| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| package uart_env_pkg; |
| // dep packages |
| import uvm_pkg::*; |
| import top_pkg::*; |
| import dv_utils_pkg::*; |
| import csr_utils_pkg::*; |
| import tl_agent_pkg::*; |
| import uart_agent_pkg::*; |
| import dv_lib_pkg::*; |
| import cip_base_pkg::*; |
| import uart_ral_pkg::*; |
| |
| // macro includes |
| `include "uvm_macros.svh" |
| `include "dv_macros.svh" |
| |
| // local types |
| parameter uint UART_FIFO_DEPTH = 32; |
| // alerts |
| parameter uint NUM_ALERTS = 1; |
| parameter string LIST_OF_ALERTS[] = {"fatal_fault"}; |
| |
| typedef enum int { |
| TxWatermark = 0, |
| RxWatermark = 1, |
| TxEmpty = 2, |
| RxOverflow = 3, |
| RxFrameErr = 4, |
| RxBreakErr = 5, |
| RxTimeout = 6, |
| RxParityErr = 7, |
| NumUartIntr = 8 |
| } uart_intr_e; |
| |
| // get the number of bytes that triggers watermark interrupt |
| function automatic int get_watermark_bytes_by_level(int lvl, uart_dir_e dir); |
| case(lvl) |
| 0: return dir == UartTx ? 2 : 1; |
| 1: return 4; |
| 2: return 8; |
| 3: return 16; |
| 4: return 30; |
| default: begin |
| `uvm_fatal("uart_env_pkg::get_watermark_bytes_by_level", |
| $sformatf("invalid watermark level value - %0d", lvl)) |
| end |
| endcase |
| endfunction |
| |
| // get the number of bytes that triggers break interrupt |
| function automatic int get_break_bytes_by_level(int lvl); |
| case(lvl) |
| 0: return 2; |
| 1: return 4; |
| 2: return 8; |
| 3: return 16; |
| default: begin |
| `uvm_fatal("uart_env_pkg::get_break_bytes_by_level", |
| $sformatf("invalid break level value - %0d", lvl)) |
| end |
| endcase |
| endfunction |
| |
| // nco = 16*(2 ** nco_width) * freq_baud / freq_core, and truncate the factional number |
| // if uart baud rate is 1500_000 and IO is 24Mhz, NCO is 'h1_0000, which is over the NCO width |
| // use NCO = 'hffff for this case since the error is tolerable. Refer to #4263 |
| `define CALC_NCO(baud_rate, nco_width, clk_freq_mhz) \ |
| (baud_rate == BaudRate1p5Mbps && clk_freq_mhz == ClkFreq24Mhz) ? 16'hffff : \ |
| (longint'(baud_rate) * (2**(nco_width+4))) / (clk_freq_mhz * 1000_000) |
| |
| // calculate the nco |
| function automatic int get_nco(baud_rate_e baud_rate, int clk_freq_mhz, int nco_width); |
| int nco; |
| nco = `CALC_NCO(baud_rate, nco_width, clk_freq_mhz); |
| if (nco >= (2 ** nco_width)) begin |
| `uvm_fatal("uart_agent_pkg::get_nco", $sformatf( |
| {"nco (%0d) can't bigger than (2 ** %0d) - 1, it's only %0d bits ", |
| "baud_rate = %0d, clk_freq_mhz = %0d"}, |
| nco, nco_width, nco_width, baud_rate, clk_freq_mhz)) |
| end |
| return nco; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // TX finishes the item at the beginning of last cycle and update reg value |
| // in the last 2 cycles, need to avoid driving and checking |
| `define TX_IGNORED_PERIOD {1, 2} |
| // RX finishes the item at the middle of last cycle and update reg value |
| // in the last cycle, need to avoid driving and checking |
| `define RX_IGNORED_PERIOD {1} |
| |
| // package sources |
| `include "uart_env_cfg.sv" |
| `include "uart_env_cov.sv" |
| `include "uart_virtual_sequencer.sv" |
| `include "uart_scoreboard.sv" |
| `include "uart_env.sv" |
| `include "uart_vseq_list.sv" |
| |
| `undef CALC_NCO |
| endpackage |