| # Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| import logging as log |
| from pathlib import Path |
| |
| import hjson |
| from tabulate import tabulate |
| |
| from OneShotCfg import OneShotCfg |
| from utils import VERBOSE, subst_wildcards |
| |
| |
| class FormalCfg(OneShotCfg): |
| """Derivative class for running formal tools. |
| """ |
| |
| flow = 'formal' |
| |
| def __init__(self, flow_cfg_file, hjson_data, args, mk_config): |
| super().__init__(flow_cfg_file, hjson_data, args, mk_config) |
| self.header = ["name", "errors", "warnings", "proven", "cex", "undetermined", |
| "covered", "unreachable", "pass_rate", "cov_rate"] |
| |
| # Default not to publish child cfg results. |
| if "publish_report" in hjson_data: |
| self.publish_report = hjson_data["publish_report"] |
| else: |
| self.publish_report = False |
| self.sub_flow = hjson_data['sub_flow'] |
| self.summary_header = ["name", "pass_rate", "stimuli_cov", "coi_cov", "prove_cov"] |
| self.results_title = self.name.upper() + " Formal " + self.sub_flow.upper() + " Results" |
| |
| def parse_dict_to_str(self, input_dict, excl_keys = []): |
| # This is a helper function to parse dictionary items into a string. |
| # This function has an optional input "excl_keys" for user to exclude |
| # printing out certain items according to their keys. |
| # Note this function did not sort the input dictionary's key value |
| # before printing the keys and items. If input dictionary is not an |
| # OrderedDictionary, print out key order is not predictable. |
| # This function works for Hjson lib outputs because the lib uses an |
| # OrderDict when it reads dictionaries. |
| # Example Input: |
| # { |
| # "unreachable": ["prop1, prop2, prop3"], |
| # "cex" : ["prop1"], |
| # } |
| # Example Output: |
| # string = "unreachable: |
| # ``` |
| # prop1 |
| # prop2 |
| # prop3 |
| # ``` |
| # cex: |
| # ``` |
| # prop1 |
| # ```" |
| output_str = "" |
| for key, item in input_dict.items(): |
| if (key not in excl_keys) and item: |
| output_str += "\n" + key + ":\n" |
| output_str += "```\n" |
| output_str += "\n".join(item) |
| output_str += "\n```\n" |
| return output_str |
| |
| def get_summary(self, result): |
| summary = [] |
| formal_summary = result.get("summary") |
| if formal_summary is None: |
| results_str = "No summary information found\n" |
| summary.append("N/A") |
| else: |
| colalign = ("center", ) * len(self.header) |
| table = [self.header] |
| table.append([ |
| self.name, |
| str(formal_summary["errors"]) + " E ", |
| str(formal_summary["warnings"]) + " W ", |
| str(formal_summary["proven"]) + " G ", |
| str(formal_summary["cex"]) + " E ", |
| str(formal_summary["undetermined"]) + " W ", |
| str(formal_summary["covered"]) + " G ", |
| str(formal_summary["unreachable"]) + " E ", |
| formal_summary["pass_rate"], |
| formal_summary["cov_rate"] |
| ]) |
| summary.append(formal_summary["pass_rate"]) |
| if len(table) > 1: |
| results_str = tabulate(table, headers="firstrow", tablefmt="pipe", |
| colalign=colalign) |
| else: |
| results_str = "No content in summary\n" |
| summary.append("N/A") |
| return results_str, summary |
| |
| def get_coverage(self, result): |
| summary = [] |
| formal_coverage = result.get("coverage") |
| if formal_coverage is None: |
| results_str = "No coverage information found\n" |
| summary = ["N/A", "N/A", "N/A"] |
| else: |
| cov_header = ["stimuli", "coi", "proof"] |
| cov_colalign = ("center", ) * len(cov_header) |
| cov_table = [cov_header] |
| cov_table.append([ |
| formal_coverage["stimuli"], |
| formal_coverage["coi"], |
| formal_coverage["proof"] |
| ]) |
| summary.append(formal_coverage["stimuli"]) |
| summary.append(formal_coverage["coi"]) |
| summary.append(formal_coverage["proof"]) |
| |
| if len(cov_table) > 1: |
| results_str = tabulate(cov_table, headers="firstrow", |
| tablefmt="pipe", colalign=cov_colalign) |
| |
| else: |
| results_str = "No content in formal_coverage\n" |
| summary = ["N/A", "N/A", "N/A"] |
| return results_str, summary |
| |
| def gen_results_summary(self): |
| # Gathers the aggregated results from all sub configs |
| # The results_summary will only contain the passing rate and |
| # percentages of the stimuli, coi, and proven coverage |
| # The email_summary will contain all the information from results_md |
| results_str = "## " + self.results_title + " (Summary)\n\n" |
| results_str += "### " + self.timestamp_long + "\n" |
| if self.revision: |
| results_str += "### " + self.revision + "\n" |
| results_str += "### Branch: " + self.branch + "\n" |
| results_str += "\n" |
| |
| colalign = ("center", ) * len(self.summary_header) |
| table = [self.summary_header] |
| for cfg in self.cfgs: |
| try: |
| table.append(cfg.result_summary[cfg.name]) |
| except KeyError as e: |
| table.append([cfg.name, "ERROR", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A"]) |
| log.error("cfg: %s could not find generated results_summary: %s", cfg.name, e) |
| if len(table) > 1: |
| self.results_summary_md = results_str + tabulate( |
| table, headers="firstrow", tablefmt="pipe", colalign=colalign) |
| else: |
| self.results_summary_md = results_str |
| |
| log.info("[result summary]: %s", self.results_summary_md) |
| |
| # Generate email results summary |
| colalign = ("left", ) + ("center", ) * (len(self.header) - 1) |
| email_table = [self.header] |
| error_message = "" |
| |
| for cfg in self.cfgs: |
| email_result = cfg.result.get("summary") |
| if email_result is not None: |
| email_table.append([ |
| cfg.name, |
| str(email_result["errors"]) + " E ", |
| str(email_result["warnings"]) + " W ", |
| str(email_result["proven"]) + " G ", |
| str(email_result["cex"]) + " E ", |
| str(email_result["undetermined"]) + " W ", |
| str(email_result["covered"]) + " G ", |
| str(email_result["unreachable"]) + " E ", |
| email_result["pass_rate"], |
| email_result["cov_rate"] |
| ]) |
| messages = cfg.result.get("messages") |
| if messages is not None: |
| # TODO: temp disable printing out warnings in results_summary |
| # Will clean up formal warnings first, then display warnings |
| error = self.parse_dict_to_str(messages, ["warnings"]) |
| if error: |
| error_message += "\n#### " + cfg.name + "\n" |
| error_message += error |
| |
| if len(email_table) > 1: |
| self.email_summary_md = results_str + tabulate( |
| email_table, headers="firstrow", tablefmt="pipe", colalign=colalign) |
| self.email_summary_md += error_message |
| |
| return self.results_summary_md |
| |
| def _gen_results(self, results): |
| # This function is called after the regression and looks for |
| # results.hjson file with aggregated results from the formal logfile. |
| # The hjson file is required to follow this format: |
| # { |
| # "messages": { |
| # "errors" : [] |
| # "warnings" : [] |
| # "cex" : ["property1", "property2"...], |
| # "undetermined": [], |
| # "unreachable" : [], |
| # }, |
| # |
| # "summary": { |
| # "errors" : 0 |
| # "warnings" : 2 |
| # "proven" : 20, |
| # "cex" : 5, |
| # "covered" : 18, |
| # "undetermined": 7, |
| # "unreachable" : 2, |
| # "pass_rate" : "90 %", |
| # "cover_rate" : "90 %" |
| # }, |
| # } |
| # The categories for property results are: proven, cex, undetermined, |
| # covered, and unreachable. |
| # |
| # If coverage was enabled then results.hjson will also have an item that |
| # shows formal coverage. It will have the following format: |
| # "coverage": { |
| # stimuli: "90 %", |
| # coi : "90 %", |
| # proof : "80 %" |
| # } |
| results_str = "## " + self.results_title + "\n\n" |
| results_str += "### " + self.timestamp_long + "\n" |
| if self.revision: |
| results_str += "### " + self.revision + "\n" |
| results_str += "### Branch: " + self.branch + "\n" |
| results_str += "### Tool: " + self.tool.upper() + "\n" |
| summary = [self.name] # cfg summary for publish results |
| |
| assert len(self.deploy) == 1 |
| mode = self.deploy[0] |
| |
| if results[mode] == "P": |
| result_data = Path(subst_wildcards(self.build_dir, |
| {"build_mode": mode.name}), |
| 'results.hjson') |
| try: |
| with open(result_data, "r") as results_file: |
| self.result = hjson.load(results_file, use_decimal=True) |
| except IOError as err: |
| log.warning("%s", err) |
| self.result = { |
| "messages": { |
| "errors": ["IOError: %s" % err], |
| } |
| } |
| |
| results_str += "\n\n## Formal " + self.sub_flow.upper() + " Results\n" |
| formal_result_str, formal_summary = self.get_summary(self.result) |
| results_str += formal_result_str |
| summary += formal_summary |
| |
| if self.cov: |
| results_str += "\n\n## Coverage Results\n" |
| results_str += ("### Coverage html file dir: " + |
| self.scratch_path + "/default/formal-icarus\n\n") |
| cov_result_str, cov_summary = self.get_coverage(self.result) |
| results_str += cov_result_str |
| summary += cov_summary |
| else: |
| summary += ["N/A", "N/A", "N/A"] |
| |
| if results[mode] != "P": |
| results_str += "\n## List of Failures\n" + ''.join( |
| mode.launcher.fail_msg.message) |
| |
| messages = self.result.get("messages") |
| if messages is not None: |
| results_str += self.parse_dict_to_str(messages) |
| |
| # Write results to the scratch area |
| self.results_md = results_str |
| results_file = self.scratch_path + "/results_" + self.timestamp + ".md" |
| with open(results_file, 'w') as f: |
| f.write(self.results_md) |
| |
| # Generate result summary |
| self.result_summary[self.name] = summary |
| |
| log.log(VERBOSE, "[results page]: [%s] [%s]", self.name, results_file) |
| return self.results_md |
| |
| def _publish_results(self): |
| ''' our agreement with tool vendors allows us to publish the summary |
| results (as in gen_results_summary). |
| |
| In default this method does nothing: detailed messages from each child |
| cfg will not be published. |
| If the publish_report argument is set to true, this method will only |
| publish a result summary of the child cfg. |
| ''' |
| if self.publish_report: |
| self.publish_results_md = self.gen_results_summary() |
| super()._publish_results() |
| else: |
| return |