blob: 690b7a82b66c980f4d3143123766fe9b52b3a5ae [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from shared.mem_layout import get_memory_layout
from .alert import BadAddrError
from .csr import CSRFile
from .dmem import Dmem
from .ext_regs import OTBNExtRegs
from .flags import FlagReg
from .gpr import GPRs
from .loop import LoopStack
from .reg import RegFile
from .trace import Trace, TracePC
from .wsr import WSRFile
class OTBNState:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.gprs = GPRs()
self.wdrs = RegFile('w', 256, 32)
self.wsrs = WSRFile()
self.csrs = CSRFile()
self.pc = 0
self.pc_next = None # type: Optional[int]
_, imem_size = get_memory_layout()['IMEM']
self.imem_size = imem_size
self.dmem = Dmem()
# Stall cycle support: if an instruction causes one or more stall
# cycles, we call add_stall_cycles. This increments self._stalls (a
# non-negative count of the number of stall cycles to wait). On
# self.commit(), the self.stalled flag gets set if necessary and
# self._stalls is decremented.
# As a special case, we stall for one cycle before fetching the first
# instruction (to match the behaviour of the RTL). This is modelled by
# setting self._start_stall and self.stalled.
self.stalled = False
self._stalls = 0
self._start_stall = False
self.loop_stack = LoopStack()
self.ext_regs = OTBNExtRegs()
self.running = False
def add_stall_cycles(self, num_cycles: int) -> None:
'''Add stall cycles before the next insn completes'''
assert num_cycles >= 0
self._stalls += num_cycles
def loop_start(self, iterations: int, bodysize: int) -> None:
next_pc = int(self.pc) + 4
self.loop_stack.start_loop(next_pc, iterations, bodysize)
def loop_step(self) -> None:
back_pc = self.loop_stack.step(self.pc + 4)
if back_pc is not None:
self.pc_next = back_pc
def changes(self) -> List[Trace]:
c = [] # type: List[Trace]
c += self.gprs.changes()
if self.pc_next is not None:
c += self.dmem.changes()
c += self.loop_stack.changes()
c += self.ext_regs.changes()
c += self.wsrs.changes()
c += self.csrs.flags.changes()
c += self.wdrs.changes()
return c
def commit(self) -> None:
# Update self.stalled. If the instruction we just ran stalled us then
# self._stalls will be positive but self.stalled will be false.
assert self._stalls >= 0
if self._stalls > 0:
self.stalled = True
self._stalls -= 1
self.stalled = False
# If self._start_stall, this is the end of the stall cycle at the start
# of a run. We've just cleared self.stalled. Clear self._start_stall
# and commit self.ext_regs (so the start flag becomes visible) but then
# return rather than advancing the PC, ensuring we don't skip the first
# instruction.
if self._start_stall:
self._start_stall = False
# If we're stalled, there's nothing more to do: we only commit when we
# finish our stall cycles.
if self.stalled:
self.pc = self.pc_next if self.pc_next is not None else self.pc + 4
self.pc_next = None
def abort(self) -> None:
'''Abort any pending state changes'''
# This should only be called when an instruction's execution goes
# wrong. If self._stalls is positive, the bad execution caused those
# stalls, so we should just zero them.
self._stalls = 0
self.pc_next = None
def start(self) -> None:
'''Set the running flag and the ext_reg busy flag'''
self.ext_regs.set_bits('STATUS', 1 << 0)
self.running = True
self._start_stall = True
self.stalled = True
def get_quarter_word_unsigned(self, idx: int, qwsel: int) -> int:
'''Select a 64-bit quarter of a wide register.
The bits are interpreted as an unsigned value.
assert 0 <= idx <= 31
assert 0 <= qwsel <= 3
full_val = self.wdrs.get_reg(idx).read_unsigned()
return (full_val >> (qwsel * 64)) & ((1 << 64) - 1)
def set_half_word_unsigned(self, idx: int, hwsel: int, value: int) -> None:
'''Set the low or high 128-bit half of a wide register to value.
The value should be unsigned.
assert 0 <= idx <= 31
assert 0 <= hwsel <= 1
assert 0 <= value <= (1 << 128) - 1
shift = 128 * hwsel
shifted_input = value << shift
mask = ((1 << 128) - 1) << shift
old_val = self.wdrs.get_reg(idx).read_unsigned()
new_val = (old_val & ~mask) | shifted_input
def add_with_carry(a: int, b: int, carry_in: int) -> Tuple[int, FlagReg]:
'''Compute a + b + carry_in and resulting flags.
Here, a and b are unsigned 256-bit numbers and carry_in is 0 or 1.
Returns a pair (result, flags) where result is the unsigned 256-bit
result and flags is the FlagReg that the computation generates.
mask256 = (1 << 256) - 1
assert 0 <= a <= mask256
assert 0 <= b <= mask256
assert 0 <= carry_in <= 1
result = a + b + carry_in
carryless_result = result & mask256
C = bool((result >> 256) & 1)
return (carryless_result, FlagReg.mlz_for_result(C, carryless_result))
def sub_with_borrow(a: int, b: int, borrow_in: int) -> Tuple[int, FlagReg]:
'''Compute a - b - borrow_in and resulting flags.
Here, a and b are unsigned 256-bit numbers and borrow_in is 0 or 1.
Returns a pair (result, flags) where result is the unsigned 256-bit
result and flags is the FlagReg that the computation generates.
mask256 = (1 << 256) - 1
assert 0 <= a <= mask256
assert 0 <= b <= mask256
assert 0 <= borrow_in <= 1
result = a - b - borrow_in
carryless_result = result & mask256
C = bool((result >> 256) & 1)
return (carryless_result, FlagReg.mlz_for_result(C, carryless_result))
def set_flags(self, fg: int, flags: FlagReg) -> None:
'''Update flags for a flag group'''
self.csrs.flags[fg] = flags
def set_mlz_flags(self, fg: int, result: int) -> None:
'''Update M, L, Z flags for a flag group using the given result'''
self.csrs.flags[fg] = \
FlagReg.mlz_for_result(self.csrs.flags[fg].C, result)
def pre_insn(self, insn_affects_control: bool) -> None:
'''Run before running an instruction'''
self.loop_stack.check_insn(self.pc, insn_affects_control)
def check_jump_dest(self) -> None:
'''Check whether self.pc_next is a valid jump/branch target
If not, raises a BadAddrError.
if self.pc_next is None:
# The PC should always be non-negative (it's an error in the simulator
# if that's come unstuck)
assert 0 <= self.pc_next
# Check the new PC is word-aligned
if self.pc_next & 3:
raise BadAddrError('pc', self.pc_next,
'address is not 4-byte aligned')
# Check the new PC lies in instruction memory
if self.pc_next >= self.imem_size:
raise BadAddrError('pc', self.pc_next,
'address lies above the top of imem')
def post_insn(self) -> None:
'''Update state after running an instruction but before commit'''
def read_csr(self, idx: int) -> int:
'''Read the CSR with index idx as an unsigned 32-bit number'''
return self.csrs.read_unsigned(self.wsrs, idx)
def write_csr(self, idx: int, value: int) -> None:
'''Write value (an unsigned 32-bit number) to the CSR with index idx'''
self.csrs.write_unsigned(self.wsrs, idx, value)
def peek_call_stack(self) -> List[int]:
'''Return the current call stack, bottom-first'''
return self.gprs.peek_call_stack()
def stop(self, err_code: Optional[int]) -> None:
'''Set flags to stop the processor.
If err_code is not None, it is the value to write to the ERR_BITS
# INTR_STATE is the interrupt state register. Bit 0 (which is being
# set) is the 'done' flag.
self.ext_regs.set_bits('INTR_STATE', 1 << 0)
# STATUS is a status register. Bit 0 (being cleared) is the 'busy' flag
self.ext_regs.clear_bits('STATUS', 1 << 0)
if err_code is not None:
self.ext_regs.write('ERR_BITS', err_code, True)
self.running = False