blob: f1f460c36a5b6b0c14c08a60eee57834f2c1ad28 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Class describing lint configuration object
import hjson
import logging as log
from pathlib import Path
from tabulate import tabulate
from OneShotCfg import OneShotCfg
from utils import VERBOSE, print_msg_list, subst_wildcards
class LintCfg(OneShotCfg):
"""Derivative class for linting purposes.
flow = 'lint'
def __init__(self, flow_cfg_file, hjson_data, args, mk_config):
# This is a lint-specific attribute
self.is_style_lint = ""
super().__init__(flow_cfg_file, hjson_data, args, mk_config)
# Convert to boolean
if self.is_style_lint == "True":
self.is_style_lint = True
self.is_style_lint = False
# Set the title for lint results.
if self.is_style_lint:
self.results_title = + " Style Lint Results"
self.results_title = + " Lint Results"
def gen_results_summary(self):
Gathers the aggregated results from all sub configs
# Generate results table for runs."Create summary of lint results")
results_str = "## " + self.results_title + " (Summary)\n\n"
results_str += "### " + self.timestamp_long + "\n"
if self.revision:
results_str += "### " + self.revision + "\n"
results_str += "### Branch: " + self.branch + "\n"
results_str += "\n"
header = [
"Name", "Tool Warnings", "Tool Errors", "Lint Warnings",
"Lint Errors"
colalign = ("center", ) * len(header)
table = [header]
for cfg in self.cfgs:
results_page = cfg.results_server_dir + '/results.html'
results_page_url = results_page.replace(
cfg.results_server_prefix, cfg.results_server_url_prefix)
name_with_link = "[" +
) + "](" + results_page_url + ")"
str(len(cfg.result_summary["warnings"])) + " W",
str(len(cfg.result_summary["errors"])) + " E",
str(len(cfg.result_summary["lint_warnings"])) + " W",
str(len(cfg.result_summary["lint_errors"])) + " E"
if len(table) > 1:
self.results_summary_md = results_str + tabulate(
table, headers="firstrow", tablefmt="pipe",
colalign=colalign) + "\n"
self.results_summary_md = results_str + "\nNo results to display.\n"
# Return only the tables
return self.results_summary_md
def _gen_results(self, results):
# '''
# The function is called after the regression has completed. It looks
# for a regr_results.hjson file with aggregated results from the lint run.
# The hjson needs to have the following (potentially empty) fields
# {
# tool: ""
# errors: []
# warnings: []
# lint_errors: []
# lint_warning: []
# lint_infos: []
# }
# where each entry is a string representing a lint message. This allows
# to reuse the same LintCfg class with different tools since just the
# parsing script that transforms the tool output into the hjson above
# needs to be adapted.
# note that if this is a primary config, the results will
# be generated using the _gen_results_summary function
# '''
# Generate results table for runs.
results_str = "## " + self.results_title + "\n\n"
results_str += "### " + self.timestamp_long + "\n"
if self.revision:
results_str += "### " + self.revision + "\n"
results_str += "### Branch: " + self.branch + "\n"
results_str += "### Lint Tool: " + self.tool.upper() + "\n\n"
header = [
"Build Mode", "Tool Warnings", "Tool Errors", "Lint Warnings",
"Lint Errors"
colalign = ("center", ) * len(header)
table = [header]
# aggregated counts
self.result_summary["warnings"] = []
self.result_summary["errors"] = []
self.result_summary["lint_warnings"] = []
self.result_summary["lint_errors"] = []
fail_msgs = ""
for mode in self.build_modes:
result_data = Path(
subst_wildcards(self.build_dir, {"build_mode":}) +
'/results.hjson')"[results:hjson]: [%s]: [%s]",, result_data)
with as results_file:
self.result = hjson.load(results_file, use_decimal=True)
except IOError as err:
log.warning("%s", err)
self.result = {
"tool": "",
"errors": ["IOError: %s" % err],
"warnings": [],
"lint_errors": [],
"lint_warnings": [],
"lint_infos": []
if self.result:
str(len(self.result["warnings"])) + " W ",
str(len(self.result["errors"])) + " E",
# We currently do not publish these infos at
# the moment len(self.result["lint_infos"]),
str(len(self.result["lint_warnings"])) + " W",
str(len(self.result["lint_errors"])) + " E"
self.result = {
"tool": "",
"errors": [],
"warnings": [],
"lint_errors": [],
"lint_warnings": [],
"lint_infos": []
self.result_summary["warnings"] += self.result["warnings"]
self.result_summary["errors"] += self.result["errors"]
self.result_summary["lint_warnings"] += self.result[
self.result_summary["lint_errors"] += self.result["lint_errors"]
# Append detailed messages if they exist
hdr_key_pairs = [("Tool Warnings", "warnings"),
("Tool Errors", "errors"),
("Lint Warnings", "lint_warnings"),
("Lint Errors", "lint_errors")]
# Lint fails if any warning or error message has occurred
self.errors_seen = False
for _, key in hdr_key_pairs:
if key in self.result:
if self.result.get(key):
self.errors_seen = True
if self.errors_seen:
fail_msgs += "\n### Errors and Warnings for Build Mode `'" + + "'`\n"
for hdr, key in hdr_key_pairs:
msgs = self.result.get(key)
fail_msgs += print_msg_list("#### " + hdr, msgs, self.max_msg_count)
if len(table) > 1:
self.results_md = results_str + tabulate(
table, headers="firstrow", tablefmt="pipe",
colalign=colalign) + "\n"
# the email and published reports will default to self.results_md if they are
# empty. in case they need to be sanitized, override them and do not append
# detailed messages.
if self.sanitize_email_results:
self.email_results_md = self.results_md
if self.sanitize_publish_results:
self.publish_results_md = self.results_md
# locally generated result always contains all details
self.results_md += fail_msgs
self.results_md = results_str + "\nNo results to display.\n"
self.email_results_md = self.results_md
self.publish_results_md = self.results_md
# Write results to the scratch area
results_file = self.scratch_path + "/results_" + self.timestamp + ".md"
with open(results_file, 'w') as f:
log.log(VERBOSE, "[results page]: [%s] [%s]",, results_file)
return self.results_md