| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // AES counter for CTR mode |
| // |
| // This module uses a 16-bit counter to iteratively increment the 128-bit counter value. |
| |
| `include "prim_assert.sv" |
| |
| module aes_ctr( |
| input logic clk_i, |
| input logic rst_ni, |
| |
| input logic incr_i, |
| output logic ready_o, |
| |
| input logic [7:0][15:0] ctr_i, // 8 times 2 bytes |
| output logic [7:0][15:0] ctr_o, // 8 times 2 bytes |
| output logic [7:0] ctr_we_o |
| ); |
| |
| // Reverse byte order |
| function automatic logic [15:0][7:0] aes_rev_order_byte(logic [15:0][7:0] in); |
| logic [15:0][7:0] out; |
| for (int i=0; i<16; i++) begin |
| out[i] = in[15-i]; |
| end |
| return out; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Reverse bit order |
| function automatic logic [7:0] aes_rev_order_bit(logic [7:0] in); |
| logic [7:0] out; |
| for (int i=0; i<8; i++) begin |
| out[i] = in[7-i]; |
| end |
| return out; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Types |
| typedef enum logic { |
| } aes_ctr_e; |
| |
| // Signals |
| aes_ctr_e aes_ctr_ns, aes_ctr_cs; |
| logic [2:0] ctr_slice_idx_d, ctr_slice_idx_q; |
| logic ctr_carry_d, ctr_carry_q; |
| |
| logic [7:0][15:0] ctr_i_rev; // 8 times 2 bytes |
| logic [7:0][15:0] ctr_o_rev; // 8 times 2 bytes |
| logic [7:0] ctr_we_o_rev; |
| logic ctr_we; |
| |
| logic [15:0] ctr_i_slice; |
| logic [15:0] ctr_o_slice; |
| logic [16:0] ctr_value; |
| |
| //////////// |
| // Inputs // |
| //////////// |
| |
| // Reverse byte order |
| assign ctr_i_rev = aes_rev_order_byte(ctr_i); |
| |
| ///////////// |
| // Counter // |
| ///////////// |
| |
| // We do 16 bits at a time. |
| assign ctr_i_slice = ctr_i_rev[ctr_slice_idx_q]; |
| assign ctr_value = ctr_i_slice + {15'b0, ctr_carry_q}; |
| assign ctr_o_slice = ctr_value[15:0]; |
| |
| ///////////// |
| // Control // |
| ///////////// |
| |
| // FSM |
| always_comb begin : aes_ctr_fsm |
| |
| // Outputs |
| ready_o = 1'b0; |
| ctr_we = 1'b0; |
| |
| // FSM |
| aes_ctr_ns = aes_ctr_cs; |
| ctr_slice_idx_d = ctr_slice_idx_q; |
| ctr_carry_d = ctr_carry_q; |
| |
| unique case (aes_ctr_cs) |
| IDLE: begin |
| ready_o = 1'b1; |
| if (incr_i) begin |
| // Initialize slice index and carry bit. |
| ctr_slice_idx_d = '0; |
| ctr_carry_d = 1'b1; |
| aes_ctr_ns = INCR; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| INCR: begin |
| // Increment slice index. |
| ctr_slice_idx_d = ctr_slice_idx_q + 3'b1; |
| ctr_carry_d = ctr_value[16]; |
| ctr_we = 1'b1; |
| |
| if (ctr_slice_idx_q == 3'b111) begin |
| aes_ctr_ns = IDLE; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| default: aes_ctr_ns = IDLE; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| // Registers |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| aes_ctr_cs <= IDLE; |
| ctr_slice_idx_q <= '0; |
| ctr_carry_q <= '0; |
| end else begin |
| aes_ctr_cs <= aes_ctr_ns; |
| ctr_slice_idx_q <= ctr_slice_idx_d; |
| ctr_carry_q <= ctr_carry_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| ///////////// |
| // Outputs // |
| ///////////// |
| |
| // Combine input and counter output. |
| always_comb begin |
| ctr_o_rev = ctr_i_rev; |
| ctr_o_rev[ctr_slice_idx_q] = ctr_o_slice; |
| end |
| |
| // Generate the sliced write enable. |
| always_comb begin |
| ctr_we_o_rev = '0; |
| ctr_we_o_rev[ctr_slice_idx_q] = ctr_we; |
| end |
| |
| // Reverse byte and bit order. |
| assign ctr_o = aes_rev_order_byte(ctr_o_rev); |
| assign ctr_we_o = aes_rev_order_bit(ctr_we_o_rev); |
| |
| //////////////// |
| // Assertions // |
| //////////////// |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(AesCtrStateKnown, aes_ctr_cs) |
| |
| endmodule |