blob: a7f70f97cb5b02a67e46f5802745a5d7883f5ca4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SHA-256 Padding logic
module sha2_pad import hmac_pkg::*; (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input wipe_secret,
input sha_word_t wipe_v,
// To actual FIFO
input fifo_rvalid,
input sha_fifo_t fifo_rdata,
output logic fifo_rready,
// from SHA2 compress engine
output logic shaf_rvalid,
output sha_word_t shaf_rdata,
input shaf_rready,
input sha_en,
input hash_start,
input hash_process,
input hash_done,
input [63:0] message_length, // # of bytes in bits (8 bits granularity)
output logic msg_feed_complete // Indicates, all message is feeded
// TODO: Thorough scenario for sha_en turn off in the middle of the ops.
//logic [8:0] length_added;
logic [63:0] tx_count; // fin received data count.
logic inc_txcount;
logic fifo_partial;
logic txcnt_eq_1a0;
logic hash_process_flag; // Set by hash_process, clear by hash_done
assign fifo_partial = ~&fifo_rdata.mask;
// tx_count[8:0] == 'h1c0 --> should send LenHi
assign txcnt_eq_1a0 = (tx_count[8:0] == 9'h1a0);
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
hash_process_flag <= 1'b0;
end else if (hash_process) begin
hash_process_flag <= 1'b1;
end else if (hash_done || hash_start) begin
hash_process_flag <= 1'b0;
// Data path: fout_wdata
typedef enum logic [2:0] {
FifoIn, // fin_wdata, fin_wstrb
Pad80, // {8'h80, 8'h00} , strb (calc based on len[4:3])
Pad00, // 32'h0, full strb
LenHi, // len[63:32], full strb
LenLo // len[31:0], full strb
} sel_data_e;
sel_data_e sel_data;
always_comb begin
unique case (sel_data)
FifoIn: begin
shaf_rdata =;
Pad80: begin
// {a[7:0], b[7:0], c[7:0], d[7:0]}
// msglen[4:3] == 00 |-> {'h80, 'h00, 'h00, 'h00}
// msglen[4:3] == 01 |-> {msg, 'h80, 'h00, 'h00}
// msglen[4:3] == 10 |-> {msg[15:0], 'h80, 'h00}
// msglen[4:3] == 11 |-> {msg[23:0], 'h80}
unique case (message_length[4:3])
2'b 00: shaf_rdata = 32'h 8000_0000;
2'b 01: shaf_rdata = {[31:24], 24'h 8000_00};
2'b 10: shaf_rdata = {[31:16], 16'h 8000};
2'b 11: shaf_rdata = {[31: 8], 8'h 80};
default: shaf_rdata = 32'h0;
Pad00: begin
shaf_rdata = '0;
LenHi: begin
shaf_rdata = message_length[63:32];
LenLo: begin
shaf_rdata = message_length[31:0];
default: begin
shaf_rdata = '0;
// Padded length
// $ceil(message_length + 8 + 64, 512) -> message_length [8:0] + 440 and ignore carry
//assign length_added = (message_length[8:0] + 9'h1b8) ;
// fifo control
// add 8'h 80 , N 8'h00, 64'h message_length
// Steps
// 1. `hash_start` from CPU (or DMA?)
// 2. calculate `padded_length` from `message_length`
// 3. Check if tx_count == message_length, then go to 5
// 4. Receiving FIFO input (hand over to fifo output)
// 5. Padding bit 1 (8'h80) followed by 8'h00 if needed
// 6. Padding with length (high -> low)
// State Machine
typedef enum logic [2:0] {
StIdle, // fin_full to prevent unwanted FIFO write
StFifoReceive, // Check tx_count == message_length
StPad80, // 8'h 80 + 8'h 00 X N
} pad_st_e;
pad_st_e st_q, st_d;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
st_q <= StIdle;
end else begin
st_q <= st_d;
// Next state
// TODO: Error handling (shaf_rready with shaf_rvalid == 1)
always_comb begin
shaf_rvalid = 1'b0;
inc_txcount = 1'b0;
sel_data = FifoIn;
fifo_rready = 1'b0;
st_d = StIdle;
unique case (st_q)
StIdle: begin
sel_data = FifoIn;
shaf_rvalid = 1'b0;
if (sha_en && hash_start) begin
inc_txcount = 1'b0;
st_d = StFifoReceive;
end else begin
st_d = StIdle;
StFifoReceive: begin
sel_data = FifoIn;
if (fifo_partial && fifo_rvalid) begin
// End of the message, assume hash_process_flag is set
shaf_rvalid = 1'b0; // Update entry at StPad80
inc_txcount = 1'b0;
fifo_rready = 1'b0;
st_d = StPad80;
end else if (!hash_process_flag) begin
fifo_rready = shaf_rready;
shaf_rvalid = fifo_rvalid;
inc_txcount = shaf_rready;
st_d = StFifoReceive;
end else if (tx_count == message_length) begin
// already received all msg and was waiting process flag
shaf_rvalid = 1'b0;
inc_txcount = 1'b0;
fifo_rready = 1'b0;
st_d = StPad80;
end else begin
shaf_rvalid = fifo_rvalid;
fifo_rready = shaf_rready; // 0 always
inc_txcount = shaf_rready; // 0 always
st_d = StFifoReceive;
StPad80: begin
sel_data = Pad80;
shaf_rvalid = 1'b1;
fifo_rready = shaf_rready && |message_length[4:3]; // Only when partial
// exactly 96 bits left, do not need to pad00's
if (shaf_rready && txcnt_eq_1a0) begin
st_d = StLenHi;
inc_txcount = 1'b1;
// it does not matter if value is < or > than 416 bits. If it's the former, 00 pad until
// length field. If >, then the next chunk will contain the length field with appropriate
// 0 padding.
end else if (shaf_rready && !txcnt_eq_1a0) begin
st_d = StPad00;
inc_txcount = 1'b1;
end else begin
st_d = StPad80;
inc_txcount = 1'b0;
// # Below part is temporal code to speed up the SHA by 16 clocks per chunk
// # (80 clk --> 64 clk)
// # leaving this as a reference but needs to verify it.
//if (shaf_rready && !txcnt_eq_1a0) begin
// st_d = StPad00;
// inc_txcount = 1'b1;
// shaf_rvalid = (msg_word_aligned) ? 1'b1 : fifo_rvalid;
// fifo_rready = (msg_word_aligned) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
//end else if (!shaf_rready && !txcnt_eq_1a0) begin
// st_d = StPad80;
// inc_txcount = 1'b0;
// shaf_rvalid = (msg_word_aligned) ? 1'b1 : fifo_rvalid;
//end else if (shaf_rready && txcnt_eq_1a0) begin
// st_d = StLenHi;
// inc_txcount = 1'b1;
//end else begin
// // !shaf_rready && txcnt_eq_1a0 , just wait until fifo_rready asserted
// st_d = StPad80;
// inc_txcount = 1'b0;
StPad00: begin
sel_data = Pad00;
shaf_rvalid = 1'b1;
if (shaf_rready) begin
inc_txcount = 1'b1;
if (txcnt_eq_1a0) begin
st_d = StLenHi;
end else begin
st_d = StPad00;
end else begin
st_d = StPad00;
StLenHi: begin
sel_data = LenHi;
shaf_rvalid = 1'b1;
if (shaf_rready) begin
st_d = StLenLo;
inc_txcount = 1'b1;
end else begin
st_d = StLenHi;
inc_txcount = 1'b0;
StLenLo: begin
sel_data = LenLo;
shaf_rvalid = 1'b1;
if (shaf_rready) begin
st_d = StIdle;
inc_txcount = 1'b1;
end else begin
st_d = StLenLo;
inc_txcount = 1'b0;
default: begin
st_d = StIdle;
// tx_count
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
tx_count <= '0;
end else if (hash_start) begin
tx_count <= '0;
end else if (inc_txcount) begin
tx_count[63:5] <= tx_count[63:5] + 1'b1;
// State machine is in Idle only when it meets tx_count == message length
assign msg_feed_complete = hash_process_flag && (st_q == StIdle);
// When fifo_partial, fifo shouldn't be empty and hash_process was set
fifo_partial && fifo_rvalid |-> hash_process_flag,
clk_i, !rst_ni)