| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // tb__xbar_connect generated by `topgen.py` tool |
| <% |
| from collections import OrderedDict |
| import topgen.lib as lib |
| |
| top_hier = 'tb.dut.top_' + top["name"] + '.' |
| clk_hier = top_hier + top["clocks"].hier_paths["top"] |
| |
| clk_src = OrderedDict() |
| for xbar in top["xbar"]: |
| for clk, src in xbar["clock_srcs"].items(): |
| clk_src[clk] = src |
| |
| clk_freq = OrderedDict() |
| for clock in top["clocks"].all_srcs.values(): |
| if clock.name in clk_src.values(): |
| clk_freq[clock.name] = clock.freq |
| |
| hosts = OrderedDict() |
| devices = OrderedDict() |
| for xbar in top["xbar"]: |
| for node in xbar["nodes"]: |
| if node["type"] == "host" and not node["xbar"]: |
| hosts[node["name"]] = "clk_" + clk_src[node["clock"]] |
| elif node["type"] == "device" and not node["xbar"]: |
| devices[node["name"]] = "clk_" + clk_src[node["clock"]] |
| |
| def escape_if_name(qual_if_name): |
| return qual_if_name.replace('.', '__') |
| |
| %>\ |
| |
| ## Need to use a variable assignment for "\" to bypass the newline filter. |
| `define DRIVE_CHIP_TL_HOST_IF(tl_name, inst_name, sig_name) ${"\\"} |
| force ``tl_name``_tl_if.d2h = dut.top_${top["name"]}.u_``inst_name``.``sig_name``_i; ${"\\"} |
| force dut.top_${top["name"]}.u_``inst_name``.``sig_name``_o = ``tl_name``_tl_if.h2d; ${"\\"} |
| force dut.top_${top["name"]}.u_``inst_name``.clk_i = 0; ${"\\"} |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual tl_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*env.%0s_agent", `"tl_name`"), "vif", ${"\\"} |
| ``tl_name``_tl_if); |
| |
| `define DRIVE_CHIP_TL_DEVICE_IF(tl_name, inst_name, sig_name) ${"\\"} |
| force ``tl_name``_tl_if.h2d = dut.top_${top["name"]}.u_``inst_name``.``sig_name``_i; ${"\\"} |
| force dut.top_${top["name"]}.u_``inst_name``.``sig_name``_o = ``tl_name``_tl_if.d2h; ${"\\"} |
| force dut.top_${top["name"]}.u_``inst_name``.clk_i = 0; ${"\\"} |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual tl_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*env.%0s_agent", `"tl_name`"), "vif", ${"\\"} |
| ``tl_name``_tl_if); |
| |
| `define DRIVE_CHIP_TL_EXT_DEVICE_IF(tl_name, port_name) ${"\\"} |
| force ``tl_name``_tl_if.h2d = dut.top_${top["name"]}.``port_name``_req_o; ${"\\"} |
| force dut.top_${top["name"]}.``port_name``_rsp_i = ``tl_name``_tl_if.d2h; ${"\\"} |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual tl_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*env.%0s_agent", `"tl_name`"), "vif", ${"\\"} |
| ``tl_name``_tl_if); |
| |
| % for c in clk_freq.keys(): |
| wire clk_${c}; |
| clk_rst_if clk_rst_if_${c}(.clk(clk_${c}), .rst_n(rst_n)); |
| % endfor |
| |
| % for i, clk in hosts.items(): |
| tl_if ${escape_if_name(i)}_tl_if(${clk}, rst_n); |
| % endfor |
| |
| % for i, clk in devices.items(): |
| tl_if ${escape_if_name(i)}_tl_if(${clk}, rst_n); |
| % endfor |
| |
| initial begin |
| bit xbar_mode; |
| void'($value$plusargs("xbar_mode=%0b", xbar_mode)); |
| if (xbar_mode) begin |
| // only enable assertions in xbar as many pins are unconnected |
| $assertoff(0, tb); |
| % for xbar in top["xbar"]: |
| $asserton(0, tb.dut.top_${top["name"]}.u_xbar_${xbar["name"]}); |
| % endfor |
| |
| % for c in clk_freq.keys(): |
| clk_rst_if_${c}.set_active(.drive_rst_n_val(0)); |
| clk_rst_if_${c}.set_freq_khz(${clk_freq[c]} / 1000); |
| % endfor |
| |
| // bypass clkmgr, force clocks directly |
| % for xbar in top["xbar"]: |
| % for clk, src in xbar["clock_srcs"].items(): |
| force ${top_hier}u_xbar_${xbar["name"]}.${clk} = clk_${src}; |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| |
| // bypass rstmgr, force resets directly |
| % for xbar in top["xbar"]: |
| % for rst in xbar["reset_connections"]: |
| force ${top_hier}u_xbar_${xbar["name"]}.${rst} = rst_n; |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| |
| % for xbar in top["xbar"]: |
| % for node in xbar["nodes"]: |
| <% |
| clk = 'clk_' + clk_src[node["clock"]] |
| esc_name = node['name'].replace('.', '__') |
| inst_sig_list = lib.find_otherside_modules(top, xbar["name"], 'tl_' + esc_name) |
| inst_name = inst_sig_list[0][1] |
| sig_name = inst_sig_list[0][2] |
| %>\ |
| % if node["type"] == "host" and not node["xbar"]: |
| `DRIVE_CHIP_TL_HOST_IF(${esc_name}, ${inst_name}, ${sig_name}) |
| % elif node["type"] == "device" and not node["xbar"] and node["stub"]: |
| `DRIVE_CHIP_TL_EXT_DEVICE_IF(${esc_name}, ${inst_name}_${sig_name}) |
| % elif node["type"] == "device" and not node["xbar"]: |
| `DRIVE_CHIP_TL_DEVICE_IF(${esc_name}, ${inst_name}, ${sig_name}) |
| % endif |
| % endfor |
| % endfor |
| end |
| end |
| |