blob: ebe762fbe9bc8a30f6a6b06a0684b65029355b63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#ifdef DV_SIM
#include "sw/device/lib/log_uart/log_impl.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/log_uart/log_impl.h"
* Generic logging APIs
* The logging APIs below take a format string with a variable number of
* arguments for the type specifiers. The APIs are designed to provide a way
* for attaching the message type, verbosity, file name and the line number
* information along with the message to provide an easier path to debug.
* These parameters form the message header which is prepended to the actual
* message being printed. The following is a brief description of these:
* log_type: Severity of the message:
* info, warning, error or fatal
* This is indicated using LOG_TYPE_* set of macros which are
* set to empty strings by default.
* verbosity: Verbosity of the message (applicable only to info messages):
* none, low, medium, high, full and debug.
* Based on the desired verbosity, the visibility of certain
* messages can be turned off. This is expected to be done
* externally (for example, if the messages go to a log,
* the desired verbosity messages can be searched and filtered
* out). This is indicated using the LOG_VERB_* set of macros
* which are set to empty strings by default.
* file name: Name of the file using __FILE__
* line number: Line where the print originated using __LINE__
* The construction of the log header using the above parameters is provided
* by the LOG_HEADER() helper macro.
* Once the header is constructed, another API is invoked that takes the header
* and the original message as arguments and prints the whole message using the
* desired implementation. This is provided by the PRINT_LOG() helper macro.
* All of these macros defined in this file can be overridden to customize the
* flow based on the desired outcome. This is done in the log_impl.h header
* file, placed in the sw/util/log_<impl> directory. The correct log_impl.h is
* selected by the build system which resolves the dependency based on the
* desired implementation.
* Supported format type specifiers
* The list of supported format specifiers is limited to integer / numerical
* types to maintain compatibility of the source code across different targets
* such as DV, Verilator and FPGA based simulations. These are as follows:
* %b: Print binary [SystemVerilog style].
* %i: Signed decimal.
* %d: Signed decimal.
* %u: Unsigned decimal.
* %o: Octal.
* %c: Single character byte.
* %X: Upper case hex.
* %H: Upper case hex [SystemVerilog style].
* %x: Lower case hex.
* %h: Lower case hex [SystemVerilog style].
* %%: Escape '%'.
* In addition, there is an elementary support for specifing the width (as a
* positive number) to set the minimun number of digits to be print:
* %3d: Print minimum 3 digits, if fewer than 3 is available, then pad with 0s.
* Log type and verbosity string constants
* These are strings used by the LOG_HEADER helper macro to construct the
* header. These are set to empty strings - override these with the desired
* strings in the implementation-specific log_impl.h header.
#define LOG_TYPE_INFO ""
#define LOG_TYPE_ERROR ""
#define LOG_TYPE_FATAL ""
#define LOG_VERB_NONE ""
#ifndef LOG_VERB_LOW
#define LOG_VERB_LOW ""
#define LOG_VERB_MEDIUM ""
#define LOG_VERB_HIGH ""
#define LOG_VERB_FULL ""
#define LOG_VERB_DEBUG ""
* Log header helper macro
* This macro provides a way to construct the log header string using the above
* string constants. This is set to an empty string - override this with the
* desired header construction in the implementation-specific log_impl.h
* header.
#ifndef LOG_HEADER
#define LOG_HEADER(log_type, verbosity) ""
* Print log helper macro
* The generic logging APIs below are expected to invoke this underneath
* and provide a way to suppliment the message being printed with a header.
* Override this in the implementation-specific log_impl.h header.
#ifndef PRINT_LOG
#warning PRINT_LOG undefined: it will result in vacuous invocation
#define PRINT_LOG(log_header, ...)
* Logging APIs
* The following are a set of generic message APIs available for use in
* OpenTitan SW. These invoke the PRINT_LOG() helper macro which is vacuously
* defined above. The LOG_HEADER() helper macro is invoked in place of the
* "log_header' argument to PRINT_LOG(). LOG_HEADER() is also vacuously defined
* above. These helper macros can be overridden in the implementation-specific
* log_impl.h macro to achieve the desired outcome.
* The generic message APIs themselves can also be overridden if there is a
* desire to do so.
* @param fmt: Format string message with type specifiers. To maintain
* compatibility with the message API implementation for DV, the
* type specifiers are limited to integer types.
* @param ...: Arguments passed to the format string based on the type
* specifiers in fmt.
// Print an info message with no verbosity.
#ifndef LOG_INFO
#define LOG_INFO(...) \
// Print an info message with low verbosity.
#ifndef LOG_INFO_LOW
#define LOG_INFO_LOW(...) \
// Print an info message with medium verbosity.
#define LOG_INFO_MEDIUM(...) \
// Print an info message with high verbosity.
#define LOG_INFO_HIGH(...) \
// Print an info message with full verbosity.
#define LOG_INFO_FULL(...) \
// Print an info message with debug verbosity.
#define LOG_INFO_DEBUG(...) \
// Print a warning message.
#define LOG_WARNING(...) \
// Print an error message.
#ifndef LOG_ERROR
// Print a fatal error message.
#ifndef LOG_FATAL