process.
logic error;
} app_rsp_t;
parameter app_req_t APP_REQ_DEFAULT = '{
valid: 1'b 0,
data: '0,
strb: '0,
last: 1'b 0
parameter app_rsp_t APP_RSP_DEFAULT = '{
ready: 1'b1,
done: 1'b1,
digest_share0: AppDigestW'(32'hDEADBEEF),
digest_share1: AppDigestW'(32'hFACEBEEF),
error: 1'b1
// Error Handling //
// Error structure is same to the SHA3 one. The codes do not overlap.
typedef enum logic [7:0] {
ErrNone = 8'h 00,
// ErrSha3SwControl occurs when software sent wrong flow signal.
// e.g) Sw set `process_i` without `start_i`. The state machine ignores
// the signal and report through the error FIFO.
//ErrSha3SwControl = 8'h 80
// ErrKeyNotValid: KeyMgr interface raises an error if the secret key is
// not valid when KeyMgr initiates KDF.
ErrKeyNotValid = 8'h 01,
// ErrSwPushMsgFifo: Sw writes data into Msg FIFO abruptly.
// This error occurs in below scenario:
// - Sw does not send "Start" command to KMAC then writes data into
// Msg FIFO
// - Sw writes data into Msg FIFO when KeyMgr is in operating
ErrSwPushedMsgFifo = 8'h 02,
// ErrSwPushWrongCmd
// - Sw writes any command except CmdStart when Idle.
ErrSwPushedWrongCmd = 8'h 03,
// ErrWaitTimerExpired
// Entropy Wait timer expired. Something wrong on EDN i/f
ErrWaitTimerExpired = 8'h 04,
// ErrIncorrectEntropyMode
// Incorrect Entropy mode when entropy is ready
ErrIncorrectEntropyMode = 8'h 05
} err_code_e;
typedef struct packed {
logic valid;
err_code_e code; // Type of error
logic [23:0] info; // Additional Debug info
} err_t;
// Library Functions //
// Endian conversion functions (32-bit, 64-bit)
function automatic logic [31:0] conv_endian32( input logic [31:0] v, input logic swap);
logic [31:0] conv_data = {<<8{v}};
conv_endian32 = (swap) ? conv_data : v ;
endfunction : conv_endian32
function automatic logic [63:0] conv_endian64( input logic [63:0] v, input logic swap);
logic [63:0] conv_data = {<<8{v}};
conv_endian64 = (swap) ? conv_data : v ;
endfunction : conv_endian64
endpackage : kmac_pkg