| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // This it the padctrl portion that has to be placed into the toplevel. |
| // It basically just wraps the regfile and outputs the configuration bits |
| // to be consumed on the chiplevel. |
| // |
| |
| `define PRIM_DEFAULT_IMPL prim_pkg::ImplGeneric |
| `endif |
| |
| module padctrl #( |
| parameter prim_pkg::impl_e Impl = `PRIM_DEFAULT_IMPL |
| ) ( |
| input clk_i, |
| input rst_ni, |
| // Bus Interface (device) |
| input tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_i, |
| output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_o, |
| // pad attributes to chip level instance |
| output logic[padctrl_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] |
| [padctrl_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] mio_attr_o, |
| output logic[padctrl_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] |
| [padctrl_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] dio_attr_o |
| ); |
| |
| import prim_pkg::*; |
| |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // This controls the WARL'ness of the CSRs |
| // needs to be in line with the corresponding |
| // prim_pad_wrapper implementation |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| logic [padctrl_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] warl_mask; |
| if (Impl == ImplGeneric) begin : gen_generic |
| // all attributes supported |
| assign warl_mask = padctrl_reg_pkg::AttrDw'(6'h3F); |
| end else if (Impl == ImplXilinx) begin : gen_xilinx |
| // only OD and INV supported |
| assign warl_mask = padctrl_reg_pkg::AttrDw'(2'h3); |
| end else begin : gen_failure |
| assign warl_mask = 'X; |
| // TODO: Find code that works across tools and causes a compile failure |
| end |
| |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Regfile |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| padctrl_reg_pkg::padctrl_reg2hw_t reg2hw; |
| padctrl_reg_pkg::padctrl_hw2reg_t hw2reg; |
| |
| padctrl_reg_top i_reg_top ( |
| .clk_i , |
| .rst_ni , |
| .tl_i , |
| .tl_o , |
| .reg2hw , |
| .hw2reg , |
| .devmode_i(1'b1) |
| ); |
| |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // HWEXT Regs |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| logic [padctrl_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0][padctrl_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] dio_attr_q; |
| logic [padctrl_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0][padctrl_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] mio_attr_q; |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : p_regs |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| dio_attr_q <= '0; |
| mio_attr_q <= '0; |
| end else begin |
| // dedicated pads |
| for (int kk = 0; kk < padctrl_reg_pkg::NDioPads; kk++) begin |
| if (reg2hw.dio_pads[kk].qe) begin |
| dio_attr_q[kk] <= reg2hw.dio_pads[kk].q; |
| end |
| end |
| // muxed pads |
| for (int kk = 0; kk < padctrl_reg_pkg::NMioPads; kk++) begin |
| if (reg2hw.mio_pads[kk].qe) begin |
| mio_attr_q[kk] <= reg2hw.mio_pads[kk].q; |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Connect attributes |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // using the warl_mask here instead instead of in the register assignment above |
| // avoids lint errors. the unused registers can be removed automatically by most tools. |
| for (genvar k = 0; k < padctrl_reg_pkg::NDioPads; k++) begin : gen_dio_attr |
| assign dio_attr_o[k] = dio_attr_q[k] & warl_mask; |
| assign hw2reg.dio_pads[k].d = dio_attr_q[k] & warl_mask; |
| end |
| |
| for (genvar k = 0; k < padctrl_reg_pkg::NMioPads; k++) begin : gen_mio_attr |
| assign mio_attr_o[k] = mio_attr_q[k] & warl_mask; |
| assign hw2reg.mio_pads[k].d = mio_attr_q[k] & warl_mask; |
| end |
| |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Assertions |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(TlKnownO_A, tl_o, clk_i, !rst_ni) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(MioKnownO_A, mio_attr_o, clk_i, !rst_ni) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(DioKnownO_A, dio_attr_o, clk_i, !rst_ni) |
| |
| endmodule : padctrl |